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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Some nice snow pics Miles! Hopefully you don't have to go anywhere in it and can sit back and enjoy!
  2. Congrats EarthBound! Nice pic to start off the year.
  3. Haha - no kidding! Thanks for the offer - let me read up on that lens and I will shoot you a note.
  4. Thanks - just upgraded from my much loved D1X - yep, all 5.47 megapixels! Might actually be interested in that lens... thinking about getting something to complement the zoom.
  5. Very nice! Just picked up a D800E but haven’t had a chance to really put it to use yet. I don’t have that specialized kind of glass to use on it though. Working with a 24-120 f/4 for now.
  6. And what lens? (assuming it's a DLSR)
  7. That won’t stop Brian - he can always find a way!
  8. Bret, do you have any wrasses in that tank? Wondering how well they survive (if at all) with daytime predators.
  9. Well the Triton "ICP-OES" has P and P04 (but not alk) under the "nutrient" group FWIW.
  10. If that is the only mistake you made then you are golden. Something always goes wrong... or maybe that's just me. Note to Randall - don't let me do your plumbing!
  11. To be fair, once I finally got results from Triton, the presentation was quite good - with both visuals, raw numbers and targets - and they also included specific recommendations for addressing all the out of balance criteria. Granted, some of those recommendations were based on their products but that only makes sense given their line business. If it weren't for the hiccups in the sample delivery/loggin and glitchy web interface I would have been happy with the product.
  12. One of my personal favorites actually - the purple polyps against the yellow/green base are really striking. Plus it is an "easy" one to grow being a seriatopora.
  13. Looks like an ORA Bird of Paradise to me...
  14. I can be patient if it leads to the decimation of aptasia!
  15. Hey Trevor - Copper and Zinc were both elevated along with tons of Lithium and Lanthanum. The last was secondary as a byproduct of trying to control phosphates as things crashed and burned. Assuming all of these were from the mineral chunk I was unknowingly dissolving in Ca reactor but don't know for sure. Did a couple rounds of Triton heavy metal detox followed by multiple water changes and things are looking up (had no where to go but up really).
  16. I had all kinds of problems trying to get my analysis from Triton but I may have just been jinxed. First sample got lost then my barcode didn’t associate the second time around causing more delays. Super frustrating. Haven’t tried the other guys yet.
  17. Looking sharp Cody! Really like the close up of the rainbow nem.
  18. Welcome! Nice collection of tanks and some pretty large fish in that 210. Looks like the sharks are getting a sweet new tank there!
  19. albertareef

    Red bugs

    Wow - the power of macro photography right there. Sorry about the red bugs. No info on dragon face pipefish either unfortunately
  20. Haha! I was waiting for that competitive instinct to kick in here as soon as I saw Jorge’s post.
  21. Yep - a good deal here for someone for sure.
  22. This should be a blast. Brian (pdxmonkeyboyboy) has a killer reef system set up in his house as well some awesome cichlid tanks - maybe he will let us peak through the windows....
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