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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. A UV bulb rated in kilowatts! Dang... that was an investment.
  2. Well - got the power back so hopefully no permanent damage. Generator lasted longer than I thought it would on a fill up... was only about 1/3 down when I shut it off (actually think it's an older Honda 2000 model as it turns out). Guess the good news is I now have an extra gas can full of gas 🤗
  3. I think we are about to find out! I am thinking two to three hours maybe? Could be a long night 😞
  4. Well, if you missed the big NE Portland watermain rupture story here is a pic. This is at 23rd and Skidmore - we are 4blocks north Fortunately the millions of gallons of water flowed over to 24th before heading north so our street is dry. Lots of the area streets blocked off though. Bad news is that we are one of the 11K people without power! Got the generator fired up so circulating water and heating but no ETA on getting it back. Looks like a long night of waking up to refill the generator. Ugh.
  5. Interesting - I hadn’t seen this one before. Comments are interesting (as always). If only it could be as simple as filling up off our water changes 🙂
  6. Happy b-day Ryan! Hope you get to enjoy some sunshine - while working on your tank of course!
  7. BTW - you might find this post interesting in regards to this topic. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/ich-eradication-vs-ich-management.188775/ This poster has a lot of fish disease and treatment info on R2R if you haven't run across them already.
  8. The problem with this is that while it may not be visible and hence it appears they are fighting it off, it could well be rampant in their gills and still compromising their health. That said, I and many others have succumbed to such an approach after failing to sufficiently QT and not wanting to start from scratch. If you go that route, I think it is helpful to add a good UV sterilizer to your system if you don't already have one (can't recall) as this will help reduce some of the circulating load somewhat - not 100% effective but still better than nothing (make sure to scale this properly though). Tough call for sure but a full scale QT reboot can be done if you are patient and very detail oriented. Good luck!
  9. Buzz kill right there. Sort of canary in the mine shaft approach eh? Pretty good idea actually (well, except for the mollies of course).
  10. My first thought when seeing this is that it was part of @SuncrestReef's new fish room.
  11. Target rich environment right there. There is indeed a reason people who take care of fish for a living check their gills on a routine basis as part of a health assessment - just ask IntoTheMystic! Good luck with your QT. As Brian points out, it does take a lot of diligence to do it right.
  12. Haha... that is how I read it! Hard to argue for sure...
  13. Interesting - glad it helped. I wonder if there is some way we could encourage people to use that option - at least until the larger issue is sorted out. Any ideas @TheClark @Chief? Can we customize the login page with a message?
  14. Thanks Sid - very generous of you (per usual). Shame it got damaged when it was shipped to you.
  15. Haha - rare case of being ahead of the game.
  16. Nice! I love that What The Frag's moniker gets scooped by the language filter 😃
  17. Curious to see what Bret comes up with for the symphillia group buy! Haven't had one of those for a while...
  18. This is interesting. FWIW - I have always used my screen name for log in and haven’t been experiencing this issue. N of 1 I realize... worth a try and if consistent with others having problems would make for good follow up to the support ticket Thanks!
  19. Nothing like building some suspense!
  20. Thanks Brian. As noted, I have the bases and a two channel power supply so could put together a pretty functional setup with these. Thanks for the tip on the mounting... been a while since I saw one of these in action and couldn't recall how it went together.
  21. Just bumping this up to see if we can get more members added to the map. We have had a few queries in the classifieds section asking about locations (always happens) so the more people signed on the easier it will be for users to get that kind of info directly. Just a thought... We also added many of the local stores under their own group (you can select the visible groups using the check boxes) but let us know if we missed anyone.
  22. Congrats Brandon! @lewisriverfisherman I kept expecting Scott to sneak back in there but looks like you scored a piece of unicorn poop for a great cause! (not to mention some sweet zoas)
  23. Hey Clavin, Looks like Brian didn't pick up those reflectors after all. I wouldn't mind having them to pair with a couple of 400W mogul base halides I have sitting around that used to be in a canopy with just the open reflector shields. I think they would work but not sure how the mogul bases mount to the reflector - let me take a look and see if I can figure that out. You still out in OC?
  24. There are a few experienced folk on here that have successfully raised baby clowns so might be able to chime in. @chewie could likely give you a tip or two.
  25. Hi Righttirefire - that is thoughtful. I am pinging our Tanks for Teachers coordinator here to see if she thinks they could use it. @Flashy Fins
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