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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. This hits close to home. Mine sat in the driveway baking in the sun and freezing in the winter for 7 years I think. In my case, it was majanos that were the plague and likewise didn't survive 😄
  2. Excited to finally have a meeting at Seahorse. It's been a few years since Terry and Tewsley have taken over the day to day running of the shop for Woody, and now that he has passed, they have been busy making some changes and bringing in a wider range of supplies and products and reformatting the space. Terry said he would be planning something special for the event so stay tuned. At the very least, you can maybe meet their new baby - I'm sure he will be learning the ropes of saltwater reef keeping in no time!
  3. Whoa... that is a haul Brandon! Hope you are hungry!
  4. Man... that looks like one happy little tank! What is your maintenance schedule like on this now? Just doing regular WCs?
  5. I remember thinking that was pretty cool as well but forgot to write down the info on it.
  6. BTW - John takes exceptional care of all his gear so you can rest assured these will be in great shape.
  7. Thanks Eli! Do you think the relatively low level of NOB in some cases could be related to the sampling paradigm - i.e. since it was from the water column vs. substrate. Any evidence that these forms of bacteria are less likely to "shed" into the column? Just curious...
  8. Don't know if anyone has any cold water tanks up and running these days but could make a nice comparison with the local seawater and tropical tanks most of us have.
  9. Oh man... do I have to see this again! At least the Raiders are giving "the Boyz" a run for the drama queen award this year. Sigh.
  10. This correlative data (ICP with bacterial profile) could prove really interesting in the long run. BTW - you and John are all about the Pelagi!
  11. Thanks Eli! Anxious to weed through this. BTW - not sure if you saw the comments above but we might be able to get folk in this sample to agree to identify tanks for the purposes of enhancing the comparison data - I know I would be up for it if you thought it might provide some additional data/context. And, of course, I can't remember my password...
  12. I've had good luck with this one as well. It's titration (which I personally prefer) with a very obvious transition.
  13. Also worth mentioning that the official tanks for teachers participants are set up with their own forum to post updates etc. - which can be a good way to foster engagement with the community.
  14. Hey Holly - maybe you could use a spare tank? @Gil&Fin
  15. Awesome pics and write up Andrew - thanks for sharing! I had heard the stories about the colony there but don’t think I had ever seen current pics of the location - great that you got to explore that.
  16. Welcome to PNWMAS. Many long time reefers lurking here so you will be in good company. Also lots of us who have taken breaks over the years.- seems to be a common phenomenon. Hope we see it at one of our events in the future.
  17. Good question. Not sure at what point in the process we have done that before. I will defer to Jim on that as he is the primary vendor contact. @Gumby Whenever we do decide it's OK we will be updating the NWFragfest.com web site as well.
  18. Will need to go look that up - congrats to Jeff and CnC (yet again)!
  19. I think we are up to 11 vendors signed up - should be a good show!
  20. This is an interesting point. I wonder if we could get all the PNWMAS participants to agree to having their data identified for purposes of comparison... might lead to some interesting discussion and more nuanced interpretation. I would be game (and my tank ain't all that right now).
  21. Congrats! Those are pretty sweet lights for sure. Envious...
  22. I think each "group" gets it's own color of pin (members blue, LFS red) so if we created a Public Aquarium group separate from the others it would likely get a unique identifier. Not sure what the limit to that is.
  23. Sounds nice Crabby - what year is the house? I will keep it in mind if I know anyone looking.
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