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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. That is a large hermit! I have not seen one before either - where did you find him?
  2. I do think there are a few members from points South - like Salted Waffles - but definitely a high concentration in PDX. If you have taken a look at the members map feature, there is a decent sized group up in the Corvallis area as well. This is all "self reported" data and not exhaustive so there are definitely members who don't show up there. Maybe put yourself "on the map" and some others from the area will be encouraged to do so as well.
  3. Thanks Calvin! Tanks are looking great - definitely a lot of things added and growth since I last saw it. Really like how the three separate tanks worked out.
  4. I have seen some at Seahorse recently but not sure what they are asking for them. Not generally a big clown fan but those were really nice looking fish so I get the attraction.
  5. Hey Trevor, I am doing something very similar to what you are doing now with the tank controller (not an Apex) taking lead and the dedicated heater controller (not an ink bird) as a secondary. Good question as to impact on the long term viability but am more worried about the redundancy and failsafe than anything else. I used to do the same thing with my old style thermostat built in heaters so the secondary controller is a bit of a new arrangement (about 6 months). Fingers crossed...
  6. Well.... I hate to be the one to tell you but... Actually, I can't see them either. I don't see them either so at least you aren't alone. As John noted, the site has it's own image hosting arrangement so, if you upload the image to PNWMAS directly, you will be able to see it regardless of what might be happening with your personal hosting account (see photo bucket hijack from a while back). The only time the direct uploading proves to be problematic is when our club CC fails to work with the autopay at amazon and we have to scramble to fix that.
  7. I'm guessing John will be here shortly to give you a hand @SuncrestReef If you haven't checked out his 14 part tutorial on Apex programming you should do so when you get a chance. Not necessarily to fix this particular problem but it's a great general resource.
  8. Hi Rich - good question. Brandon has been running point on this and I'm not sure where the units are currently. Will ping him to see if we can get an update. @lewisriverfisherman
  9. Good luck with the mini-build! Good planning can certainly help avoid a lot of pain down the road - sounds like you have it well thought out.
  10. Feed him to Jaggy - that will teach him!
  11. Is that a mimic I see in there? I like how the naso just hides under the rock.
  12. Here you go... http://www.pnwmas.org/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=redirect&url=http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/topic/39193-back-in-the-game-125-reef-rebuild/&key=aab91671ff5a9465e1a9f668cabc1f1223084df28b3936c8cb8f47cafdeb2d11&resource= You can often find these listed in the profiles.
  13. I don't think the pics in my build thread are very easy to see. My tank has two separate overflows, each with it's own drain and return line so I was going to have to do some plumbing work if I wanted a more traditional single point of entry to a sump anyway. You could definitely do what you are proposing and split off the single drain and achieve the same result. I can try to take some better pics and send them your way. It's pretty tight down there so might be a bit hard to see 🤗
  14. Welcome! Glad you found your way here and hope you are able to take advantage of the plethora of advice and experience. I would keep an eye out for the (roughly) monthly club meetings as that is a great way to meet some of the more active members and get some detailed advice/tips as needed. There is a lot of useful material hiding in the various archive threads that also makes good background reading if you are so inclined. We are lucky to have a lot of very helpful vendors here in the local area (see our members map for locations) who are also great at providing input so you shouldn't be without advice! Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide on.
  15. Welcome Thomas! I think a lot of us here came via a long history of freshwater tank keeping. Sounds like you are off to a good start reading up on as much as you can before deciding what to start with. As you will probably see, there are lots of different approaches and ways to be successful - best bet is to find one that you think matches your "style" for maintenance/upkeep and then be patient. As many of us have learned... nothing good happens fast in this hobby 😄
  16. Late to the game here but just wanted to add that I have had pretty good success doing something similar with two separate sumps - one is run as a refugium with deep sand bed and the other has mechanical filtration, heating, dosing etc. The refugium drains into the latter with a shared return pump. I have separate drains running from the main tank to the two sumps so can separately control flow etc. (could also do this by splitting flow post drain if you only have one). My refugium is a taller tank that was already drilled so just ran a gravity drain to the main sump (a bit different than what has been suggested. Found this arrangement to be quite flexible and effective FWIW. I am running a 6foot 125 so had to work in a narrow footprint inside the stand and "daisy-chaining" sumps gave me a lot more capacity/flexibility.
  17. I think Randall was looking for some recently, not sure if he found what he wanted already. @PowderBlue
  18. Kind of sounds like they may have picked an odd size jack just for this reason... wouldn't surprise me. At least you know it should work!
  19. Good luck with the return! FOWLR is definitely a bit easier to maintain but might as well plan for converting to a reef if don't want to end up swapping out equipment later. As for advice on gear, a lot does depend on where you think you might end up done the road re livestock and how you want to approach things like nutrient control (refugium, algae scrubber, skimmer) and parameters (dosing, reactor?) and automation (combined or individual controllers, manual). There aren't really "right and wrong" answers but having an idea what approach works best for you before you start is a good idea. Like Gumby mentioned, lots of good constructive conversations around these topics in the archives so worth spending some time looking through those.
  20. Welcome! Jellyfish breeding sounds like an interesting challenge! Not sure if anyone on here has experience with that but hopefully someone chimes in with recommendations. Good luck!
  21. Manny - did you pick up those Orpheks new or find a pair locally? How are you liking them? Seem like a really nice form factor and coverage on that tank. Certainly the coral are looking good!
  22. Happy Holidays to you and yours Rudy... and to all the rest of the PNWMAS community as well!
  23. Got you down again Paul You have been added.
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