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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Yeah - I was going to apologize for the threadjack but figured it was a given. Glad to see Vance has a better sense of decorum than I and Randall’s sense of humor is intact! Excited to see you back with a new project Randall... still miss that 60 lagoon though 😀
  2. Hey Vance = you got a pic of that setup? Randall - you had me for a second there...
  3. Some good stuff in there - too busy to take advantage though 😞 That CA reactor is pretty serious - was that on your DT? GLWS.
  4. I’m sure pretty much any wrasse would make short work of them if they show themselves in the light 😳
  5. Where is @Jack-the-reefer he isn’t one to pass up a pick challenge!
  6. I’m a big fan of the rainbows but it looks like it’s going to lose this fight (literally). Those are some nasty sweepers!
  7. Great recap as always Bert. Nice to see all knowledgeable and dedicated reefers that came out for this event. Was awesome to have Brian share his home and killer tanks with the group and make some cash for TFT in the process. Several people were very generous with their contributions ( Bert, Jeremy, Jim, et.al.) and that was greatly appreciated. A couple of members scored some fantastic frags in the raffle as well - including our own @Gil&Fin Holly who walked away with the hand picked @badxgillen special high end pack! We also had @SuncrestReef bring along his very nice macro lens to get some crazy closeup shots of our host’s impressive coral collection - good stuff for sure (ok, so I’m a little envious of both). Thanks everyone who helped out this together and came out to enjoy the fun.
  8. Well that didn't take long! People dig their clownfish for sure. Maybe set another record for entries in a month???
  9. Nice practical mod! This is how it should have been setup in the first place as far as I can see and how one would want to run it. No reason to do it they way they did other than simplicity of manufacturing (two identical lamp modules with no cross wiring). Very useful how to!
  10. Time lapse and slow mo are kind of fun. I like how he appears to give several "yawns" as he goes through the process. Lots of hard work there 😃
  11. Thanks for looking into this Jeremy. Bummer that we lost the segregation though. That was a nice feature - especially when there were vendor auctions.
  12. I have the USB par meter back @Flashy Fins Not sure of the status of those who were on the list previously but skipped so will wait for some guidance on who is next. Thanks!
  13. Hey Brian - you may have missed your niche @pdxmonkeyboy
  14. Hey there - a belated welcome to you. We do have several experienced fresh water/planted tank members on here who could probably give you some tips so hopefully they will chime in if you have specific questions.
  15. That is quite the coral list - congrats on the awesome collection!
  16. Seem to be popular- I see several of them are sold out. Definitely a nice variety of shapes and sizes!
  17. Thanks for doing this video - very useful. Always interesting to see/hear peoples' opinions on interfaces. Personally, I think the data display/organization for Triton is way better than the Coralview which seems completely useless as you have to click through to individual elements to see the readings etc. - at least that is how it appears. I liked the fact that Triton displayed targets in real numbers with deviations as well as providing the visual scale which made it easy to see if you were high/low and where that fell in regards to danger levels. As noted, I also appreciate the detailed info/advice on corrective measures - even if they are couched in terms of Triton products, as one would expect from a vendor. Obviously a matter of personal preference but I did feel that the analysis reporting was a strong suite of Triton. That being said, the other parts of the Triton site (like associating a bar code to your aquarium) were some of the glitchiest web pages I have ever used and a major pain point in working with them (e.g. failed to upload an image multiple times, wouldn't allow text entry, would jump back and forth between eng and german). I also ran afoul of their shipping issues and change in California delivery address so my original samples were lost. It took a while to get a replacement kit (provided free) and resubmit so my turnaround time isn't really comparable. I will say that their email support was surprisingly prompt. Thanks again for putting this together. Will be curious to hear of others experience with the alternate vendors.
  18. Got it - thanks! Not sure how I missed that one as we just had a meeting there recently - sorry Travis 🤗
  19. One other option to consider are magnetic frag discs - at least for your montis. These allow you to move things around if you need to which is nice and you don't have to worry about trying to glue something to the side of your tank.
  20. Got it! Thanks Nate! BTW - this is the long/lat formatting that the data entry interface wants to see... just in case any of our other officers/BOD want to add something.
  21. OK... I loaded a bunch but let me know if I forgot anyone. Not sure if Colby is still running an operation down South or not.
  22. Nice setup - thought it might be familiar.
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