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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Will be good to see you man! We will make sure to bring some extra tickets so we don't run out 😁
  2. These are sweet lights! We are lucky to have Daniel as part of the club so we get to see these beauties in person.
  3. Nice way to start off your membership! Congrats!
  4. Indeed - some really nice raffle prizes this year (or so I've heard 😁). You will definitely want to make sure you find time to make it down to the party if possible.
  5. Indeed - Happy Thanksgiving all! Hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and/or friends. Something we don't get a chance to do as often as we would like these days it seems...
  6. Add another successful APEX intervention for SuncrestReef 👍
  7. That all white one with the orange accents is really nice!
  8. Almost worth it just for the stand 😁
  9. Indeed. There are typically at least a few younger folk at the holiday meeting. While there aren't specific activities planned the location has a game room if they happen to get bored with reef talk 😁 There will be beer there just for full disclosure. Here is the website for the venue... http://waleryspizza.com
  10. Yep - I had issues with this for a long time until I finally picked up one of Kim's special algae destroying purple tangs that outgrew it's tank. @Emerald525 It is certainly true that not all tangs are created equal in this regard as I had others in the tank before and they would just ignore the GHA. I still see it in the overflows so know it's around but man, that tang does it's job! This is one of the "conundrums" regarding nutrient levels as you can measure low but still have pest algae problems. Potentially an issue with nitrate/phosphate balance but it's hard to really be sure. Eli may have some thoughts about that.
  11. Haha... these discussions make me feel old. Used to build my own computers from parts and I always think the Reef-pi route sounds super cool but then I realize I don't even have time to clean the glass on my tank so snap out of it. Wish I had the bandwidth to play with one of these (while my off the shelf controller kept the tank running).
  12. That is nice! Combo of Scott and Brian's work? Seems familiar...
  13. Hmmm. Interesting. We should probably take this question into the officer/bod forum for a discussion as there are multiple parts to this (where are those emails going, how is the renewal system working, will the purchase membership feature allow you to pay again even if your membership is current, what is the status of "autopay" through the site vs. PayPal. Thanks for alerting us Shaywood.
  14. That is a pretty clear and impressive difference in the temp swings. Thanks for sharing!
  15. This is why I have Jeremy on speed dial (much to his chagrin) 😁
  16. Lots of great reef safe (vs. invertebrate safe) wrasses out there. I know Brian has some as does Seahorse and CnC. It depends a bit on what you are looking for. The flashers are quite attractive and stay relatively small but can be a bit skittish. Lots of very attractive fairy wrasses (solar, clown, velvet, pink margin, rhomboid) which will get a bit bigger but also seem more outgoing. If you want something that is good "pest" control, you can go with things like leopards (many versions) or possum wrasses although these both can be a bit more reclusive - at least until they are well settled. The more "confident" species like Coris and Melanarus are great hunters but will also get larger and potentially go after your hermits and snails so something to keep in mind. Personally, I would go after something in the fairy wrasses as long as your tank is covered (they are jumpers by nature).
  17. Been practicing my beer tossing so should be “good to go” 👍
  18. Is that for the customers or the help? Asking for a friend...
  19. Nice list. I have used SB reef lights successfully for a few years and others on here have as well. It is basically one guy and his wife so you definitely have to take that into account when setting expectations around support and communication but, that said, you are able to get things like replacement parts (diodes) so not impossible. If you do decide to go for a more compact design and controllability (ala the Radions) you should definitely give the ReeFi extremes made by our very own @danlu_gt a look as they are very impressive and competitively priced with Radions. Just a thought. Also, as for Apex integration and choices around that @SuncrestReefis your guy. Also, you can often score some great deals on used equipment on forum if you are patient.
  20. Welcome! Glad you found us. Seahorse is my "neighborhood" store so glad to hear Terry is helping to spread the word - he and Tewsley are great. Seems like you are off to a pretty good start and, if you are an automation kind of person then SuncrestReef would be the person to talk to. You should check out his Apex programming series if you haven't already.
  21. Boring... they don't foam up like beer! Where's the fun in that 😑
  22. Thanks John. I had wanted to post a screen shot of that but couldn’t get it to work for some reason so just tried to point the right direction. Fail.
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