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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Go ahead, rub it in... I don't mind at all 😞
  2. I actually considered that as a major responsibility and am duly ashamed to be letting you down. Thanks for stepping up Jeff - can always count on you to fill in where needed! If you are able to bag as well then I won't be missed at all 😀
  3. That is an excellent question! I’m sure Holly has a plan. I’m bummed I won’t be there though. Always a blast and great chance to see lots of the members outside of a meeting.
  4. No one’s stopping you my friend (since I won’t make it) 😀
  5. I’ve heard this is super popular with Holly’s neighbors. Don’t ask me how I know 😇
  6. Very handsome! Where is his sister?
  7. Nice to see some millis starting to show up again. Now if I could only grow them 😔 That gold piece with the red/purple polyps is really sharp!
  8. Congrats (again) @nanoreefer. Great pic as always. Love the contrasting colors.
  9. This is Bucket and Zacheus, our stubby Manx brothers. We lost Bucket last year just about this time (see "RIP Bucket: Best Cat Ever" thread for reference) and still mourn him... he was special. The new arrival this spring is Harley Quinn, a seal point mix with some spunk and lots of love. Can't find a picture of Jake right now - he is a basic black "cat's cat" and did lots of hard work getting Harley adapted to living with other cats. All were strays/surrenders with Jake being the youngest when we got him (5 months). Lately I will say that my experiences with people in general have only made me appreciate my cats more (present company excepted, of course) 😃
  10. You know, one of these days I am going to want some compensation for giving you all these softball setups 😃
  11. Thanks Kim! Miss you and Sirena - hope you guys make it back in the not too distant future.
  12. Haha - thanks all. Always can count on some witty repartee from this crowd... that and some kind words from Bert. You are all the best!
  13. Actually that make you the leader as far as I can see... Bill said the 90's "only" been up 7 years 👍 16-17 years might be hard to beat!
  14. I think he said longest running - not greatest number 😀 Actually it is an interesting question. Given how hard it is to resist the upgrade bug I will be curious to see who has a long term tank. Mine is only around three years at this point so still getting established 😀
  15. Hahaha... you don't know how close you probably are! No, really, I know enough to always pay attention to whatever @Higher Thinking is telling me!
  16. What about the adults? Sometimes we just need to run around too...
  17. Thanks all! I actually escaped down to Astoria yesterday and we stayed overnight so we could just do some tourist stuff today before heading back to town (just got back). It was very pleasant and had a nice drive home on 202/47 until we hit 26. Actually, that wasn't even terrible today so win! Hope you all enjoyed the break on the forums but now I'm back. The bad news part (for us) is that we actually went down to meet someone from WA to look at a car to replace the one of ours that got totaled last Sunday 😞 Still... turned out to be a nice trip even though the car didn't show (sprung a coolant leak before it left Seattle).
  18. Really looking forward to this meeting. Suncrest has kind of set the bar for automation and leveraging the capabilities of the apex in systems control so will be a treat to see this setup in action. Also super excited to see the new ReeFi lights in action and hear about their capabilities directly from the man himself. Oh yeah, and then there is BBQ!
  19. Funny - I was just talking with Jeff about this a week ago or so and wondering if this source was still around. Obviously worked out OK the first time around. Now, if I could just grow coral I would get in on one of these 🙁
  20. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve said that and yet... sorry to hear it’s been one of those weeks but no one is completely immune from those kind of things no matter how long we’ve been at it. Not sure if that actually makes it better or not though. At least you’ve got company.
  21. I don't have one but have been told by an LFS that they eat frozen for them and also do OK in high flow since they don't tend to swim much compared to other pipe fish and, instead, crawl around on rocks and substrate - sort matches what Suncrest has seen with his. FWIW
  22. That sounds like an interesting mixup! GLWS.
  23. Bummer. First thing I came on to check this morning. Sorry to hear. I saw some at Seahorse and at ATA when we were down there if you want to get your other one a new buddy.
  24. Sounds like a nice haul Brandon! Hope these grow out well for you.
  25. This is what I was suggesting above but didn’t know if it was possible with the Red Sea - sounds like it is.
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