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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Sounds like it found a good home 👍
  2. Got to keep it lively you know. I have to admit the case if the missing frags is puzzling. Starting to wonder if Holly’s dogs got carried away. Maybe Scott refused to give them snacks or something. Don’t cross the pups!
  3. Well Brian can’t bag due to his injury so maybe we can put him on security duty instead. @pdxmonkeyboy
  4. Glad you were able to get that sorted! Yeah, probably not good to have to restrict the flow on the pump too aggressively for too long but diverting some to the refugium seems line a good way to help with that as long as you don't create too much turbulence - that can be detrimental to the integrity of the macro algae. In the long run, might be good to downsize your return pump as you suggest. Good luck!
  5. So there looks to be a lot of available available granularity to these settings now - I personally don't have those particular actions set to email notification, just notifications through the site - maybe double check? It's under account settings - other settings - notifications for reference. You probably already did this but just in case...
  6. Hmmm. I will have to play with this some. I typically get emails re posts requiring approvals but am not sure I ever had it set to email about the other items and haven't "followed" a thread for a while.
  7. OK... lets see if the notifications are working yet??? Also, we should let Scott know that someone mentioned bringing beer @spectra
  8. Thanks Jeremy! The ping worked "The Clark mentioned you in a post" although not sure if that is exactly the problem people had. I did notice after this came up that I was routinely being logged out of my account on my phone - which hadn't happened for a long time - so was wondering if it might be related. I will go post in Holly's sale thread and maybe she can let us know if her notifications are working there.
  9. Hey, wait a sec... that's not salt!
  10. Yeah, the geek factor is high in these parts. You didn't even get TheClark to weigh in yet!
  11. Looking good! I like the rocks cape quite a bit and everything looks really healthy.
  12. So I will admit that I am not familiar with this unit so hopefully someone else can chime in who knows more about how it is designed. That said, have you tried trimming back your return flow - it looks like you might have a valve on there. If the level in the tank is too high when it's running, it suggests you might be overwhelming the capacity of the drain line and possibly getting some surging. I would try that first before resorting to more desperate measures.
  13. Woo Whoo! I love these events - not just for the awesome deals on coral but also for the chance to see and talk to a lot of cool reefers while they wait their turn at the frag tanks. Always a blast. Should be able to get back on the bagging train for this one so you and Jeff should have an extra pair of hands.
  14. I do think some of this could be addressed by the "reviewer" being more forthright about what "incentives" they may receive to review a product - that way, consumers can factor that into the equation for themselves as to how important they feel that might be. Ultimately, if they only give positive reviews then their integrity will be questioned regardless but if it appears they are hiding some of the financial arrangements it only provides incentive to discount their contributions in my mind.
  15. Hmmm. Seems to me this is a great product and likely to continue to generate good word of mouth advertising so not sure it's worth the price penalty. I would worry that raising the price point might actually counteract the benefit of the sponsored review. Then again, I don't run my own business 😁
  16. Hmmm. Maybe we can work that into the holiday party somehow.
  17. Yeah - that caught my eye as well! Hopefully you snag a piece and grow it out 😀
  18. Welcome and good luck! Lots of great advice and discussions on here so take some time to read through the threads if you can.
  19. Welcome! Glad you found your way to the forum. Lots of experienced reef keepers on here who I am sure will be happy to chime in with suggestions. Personally, I have had a couple of 125 gallon tanks and do think that is a good size to work with. Large enough to be relatively stable but not so big it’s hard to maintain. Also can accommodate a wide range of fish except for mature specimens of tangs, triggers etc. so fairly flexible for stocking. Just remember that other elements (lights, skimmer, pumps, reactors) will need to be scaled appropriately so know what you are getting into before committing to a large tank. I do think, however, that there are some economies of scale involved. As for automation, you should check out Suncrestreef’s build and Apex controller threads - lots of great info on how to set up automated testing, dosing, water changes etc. - he is the Apex whisperer on the forum. If you search with keywords you are likely to find lots of threads speaking to the husbands questions - especially around coral and fish diseases, pests and hitchhikers. These always make for a worthwhile read.
  20. Just posted a test in that thread again...
  21. Yeah - that is where I was thinking Holly's problem might be.
  22. Oops. Sorry about that. Good question but couldn't tell if it was just related to following threads (Holly's situation) or something more substantial. I did get a notification when you quoted me. Maybe try pinging me as well and we can see if that works?
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