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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Interesting... mine had a bit different color but probably the lighting. Very attractive for sure!
  2. Some really nice pieces there Carla! What is the last one?
  3. Thanks for reminding me Andy! lots of good advice on here. I would also be concerned that the brown jelly could be symptomatic of a different stressor so would encourage the ICO test ASAP as well as some more aggressive water changes if you are equipped for that. As others have mentioned, the smaller daily changes are great for maintenance but if something is off (like a contaminant, toxin etc.) it wonโ€™t overcome that. If you have another tank setup for isolation/qt you could try removing and dipping the affected corals while you trouble shoot the main system. I wasnโ€™t really able to do any of these counter measures when I started haveing issues (for various reasons) And basically lost everything - not to freak you out. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  4. Welcome Dan! As mentioned, there is a pretty good collection of members down your way as well as some great LFS resources so you are in good hands in that regard. Some of most knowledgeable and active members hail from Salem and points South.
  5. Glad to hear he is doing well for you. Such cool fish!
  6. Wow! - you do have a bit of an overgrowth issue going on there! At least they seem happy...
  7. Interesting. I would be curious if anyone on here has actually put one of these to test in their system yet. Certainly seems like a good idea on paper (assuming the odor issue doesn't materialize).
  8. Hey Jeff - I am going to file this away for future reference since I am a lot closer to you ๐Ÿ˜„ LED lighting is one of the "techy" things I haven't had the time to brush up on. Bamburg - glad you got it sorted out!
  9. To be fair, its hard to tell sometimes ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  10. Interesting change. It's as if the patterning became more "organized" somehow.
  11. Thank you for the great photo documentation as always Bert! Love seeing the recaps even when I made it to the event - it's like getting to live all the fun over again! Was good seeing a lot of familiar faces as well as a few new ones. Thank you all for coming out to meet on such a busy weekend right before Christmas and also thanks to all of those who put in the work to organize and host as well as a special shout out to Garett at Premium Aquarium for scoring us all the great raffle prizes on short notice. Now we need to start planning January!!!
  12. Missed you and the C&C crew Jeff. Hope you had a great holiday. Looking forward to Bertโ€™s pics - as always!
  13. Well Taylor knows I'm a fellow RX7 fan so hopefully he will forgive the brief thread jack ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I only had fcs myself but really enjoyed them. I certainly applaud the attempt to find a suitable donor for the race mods vs. breaking up a nice, rare stock example. Hadn't thought about the headroom issue but that isn't something I ever really need to deal with ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  14. Is this one yours Randall? Looks good in the driveway!
  15. Merry Christmas alll! May you enjoy some time together with family and friends.
  16. So who won? Inquiring minds need to know ๐Ÿ˜„
  17. I don't think we have details lined up for our meetings over the next few months so we could consider doing this in conjunction with one of those if you wanted to. Just need a venue big enough to host. If you got the shop sorted out by then that might work... although parking could be a challenge. We might need some additional tank capacity - not sure if anyone has some mobile frag systems. Something to think about anyway.
  18. Hmmm. Maybe we should talk. Need to restock after the great crash of 2018 ๐Ÿ™ Got some starts from Jeremy at the meeting (Thanks!) but there will be room for more of those do well.
  19. Hey Mike, The meetings tend to rotate between Portland and points south and sometimes north. We have members spread out all along the I5 corridor and from the coast to bend and even farther east so we try and move them around a bit. I donโ€™t think we have a location nailed down for the next one but keep an eye on the meetings and events threads for details.
  20. Sorry to hear about your login issues Mike. I am tagging our admins on this in case itโ€™s something they can help with. @TheClark @Chief
  21. Headed down south for the meeting - hope to see a lot of you there!
  22. Never mind... I misread that whole thing and did my usual dyslexic gorgonian vs. goniapora thing. Not the first time I might add! Yeah, lame... Sorry Chris.
  23. I think Brian is referencing the stag-like branching SPS above the gorgonian.
  24. As Jeremy mentioned, you are in good hands with Bert - he can help steer you right. Lots of SPS gurus on this board as well if you decide to take that on. Good luck!
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