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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hey Cody -good to see an update. Sounds like the zoa collection is still going strong. Missed you at frag fest this year.
  2. I lost count here but would be down for ten if there are any left. Let me know - thanks!
  3. Well there’s the problem right there! It is a pretty sweet light though if you can swing the halides. Was growing stuff like crazy in Brian’s tank. Too bad the dimensions are off.
  4. Nice lights you have there... jealous 😀 Tank is looking good!
  5. Yeah, I was just thinking I know someone who has one 😀
  6. Glad you enjoyed the event! It seemed like people were finding lots of good deals and there were still really nice pieces left as the vendors were packing up. Kudos to all our participants this year for bringing such awesome coral for us and a big thank you to all who came and checked it out even in such nice weather and supported the Tanks for Teachers program Also want to give a special call out to our very own PNWMAS board member Jim @Gumby for all his amazing prep work to pull off this event. It takes a lot of dedication to make this happen - that and a lot of hard work from all our awesome volunteers. You all rock!
  7. Still lots of killer coral available today - our vendors really brought the fire! Also have a couple of raffles to go at 3:00 and 4:00 including a Gryphon band saw and an amazing frag pack from Golden Basket. Come on over before it’s too late!
  8. Tomorrow is the big day - hope you all plan to come out and see all the fantastic vendors at the 3rd annual NWFragFest! Should be a great selection of coral (drooling over Rudy's pieces right now) along with some killer raffle prizes and, as always, good company. Don't forget, the event is a fund raiser for our Tanks for Teachers program - one of which is actually at the Boys and Girls club. Come on by and join the fun!
  9. Whoa - sounds bad. Sorry to hear about your health issues and having to part with your collection. We have had a few instances recently (Holly’s eye comes to mind). While I am sure it’s hard to share hopefully your experience will help others avoid problems in the future. Hoping for quick recovery.
  10. Wish I had something for you man. As you know, I’m always in need of extra help with the mechanicals!
  11. Yikes. That isn't good news but at least they have admitted the design flaw and offered a solution to prevent further failures. Hopefully they have redesigned the stand to correct this going forward.
  12. Send a PayPal payment of $10 per ticket too... paypal@pnwmas.org. I would mention in the comments what it is for just to be safe and also reference your screen name just to make sure the appropriate person gets credit on the 'Paid" list.
  13. I thought it was already there 😄
  14. I will remember this for the next time I need help with my cars. In fact, I need to do a heater core flush this weekend 😀
  15. Bummer. Sounds like one of those persistent problems that is always lurking. I wonder if some of Eli's work on tank microbiomes might ultimately provide some help in situations like these. Early stages yet but the hope would be once he has enough data from tanks in various conditions there would be a "profile" you could shoot for that could lead to a longer term solution. Stay tuned...
  16. Looks nice! Have fun in the water tomorrow but I would recommend leaving the fish where they are 😁
  17. So since this is in the public section, does that mean the early bird tickets are open to anyone (i.e. not members first)? Just want to clarify since I know this has been a topic of conversation and would like to get that sorted before this goes live. Thanks!
  18. Always glad to see another tank in a classroom and happy that you found your way here. As kknight noted, we have a coordinator for the Tanks for Teachers program who works directly with the host institutions to arrange support and gather resources. Her name is Cherany and her forum handle is FlashyFins. I will tag her here so she doesn't miss this @Flashy Fins
  19. Nice. I have liked what I have seen of those. Enjoy!
  20. Hey Bob - are you tankless again or just changing things up?
  21. Wait... how did I miss this? Heal up fast and let us know if you need anything.
  22. You can always use two right?
  23. So sorry to hear about the loss. Man, heaters seem to be the weak link for sure. Hope the rest of the livestock pulls through.
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