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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. BTW - did you decide to limit to 3 group buys per person? I missed that in the thread but didn’t read carefully cause I was kind of in a rush 😳
  2. Thanks Eli - I’m really excited by this project and looking forward to hearing what you learn. Great to have this service available - god luck!
  3. Well fine - I will take one of these as well since I don’t have a prayer in the FB ones 😁
  4. I will take it Kim! Just pulled up the forum and already missed out on the acans!!!
  5. Headed south in a few - hope to see some of you there. Will be having some pizza to go along with the raffles so you don’t have to worry about going hungry just to make it😄
  6. Looking forward to this. Guessing there will be lots of coral bagging to be done! Good thing Sirena and Scott will be keeping us well fed 👍
  7. Should be fun! Lots of good looking raffle prizes on tap and I'm sure Garret will have the shop well stocked. Hope to see lots of you there for some quality reef time...
  8. I was actually going to ping you on this for that very reason...
  9. Wow - some really nice pieces in there! GLWS.
  10. Feels like there is a story in there somewhere 😄 Basically ditto to what monkeyboy has been advising here. Maybe someone in your area would be able to come up with a UV unit and some more effective filtration for you. Basically, those things won't hurt the situation regardless if it's biological or physical so really no risk to trying.
  11. I would reach out to @Flashy Fins as the TFT coordinator she has a pretty good awareness of what resources are available and could lead any discussion re implementation.
  12. Yikes. I would be very suspicious if a skimmet pump heated up a tank like that. Most of these are on the order of 30W or less and shouldn’t under normal circumstances add that mush heat. I would replace ASAP to be safe.
  13. Hi Matteo - there was an issue with the sites image hosting service but I think it should be worked out so maybe try again when you get a chance.
  14. Not a title I ever expected to see Good luck with the search - would be nice if you could keep those guys alive.
  15. The picture issue appears to have been a separate issue with image hosting. Hoping it’s fixed now.
  16. Interesting idea. We did have some sponsored tanks at Hatfield but they decided to take down their warm water displays a while back and Sid (Intoythemystic) rehomed the livestock). Kind of a bummer. Tagging the officers/bod just so this doesn’t get missed. @badxgillen @Flashy Fins @Jeremevans @Lexinverts @youcallmenny @Gumby @Paratore @lewisriverfisherman
  17. Just a quick bump to remind people that this option is here. We have been adding LFS data (note the separate group on the map feature) as we go but if you see something missing let us know and we will get them on the map.
  18. Not sure if you know but we do have a couple of club PAR meters available to members to borrow. There is a PAR meeter booking thread (pinned under general topics) - just post in there and we will put you on the list.
  19. I may have mentioned this before but I get the distinct impression you may have a bit too much spare time on your hands 😀 j/k
  20. Nice list! We may need some more rolls of raffle tickets!
  21. Yeah - if not brand a different lot at least. Did you use the same RODI water as you do for ATO? Just trying to rule out variables.
  22. Ah... never mind 🙂 That being so, it still seems like a strange coincidence that your SPS would RTN so closely following the water change. Hmmm.
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