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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. How did I not know this? Always good to know where the science geeks are lurking 😁
  2. Happy Birthday Bill! Hope you are kicking back and enjoying your beautiful tank today...
  3. This is really good info to have. Thanks for sharing Rudy!
  4. Just a nice bit of biodiversity there 😁 Glad you aren't seeing any negative impact on the coral. How are the dragon pipefish doing?
  5. Dad's bringing the fire! Will keep an eye out for your sale thread...
  6. I was thinking originally (manufacturer) - not sure I've seen that design before. That should grow some coral!
  7. Looks like it grew pretty quickly. Apparently none of your tank habitants consider it edible.
  8. Whoa. Where did that halide setup come from? What is the bulb setup in that?
  9. Actually, this already wrapped up but hopefully you can catch another group buy soon. They seem to come around with some frequency.
  10. Interesting approach and perhaps a way to keep them going for a while without dedicating another tank to just growing aptasia. Mine actually went into my internal overflows as that is where all the aptasia are and I am unable to get them cleared out. Fortunately, no nudibranch predators in there but not sure how they will take to it... curious to see. If they do reproduce and spread to the tank all the better!
  11. Yep - the zoas are there now! The side y side pics in full/blue lighting are a nice touch.
  12. Hmmm. Zoanthid pics till not showing up on my Mac with Safari or on the iPhone. The site has it's own pic hosting now so if you upload files through the widget, they should routinely work. (famous last words)
  13. BTW - we do have a members map feature (navigation tab) that shows the location of other club members as well as local stores. It is limited to those who chose to add themselves so by no means exhaustive but might be worth a look. Who know, if you add yourself on some other folk might be encouraged to put themselves on there.
  14. OK, that is weird. I would have to actually look into the chemistry of this particular test to even guess at a rationale for that. Well, that and re-read all my college text books 😁. Not happening.
  15. Probably designed by a frustrated ex reef keeper who just couldn't take it anymore. Perfect!
  16. Great news! I was hoping to swing by on my way home from work (7ish) - not sure if that would work for you but let me know. Thanks!
  17. Excited to hear what you tried and whether or not it's repeatable and transferable.
  18. Hi Christian - do you want to arrange pickup at Molokos tomorrow? That would work great for me 😁 Guessing you don't want to hold onto these any longer than necessary. Thanks again for running point on this part of the group buy.
  19. Welcome back. Good luck with your equipment search. Ron has a lot of gear but not sure he is close enough to you to make it work.
  20. Hopefully you didn't try to frag them first 😁
  21. Love that urchin/crab combo! So cool when you can find those symbiotic pairs like that. Hope they do well in there.
  22. Hey Christian - just sent PayPal your way. Let me know if you don't see it for some reason. Thanks for organizing!
  23. Cool - just let me know what to do re payment if this works out.
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