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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. I am pinging our admins here as perhaps they have some ideas. @TheClark @Chief Sorry to hear you are having problems.
  2. Was it Bicycle Bill that had one recently... I know he used to run one as his return but went to a submersible I think.
  3. I think they were having some issues trying to get all the entries to show up in the voting thread... not sure if that ever got worked out.
  4. This is an interesting option. Are you thinking some sort of closed loop system? Have you seen anything made for this scale of application? I could see some sort of setup similar to a wort chiller loop or such but wondering how you envision feeding/controlling it. Definitely would be nice to limit high current electrical in one's sump for all the reasons called out in this thread!
  5. Welcome! Glad you found us. Hopefully you will find the forum a useful resource for all things reefing. Good luck in your search for a bigger tank - keep an eye on the classifieds as lots of tanks and equipment come through there.
  6. Love those rainbow acans!
  7. Good to hear. I used to go in all the time when it was located on Sandy but have only been to the new spot a couple of times. No good driving route from my place ๐Ÿ™. I did add them to the LFS group on the member map in case people werenโ€™t aware.
  8. Sorry to hear about the loses. I seem to be jinxed with pink margin wrasses - tried three and lost all of them eventually. I finally got a piece of strawberry shortcakes going really well then the whole tank crashed from metal poisoning. - this hobby sometimes....
  9. Hi Rad Reefer - as Viper mentions here the classified posting rules require a price. Randall mentioned a range on the bounce but perhaps you could add info for the other frags - even if it is just a range for the acros and zoas. Adding pics is pretty simple now as you can just choose a file to attach from your phone or computer.
  10. Seahorse has quite a few in different sizes... just picked one up from them. They have some Aquatop models with temp probes and controller - some of the other titaniums require a separate controller from my recollection. Good luck.
  11. Ouch! Hopefully they bounce back now that they are on a regular light schedule. What to do with the Aussie though...
  12. Scary stuff. Glad to hear you caught it quickly and hopefully limited any potential damage. Good luck!
  13. Wow. Those are particularly nice!
  14. Hey Randall, do you have a footprint on your skimmer for comparison? Not sure what model that is.
  15. Done. Sorry for the bad news Vance but at least no one gets their tank put at risk.
  16. Excited for our first ever PNWMAS event at Paradise Coral! Great opportunity to check out the shop if (like me) you havenโ€™t made it there yet and also catch some photo advice from the pros. Good times!
  17. Strange. I was off the board all day so missed it acting up... not that I would have necessarily looked at the map anyway ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thanks for the heads up.
  18. I thought I heard something about this a while back. Was this the same person that came to one of the meetings at Roy's? Pretty unfortunate scenario.
  19. Hmm. Looks like it did to me. Members are blue drop pins and shops are red. As you zoom out they collapse into groups with numbers. Not sure why you are seeing it differently. Anyone else have problems?
  20. Very cool. I never seem to learn my lesson about trying to ID coral from pics on my phone - always getting it wrong! Then again, I am not very good at in person either ๐Ÿ˜ž. That is one killer favia regardless!
  21. I like that it has a clear lid so that you can see when the seal is properly seated. Biggest pain I have had with CA reactors... Can't believe someone with a large tank hasn't scored this yet.
  22. Thanks Vance! That flat led strip really makes it pretty straightforward and I think I may have a reactor floating around somewhere in my pile of gear. May have to try this out (in all my spare time).
  23. Hard to argue with the results that's for sure! Whatever that chalice is in the second pic I want a piece ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  24. While technically true, practically speaking this probably doesn't help so much as the gain in depth of field from the shorter focal length will be given back by having to move closer to the subject (if even possible) to retain the same framing (magnification). Both factors happen to affect the DOF (in opposite directions) in proportion to the square of their value (from the equations I have seen). There are a few interesting demos of this phenomenon on line which, while appearing somewhat flawed in their descriptions/execution, do make the point. If you keep the distance from the subject and aperture the same then absolutely you will have a larger DOF with the shorter focal length - but you will also have the subject be a much smaller portion of your field of view - and hence lower resolution. No magic bullet here and really just a matter of finding your own "sweet spot" between an acceptable DOF and resolution/magnification for what you are trying to do. On a side note, one thing that does change noticeably between short and long focal length lens using the same subject framing (e.g. different distances to subject) is the "quality" of the out of focus material - you get a much "softer" look with the longer lens... at least from the demos I have run across. This is despite the observation that the DOF (as defined by the in focus distance) remained essentially unchanged. Sorry for the sidetrack but I have been digging into this lately since several people started posting great macro shots on here ๐Ÿค—
  25. Iโ€™m liking the looks of those ๐Ÿ‘
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