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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. That would make a killer frag tank light! How long is the dual unit? That is basically the same unit I ran in my previous display tank although canopy mounted instead of in a fixture.
  2. Man - so many good pieces in there Miles. Wish my tank was sorted out so I could rehome some of those for you. Really bummed to see this system come down - you had it really dialed in.
  3. But it works on vampires so it must be good right?
  4. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing the new tank setup. Most of the LFS around town have either DI or premixed salt water available for purchase if you want (eg Cuttlefish and Seahorse). A lot of folk just run their RO/DI output directly into their tank and wait it out but that can require a bit of extra tubing. Someone would probably lend you some extra tubs for water if you can’t go straight to the tank. Just a few ideas.
  5. Bummer - sounded like you had cleared that hurdle. Hope it eventually makes it into the DT safely!
  6. I will third this - these two do first rate work and good guys to boot.
  7. Oh you know they are out there. We... I mean they are just too shy to admit it.
  8. I hear that! Did you decide not to run the reactor on Calvin’s old tank? Doing dosing instead?
  9. That is a nice unit - built in flow meter and secondary chamber.
  10. Well then... this should be perfect! Should probably include sufficient time for the frags to heal before distribution to limit the number of losses out of the gate.
  11. Hey man... where have you been? Good to see you are still in the SPS zone.
  12. Looking forward to seeing this in action! Might even convert me to a peristaltic for my CA reactor if it can be done at a reasonable price 😄
  13. Welcome! Glad you decided to make the plunge and join us as you start up your "forever" build. Lots of experienced and helpful folk on her who will probably be happy to give advice as needed - quite a few down toward your part of Oregon as well. Looking forward to seeing your build.
  14. Haha! I have no doubt that is true. If my tank was sorted out I would send you in there for me!
  15. The molokopdx payment should be from "Maxicurls" not sure about the other two question marks.
  16. No kidding. The only problem would be trying to make all your choices in only 30 minutes. Heck, I can't pick one coral in that amount of time 😃
  17. Yeah - no kidding. That typically works out so well...
  18. Hmmm. That doesn't sound good. I have been tempted by these ever since Jeff started getting them in but a little big for my system.
  19. That is fantastic! Very generous and thoughtful. I think the ongoing care/ maintenance can be one of those things that can get overlooked so really nice to see a vendor contribute beyond the startup. Thanks Rod!
  20. I think we have a winner by default. That is a lot of algae there Daniel!
  21. Maybe send me that tank you got out there since you are cleaning up anyway... 😄
  22. Wow - you are killing it there Jeff! Will be another great raffle this year!
  23. Wow - that tank does look super clean! GLWS!
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