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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. If he is small enough to fit through the drain this is what I do although I don't know exactly how the Red Sea is put together. In a "normal" overflow, I just unscrew the stand pipe from the bulkhead in the bottom of the overflow so the whole volume drains out. You may want to keep some flow going to help flush him through the drain. Good luck!
  2. Yeah, I've always been curious about their sense of space and how they judge the fit before committing to the big move.
  3. If only we could get those to @SuncrestReef for his baby cleaner shrimp. Honestly don't know what those guys actually eat though.
  4. Well, if you manage to keep them alive I could use some cleaners 😃 Pretty neat find!
  5. Okay folks... time to collectively chill. Leaving aside the CO2 question, I think everyone agrees that the flow rate restriction given for the DI resin doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of the overall rating for the system. The reality is it's 72 vs. 180 gallons per day so not an order of magnitude. If you were putting out something approaching the 180 per day with the unit running as originally designed, then I can't see there being any meaningful impact of continuing to run at that rate separately through the DI just based on pure logic (company advice aside). Since that seems to be the overall consensus from those who responded and answers the original question, I think it perhaps wise to just lock this thread before anyone gets any more agitated. Feel free to PM one of the board members or officers if you want to reopen this discussion for some reason. Thanks all.
  6. There is a members map on the site that shows the locations of the local shops that have been mentioned here if you ended up having time. Also the sponsor page has links to their websites for additional info. Hope you are enjoying your trip.
  7. Great to hear it was a success - thanks for organizing this! Wish I would have been in position to take advantage 😔. Would be cool to see some pics of what people came home with!
  8. Wow - those are beautiful! I wonder if Holly would be interested in one of them @Gil&Fin she had a large blue carpet that was a focal point of her tank for many years. GLWS
  9. So your parents never gave you "the talk"? 🤗
  10. Always thought these were super cool looking... but no room in the tank for it.
  11. Well that is unfortunate. At least you can show us what you got so we can be appropriately jealous 😍
  12. Nice Nate! Looks like you have quite the zoa collection going there. Congrats on the move/upsize.
  13. Hey - glad to see you back Taylor! I've had work done on my 2001 Audi S4 by Taylor previously and he's a great guy to deal with. Would definitely suggest giving him a shout if you have something that needs attention.
  14. Sadly the only LFS I know of in Astoria is a generic pet store that does not have much.
  15. Some nice looking zoas there Bret. So many variants I can’t even begin to keep track of the names 😳
  16. Excellent recap and pics yet again Bert! Have no idea how you managed that while cooking up all that yummy BBQ for the crew. Thanks again for all your efforts. Also a huge thank you to Erin and all the ATA crew who went out of their way to make us feel welcome. Always a pleasure to visit the shop and see what’s been brewing. I have to say the SPS tanks were seriously rocking - I couldn’t believe all the red dragon that was growing like weeds in there - seems like ATA has those systems dialed in. Great to see a good turnout and we even had all of the officers and BOD at this event so hope you had a chance to drop by and say hello. If not, we will be back at it next month so stay tuned for details... you won’t want to miss it. In the meantime maybe plan another trip out to ATA and score some frags from all those healthy colonies!
  17. Wow... that will keep you busy for a while. Hope you still make it back in time for the August meeting so we can see these bad boys in person! Definitely need to call in the extended family crew for some help there 😃
  18. Umm... Hollywood district isn't downtown - just saying 😄 Steve used to have his breeding tanks in the windowless basement of beauty school in the same area so never felt like a particularly high profile attitude to me but it is a bummer that they won't do trade in value. Seems to me people I knew used to get credit for freshwater plants that they brought in but obviously things change (or maybe they never did fish).
  19. Nice to know there is a piece of that around and growing!
  20. Hey Taylor - good to see you back (maybe)! Where are you now? Would love to catch up on what you are up to these days....
  21. Ahh. Hotlanta! For some reason I was thinking Florida but both probably pretty warm and muggy. Good luck!
  22. Tank is looking great freddyk! Glad to see your re-entry being successful. Seems like quite a few happy SPS in there which is impressive - how long has this iteration of the tank been up?
  23. Good to know but somewhat odd - I wonder why?
  24. Hi Bevo - I know at least one cichlid person on here @pdxmonkeyboy who might have some interest. I think a few people have also gone the route of taking them to The Wet Spot to rehome them but don't know what they will do for compensation. Good luck!
  25. Well... hopefully you are getting these all out of the way before the next clutch. Interesting about the link between lighting and feeding behavior.
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