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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hard to judge the color accuracy from just the pics here of course but I do like the overall "look" of the icecap yellow better. Those macros aren't bad either! May have to invest in one of these...
  2. Wow - upping your game with that collection! Very nice - hope they take off for you.
  3. Sorry to hear it’s been a rough go so far. Hopefully the survivors will prosper and you will be well equipped for them next time around.
  4. That’s awesome Sirena! Might as. Well get the kids used to the “bigger is better” tank escalation early! Teasing aside - that should be a great tank for them. I do like the idea of adding a sump though 👍
  5. Hey Jeramy, I know we had several users of the Fritz RPM on the forum so hopefully they will chime in with some feedback. I always hesitate to change things up if one is having success but I can understand the attraction to making things easier given everything else one has to commit time to in this hobby. Good luck!
  6. How large is that PC rainbow?
  7. Hey Ron - are you going to make it tomorrow? Wouldn't mind chatting about those lights if so.
  8. Looking forward to this tomorrow! Been spreading the word so hope we see a few new folks out there along with some familiar faces. Definitely a nice spot for a bit of BBQ while shopping for coral/fish and catching up on the latest reef banter. Oh yeah... and the raffles!
  9. you're giving them the one with the aptasia ridding on it I bet 😃 (just getting a head start on the smartass comments while I can) BTW - guess that gets by our filter 🤗
  10. Hey Brandon - I have some as well if John’s falls through.
  11. Nice! Have really liked the Water Box tanks I have seen so far but the "frag" tank is new to me.
  12. albertareef

    Clown eggs

    Glad to hear you had some additional hatchlings. Hope the timing works our re their food supply. Good luck!
  13. Looks like someone is restocking! Did I miss a build thread somewhere? There have been so many I probably lost track 🤗
  14. I'm liking the idea of a "frag penalty" in the same spirit as a curse jar here.
  15. I was actually wondering how long it took you to put that together...
  16. They probably figured out that if they kept on the move they could stay ahead of the nudibranchs!
  17. That is interesting. Being familiar with some of those tests in the "by hand" mode, both the reagent consumption and time for completion are way different (higher) so would be curious as to what drives that. Probably the kind of thing that will require some direct experience with the unit and it's design.
  18. Yeah, my guess is that you would be asking for trouble in that arrangement. Would love to see some sort of side by side comparison of these automated testing options if anyone ends up having time/access to put one together. Seems like with most things, there will be pluses and minuses for all of them. I do like the idea of the broad range of testing options but apex integration could be a real plus for people using DOS. Will be exciting to have more of these units in use by club members for some "real world" feedback. Keep us posted @TheClark
  19. Hey - that is good news! Will be good to see you Jorge... just don't take my frag 😀
  20. Well Jeremy is pretty handy 😃 I will have to get a look at that sometime... seems like the vial handling might be similar to our old scintillation counters.
  21. Any chance that is something you could mod to increase capacity? Haven't checked it out but sounds intriguing!
  22. This is where I am at (in my perhaps naïveté). Edit: should it worry me that I'm actually agreeing with pdxmonkeyboy on something? This I think is a good point but would hope that most other failures that could directly/indirectly impact these parameters significantly could/would be covered by other pieces of control logic (flow indicators, power draw, etc.). That said - never hurts to have extra layers of protection for sure. As we all know, nothing in this hobby is failsafe!
  23. This is an interesting point but I do think there is still a valid question regarding how material these fluctuations actually are. Obviously, in theory, the more stability the better but plenty of people have been super successful growing difficult corals without ever being aware of such short term fluctuations - which, I'm guessing were likely also occurring in their systems and could be related to normal photosynthetic cycles/pH etc. (as your graphs above suggest is possible). Also, while the ocean has a near infinite buffering capacity compared to our tanks, do we actually know that such cyclic fluctuations aren't also occurring in the natural reef environment? While this is (another) bit of an aside, I do think it raises some interesting questions about what is reasonable or even desirable to strive for in terms of control once we have the ability to measure these parameters much more often. Regardless of that diatribe, I would prefer the ability to set my own testing schedule and not be forced into 4 times a day for any given parameter - regardless of the cost I just find it needlessly limiting (I'm weird that way). 🤗 Just to be fair, I criticized this specific aspect of the Trident in my "like/dislike" post in the preview thread so not something new.
  24. Interesting. Are you tied to a particular minimum number of tests per day like on the Trident? While I know some find four tests a day useful and have even gone up from there, i would prefer to be able to have more latitude to adjust the testing schedule down when I'm not trying to dial something in or am not actively dosing but just monitoring. Seems wasteful of reagents. Sorry for the hijack Jeremy - at least it's on topic this time 🤗
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