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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. We try and move the meetings around so people don’t always have to travel to Portland. Roy’s system is well worth seeing if you can make it. He has an amazing display tank and grow out setup going.
  2. I believe you should be able to see it. Do you not have the “store” option on either the horizontal navigation tabs (desktop) or in the hamburger drop down (mobile)?
  3. Hey Amaez - I edited that title for you... assume you meant "trade".
  4. Glad you picked him up - he looked really healthy and active and not too large (yet).
  5. Like Manny said - really nice Achilles at Seahorse right now. Nice size and very healthy looking. Been there a few weeks I think. They also have a really nice small sohol tang - usually don't see them that size. Can't recall if you already have one or not.
  6. Sigh. Wish my tank was sorted - lots of stuff I would love to have here.
  7. Always loved these. Jeff had had several pieces in over the last few months after having not seen them for ages. A nice score for sure!
  8. Hey Taylor - congrats on the new tank! Bummer you weren’t able to get the ok for something larger but hopefully you will get this dialed in. Is this in a different space?
  9. Hope it pulls through - one of my favorites along with the other tri-color variants. I used to have several 😞
  10. Yeah - the timeline is a bit surprising to me as well but my contamination was of the slow release variety so that may have contributed. Things deteriorated noticeably over the period of a couple months or so but several of the SPS were the first to go.
  11. I ended up using the Triton heavy metal treatment (couple of rounds) with their recommended water treatment and it seemed to have done the trick. Granted, mine was being dissolved and released in the reactor effluent so might not be fully analogous. Now if I could just get rid of the &#@%!*% Lithium!
  12. Ha! Finally found a weakness! j/k. I know someone who could probably help with that but am keeping him busy at work 😁 If I was running APEX I probably would have already hit him up for this...
  13. So... am I the only one that can't see the pic? Nothing like a good teaser to peak interest eh Bert 😁
  14. Well, it wasn't actually a man made piece of metal but rather a metal containing (magnetic) piece of rock but the point remains... it was deadly 😂 I have also recently discovered the equally deadly effect of Lithium leaching out of man-made rock. Last year and a half have been brutal.
  15. This is a really good read if you haven't seen it yet. General advice is that is is worth following with time to check for major swings (i.e. dead organisms, overdosing ozone) but not something to try and deliberately or actively manage (except if you are actively dosing ozone). As John shows above, a very healthy tank will still undergo some natural micro and macro swings over time so nothing to be too concerned by.
  16. I bet you could reinforce that seam from inside the chase with some strips of additional material and not sacrifice much area. The internal corners might be a bit tricky though. Brian (pdxmonkeyboy) should be able to advise.
  17. Welcome back! Will be curious to see what you do with the nanos. We have had some pretty nice ones in the club before - it's amazing what you can do with even limited volume.
  18. Congrats to Nicknjo! Better start getting that tank wet!
  19. Closed loop isn't a bad idea for some added flow - especially since it's hard to get flow low in the tank/under rock work etc. with some of the standard power heads. I would, however, suggest what PDXmonkeyboy said and add another hole for a feed line higher on the back of the tank. Also, would not suggest using reactors in this loop as they are sort of incompatible with the high flow you are looking for in the CL setup... unless you want to split off a side loop with more restricted flow but that would be a fair amount of extra plumbing. Probably better to do the reactors off of the main return using a manifold setup. Just my 2 cents... Good luck!
  20. I saw that cable and wondered if this might be the reason. Have to be prepared for the random fish attack! Always like the "floating" canopy idea and this version is even cleaner with the single cord and all the power supplies included. Nice solution!
  21. Welcome back! Lots of Red Sea owners on here that could probably give you tips on getting that dialed in. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  22. Congrats on making it through the year with the tank looking better than ever (at least to the casual viewer). Would be interesting to hear what you might have changed with regards to equipment/husbandry/livestock and what impact it had. I know the Trident was a big deal and you recently switched out the lighting... Wish I could speak to the same success but sadly not the case 😞 Hoping for better things in 2020!
  23. Looks like you have things well thought out! Congrats on the custom tank build. Couple questions - are you going to run a remote sump or in the stand? Wasn't quite sure from the description. Obviously access is a lot easier with the remote option and quieter in your tank space if you can pull it off. Also, what is your plan for the overflow/return? What kind of setup are you going to run - seems like if it's drilled for one of each it might limit your options. You mentioned two return pumps - are those running sequentially on in series somehow? Just curious. As for the stocking I would only say add the tangs at the same time if you can and skip the six line if you think you might add any other wrasses in the future - my experience with them is that they always turn out to be bullies. Good luck! Can't wait to see this come together.
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