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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Wow! Some really nice pieces there Jeff... guess it's time to change up the weekend plans!
  2. Looking good so far. I like the rockscape but then I'm one of the (apparently few) on here that likes a lot of rock 😄 I tend to have a fair amount of fish to try to make sure they have plenty of spots to hide as necessary. Also more options for mounting coral... at least until they outgrow the tank. Good luck with the cycle.
  3. Great recap as always - thanks Bert! Had a great time and was excited to see the changes in the shop. Coral tanks at the back are a really nice addition and great fish selection as well. Good to see so many of the crew there and have a bit of a chance to catch up. Thanks to Bert who ran point organizing as well as the rest of the officers and BOD who all chipped in to help. Also a big thank you to Travis and his staff for hosting. Great job all!
  4. Thank you (again) Sid for the thoughtful donations. Glad we could repurpose some of the items from your displays in a TFT tank - seems like an appropriate way to honor those systems.
  5. Congrats @Kingfisher! With a single submission too - way to make it count!
  6. Welcome! I see you have already received some good advice. Definitely lots of room in this hobby for do it yourself types and experimentation. As Lewisriver notes, however, patience is definitely a key component! Typically nothing good happens fast in this hobby (despite how many times we try). I also subscribe to the go big (as you can) theory just from the perspective of the added stability. Also, upsizing components tends not to be terribly expensive so more bang per gallon so to speak. This also opens the door to more livestock options. Something to consider anyway... Good luck!
  7. Welcome! Definitely an experienced group here so I'm sure you will be able to get whatever advice you might need. It's worth just reading through old threads on various topics as you can learn a lot (even things you wouldn't think to ask about) plus become more familiar with some of the regular contributors here. I see from your other post that you might be one of the more Northernly members - we do have quite a few people up in Washington and try to have meetings up that way on occasion so you might also keep an eye out for those if you feel like meeting some of the other reefers in person.
  8. Welcome Deborah! Great to have another tank in the classroom and excited to see how it progresses. Love that you are already on here giving updates and asking questions as it helps the community stay engaged in the project and offers a chance to tap the vast experience we have here. As for questions... Temp - I tend to shoot for 76-77 for a few reasons but largely to provide some buffer for circumstances that might drive up the ambient temp in the tank. If you are starting slightly lower, you have more time to catch and fix problems before you start killing things. Just my personal preference. Yes - most of us keep a supply of RODI on hand for top up but will occasionally use some salt if we want to (slowly) bring up the SG setpoint. I think one of the eventual "upgrades" you might consider is some sort of auto-topoff setup which helps keep the water level (and hence SG) stable. This is a bit of a challenge without a sump but we might be able to come up with a solution at some point. Others with auto-topoff setups will directly plumb their RO/DI system in so there is an endless, on-demand supply of water. This has it's challenges and dangers however and typically isn't done without some automation control and failsafes built in (long term ideas). I would not say 1.022 is a problem per se but I think most folk are probably running closer to 1.025. Good luck and welcome on board! Would love to stop in some time to see the tank when up in Hood River.
  9. It sort of does. Maybe Bert could ID for sure @badxgillen
  10. Ok - this freaks me out a little bit. Good thing I avoid the desert I guess...
  11. Thanks for the update Jim! Good to see the new tank is settling in.
  12. Looks like fun Jeff. Encouraging to hear that things are progressing at the farms - will be nice to see what they have been up to.
  13. Great to get another TFT setup going and it is especially exciting to have one in Hood River - one of my favorite day trip locations! A big thank you to Jim and Cherany for spending their Saturday (and a bunch of time before that) working on this build. Sounds like the tank went to a good home - looking forward to see how it progresses. Also congrats to @Flashy Fins as the new TFT coordinator. Karen @kknight did a great job for the program (thank you Karen!) but it is great to see it pass into such dedicated and enthusiastic hands - I anticipate great things ahead
  14. Indeed it would be interesting to see if one could identify a profile that was indicative of “successful” tanks.
  15. Welcome to the forum Todd! Good to have you on here. As Holly mentioned - would love to see some pics of your setup as well as your dives if you feel like sharing. Quite the reef community out in Garden Home these days it seems.
  16. That was a particularly nice piece! Need to make sure my reboot is stable before I indulge in that though. Glad someone scored a piece though - really good color. Yes - a big thanks to upscales for hosting on short notice and for Bert @badxgillen for doing all the organizing. Much appreciated. Was great to see the shop again and some of the new features. Was also good to catch up with some of you and hear Holly's palytoxin story. Well, not really, pretty scary stuff but glad she is recovering and decide to share as a warning to all of us. Take care with those palys!
  17. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Upscales this afternoon. Been a while since the club has been there so excited to see what Travis has been up to at the store!
  18. Looking good Cody! That retteri is pretty awesome so nice to have it featured.
  19. Could be a great option for some custom in-wall installations where you may only need/want a single glass panel.
  20. Sorry to hear about the teeth - had that before ands it’s no fun!
  21. OK Bert - here it goes! Aussie Pink Hyacinth, Purple acro, Miyagi Tort, Blue Stag, Rainbows in Spain (I know you are out), Upscales Microlados, ORA Hyacinth BN, Purple Hystix BN, Pink Lemonade Pocillipora, Flower Petal monti, Aquaman monti, ORA Supernatural, Forest Fire, citrus mistress, Sunset, Watermelon psammacora. I had and lost a lot of this stuff (or very similar) and a few are things a always wanted but hadn't found. I know it a big list so PM me a price when you get a chance. No worries if you don't want to hassle with this many items - just don't want to miss out on your early spring cleaning 😃 Also, timing not a big deal on my end so whatever works for you on any of these is great my friend! See you Sunday!
  22. Uh oh. Currently a mystery shrouded in sand it appears...
  23. Ouch - sorry man. Let me guess... only tank not on an apex. That would be my luck for sure.
  24. I'm not going to say anything... nope, not going to do it.
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