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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Cool video but they still annoy me when they end up coating an acro with their "fishing" lines. It is impressive just how much material they collect on those strands - you can really see it in the macro.
  2. We missed you Scott - even shook up a few beers for you!
  3. Bummer about the price. The Home Brewer Exchange on N Interstate is only 16 but obviously not very close to you.
  4. Great to see you Daniel and get a demo of the light - very impressive piece of work! Also a big thank you to John for generously hosting this month. It was a pleasure to see your beautiful and well thought out tank which, I am sure, provided a lot of us some inspiration.
  5. I have to say I'm not looking forward to being in the hamster ball! That said, I am excited to see the gold standard in tank automation and get a peek at Daniel's newest ReeFi lighting creation. Great weather for a BBQ so hope to see a lot of you out there soon!
  6. Home brewer exchange is open Sat and Sunday. Don’t know if there is one near you but there is one on north interstate just off I5. $16 for 5lbs.
  7. Love the Potters Angel - great looking fish. Hope he proves to be a good tank mate. I have had pretty good luck with the dwarf angels so far but every fish is different.
  8. Welcome and congrats on the raffle win! Looks like things have been coming along nicely so far. It is sort of inevitable that you start planning the upgrade before the last one even gets settled in... hard to resist for sure.
  9. Tank and setup look great! Nice job on the stand/canopy - I love the magnetic panels (did something similar on my tank). The dimensions of that tank are really nice as well. Congrats!
  10. Bummer 😐 Hope you find a nice AIO that works for you and are able to save/rehome your livestock. Good luck!
  11. I thought that might be the case. Really excited to see the new light put through it's paces!
  12. Don't suppose either of the club's PAR meters is available for the meeting or maybe John or Daniel have one? Might be interesting for comparison purposes. @SuncrestReef @danlu_gt @lewisriverfisherman
  13. We were just having a discussion about coral spawning in another thread actually so this is timely. If I get a chance I will try and track it down and post a link... or maybe Suncrest already knows where it is @SuncrestReef
  14. Well... tempting as this is nice gear but guessing it's a bit much for the 120 as well 😐 GLWS!
  15. I would bet on Jaggy to close the deal - who says no?
  16. More vendor sign ups this week - looking like a great lineup so start making your plans now!
  17. Many organisms have both asexual and sexual forms of reproduction and will switch between them depending on environmental conditions so wouldn't be completely unheard of - that said, I don't really know the details on coral spawning (not my area of biology).
  18. Hey all - I merged the two threads on this topic since there was a duplication and it got a bit confusing. Hope that works OK.
  19. We could make it a competition at the BBQ - first person to find and burn up a majano gets a prize!
  20. I can tell you are "shocked" by this. Ugh, CL is such a pain.
  21. Love the raised flooring under the tank - that looks awesome! If you end up putting up some back panels it will seem like the whole tank is just floating there... really great look. Excited to see this in person. What are your overall stocking plans re coral and inverts now that you have that trigger in there? (he looks cool BTW)
  22. Hope round two goes more smoothly... well, except for the rotifer crash anyway. Good Luck!
  23. How do you keep the fish out of that laser while you are nuking the bad guys? Only do it "after dark"?
  24. This is what I was thinking as well. Ultimately tore down my previous tank due to these and I think Andrew tore down his 180 as a result of an infestation as well. Definitely to be taken very seriously. Don't mean to be alarmist but they can get out of control quickly and, as far as I have experienced, don't seem to have any effective biological control/predator. Glad to see you had a laser available to take them out. Keep a close eye out for any reappearance and, if possible, you might even consider removing some rock if they seem to be localized. Bummer.
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