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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. These are really sweet frags so hopefully some new members take advantage!
  2. Larry just being Larry. If only he was OK living in an overflow I could use him ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  3. Things are looking good!
  4. That might be the fastest upgrade I can remember. Barely got the first one wet. Just think of it as saving a lot of time. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Can't wait until that clogs the drain and overflows the tank - at least that is probably what would happen if I tried it.
  6. Interesting. Good reminder not to think of plastic as completely impervious.
  7. FOWLR eh? At least you wonโ€™t have to drive yourself crazy chasing nitrates ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Nice looking rock flowers Cody! How is the magnifica doing?
  9. Well that is a valid concern. I would say it depends a bit on where and how it failed. I have successfully resealed a few things but am by no means an expert. We do have a few folk on here who could probably advise as they have built their own tanks - hopefully one might chime in.
  10. That alone is reason enough in my book! Interesting about the differential sensitivity to acetic vs citric acid.
  11. Probably could reseal it once itโ€™s dried out.
  12. I've seen some really nice butterflies in the local stores lately... they must have gone home with someone!
  13. Welcome back! Lots of regulars on the forum have had to drop out on occasion due to life being what it is but often return - seems like reef keeping is a hard habit to break! Good luck with the new build... looking forward to seeing the progress.
  14. Some nice specimens there Bret!
  15. Happy B-day Jeff and congratulations on building such a well respected, popular and community oriented business! CnC is always a "must see" recommendation for any visiting reefer thanks to the personal care and attention you have put into the operation. Thanks for being there for us and always providing high quality livestock and advice to novice and expert alike. So glad you are part of this community.
  16. If I remember correctly, there was a renewal system that was part of the site but at some point it wasn't playing well with the PayPal autopay feature leading to people getting double charged hence got turned off. This is quite a while ago so I may have it wrong or things may have changed. One question would be whether or not the order history on the store page actually captures renewals through the PayPal autopay or not - which is why we need to take a look at that data side by side with the PayPal data @Jeremevans @TheClark Probably should move this discussion to the officer/BOD section but did want @shaywood to know that it is a topic of discussion - just don't know what the full answer is at this point.
  17. Not sure if this was missed somewhere but we were just discussing this issue at the meeting. It currently isnโ€™t clear if our membership roster is reflecting renewal dates correctly. Your profile indicates you are a supporting member - which suggests you are current but we need to check to see if the site is really tracking appropriately. @Jeremevans @TheClark we need to dive into this by looking at some payment data and site settings as it has come up several times. Perhaps John could help out with this @SuncrestReef
  18. Happy B-day Holly! Hope you have some fun and don't spend all day on tank maintenance ๐Ÿ˜ Missed you at the holiday meeting this weekend ๐Ÿ˜ž
  19. Indeed - congrats Roy! Glad your slow trip down from WA paid off for you ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope we see you at the next meeting so we can get an update on how the Apex is working out.
  20. Glad you were able to make it and get a chance to meet some of the community. Definitely stay tuned for future meetings - we try to have them most months with the occasional gap to accommodate other events.
  21. Glad you could make it and bring the family. Always nice to see new faces and young reef keepers in the making. Hope we see you at some future meetings. Happy Holidays!
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