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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Man... you all put my setup to shame. I have some cable management issues for sure.
  2. I've had a couple different ones over the years without any issues (SPS, LPS, Zoas). Like any angel, there is always some risk but I think the majority of them seem like they are good citizens.
  3. Hope it worked out for you. Glad a couple folk were able to come up with some options.
  4. Of course he did... πŸ™„ The man does like his zoanthids and knows a nice one when he sees it πŸ‘
  5. Congrats. I’ve seen some really nice coral beauties come in recently.
  6. I want all of these 😁. That said, I think you posted in the wrong meeting thread my friend.
  7. Hey Jeremy, if this thing works you don’t really have an excuse to not set up that new tank! 😁
  8. Nice! Great to have some new pics to drool over. Haven't seen an update for a while...
  9. Oh man... glad I saw this comment before watching it - I hate those worms so much. I think Bert may have even kept one he captured in one of his displays. Ugh.
  10. Hey Rich - welcome back. I recognize that handle from way back. Good luck with the reboot! I am just recovering from a major crash so don't have anything to throw your way at this point... sorry about that 😞
  11. Good luck with this trial - hope it works for you as it's always good to have some testimonials from our local crew and potentially more resources for keeping our reefs healthy. I am sensitive to all the issues Manny raised but worth a shot for sure.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for the update Cherany. Cool that they get to vote on their favorite additions - nice way to make it more of a group activity. The flash medication approach sounds like a good compromise given the realities of the setup - can't wait to see a pic in his hew home.
  13. Looking great Carla - thanks for sharing!
  14. Haha - that is exactly the gift I was thinking of. Too funny!
  15. I would just add that you should save any Justin Bieber related items for Scott @spectra - he is a big fan.
  16. Seems to be turning the corner - I see a grape and a rainbow monti making comebacks!
  17. Guess I better start being on good behavior for a change if you are going to hold frag grudges. Probably already way too late though...
  18. Glad to hear you will make it Bill - been a while! Looking forward to seeing everyone since I had to miss out on the fragfest. Here's hoping we get everything sorted for mom before the 22nd so I can actually make it (thinking positive thoughts...).
  19. Holly's chaeto is the best πŸ™‚
  20. Done! Cherany will let you know when one is available @Flashy Fins
  21. Color balance looks pretty accurate. Maybe a bit more contrast and/or saturation? Just guessing really...
  22. Remind me again... does Dawn read this forum?
  23. Oh man... hard to forget that line. Made me cringe every time.
  24. Oh yeah - a staple of late night TV! Who wouldn't want to cut their aluminum cans into little strips after all?
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