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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Interesting to see how popular these still are. I used them for many years without any trouble so definitely proved reliable for me.
  2. Nice (virtual) collection of lobos there! They are all really attractive.
  3. Ok - that is interesting. I had the impression that was controlling the C02 inlet as opposed to the effluent rate. Definitely a different beast if they are metering the CO2 by virtue of the float valve. Will need to dig into this at some point to better understand what they are doing. Thanks for the info!
  4. Interesting. A bit hard to tell from the limited info they provide but looks like the hardware is basically a solenoid controller on the CO2 line that is adjusting the "on" and "off" time to achieve pH changes in the chamber combined with some sort of (peristaltic?) control (set rate?) on the effluent. Guessing it also has some sort of limiter on the Co2 pressure to get the overall delivery rate reasonable (if not achieved via a traditional regulator). If I am reading this correctly you could basically reproduce this with a standard regulator with solenoid, a peristaltic pump, and a bit of plug coding on your Apex (to set CO2 on/off times). Curious if anyone does have experience with these as I don't necessarily see their inherent advantage other than keeping everything in "one box" so to speak. Not clear that there is any sort of feedback control on the system either (i.e. isn't adjusting to hold any particular set point). Also, if one did want to add the advantages of pH monitoring/control they would need other components to do so. I do see how reactors can be frustrating given that you can potentially exercise multiple points of control which all interact with one another - hence making it frustrating for someone trying to get it dialed in - but once you understand the relationships of CO2/pH/flow to effective alk it's pretty straightforward. That said, accurate effluent flow control is hard to to achieve without either a decent peristaltic pump or going to high flow rate/high pH combinations. Guessing there is maybe something else going on with this that isn't apparent at first glance? Definitely has a price premium attached to it!
  5. Hi David - do you have any idea what the PAR is like in those two locations? Lots of growth on that PC rainbow and the color definitely looks improved on the WD.
  6. Yeah - no kidding. Wish Jeremy was closer to me so I could hit him up for some projects 😁
  7. Good advice Andrew @Higher Thinking Based on those videos, I would say you could ratchet that down quite a bit more but see how it goes.
  8. If you look at the members map there is a option to show the location of the LFS which might help. Agree on CnC and Seahorse. If you happen to be out Hillsboro then Paradise is well worth a visit.
  9. Hey Salty - might help to throw up some dimensions on this guy. Looks pretty clean!
  10. Very cool to see the impact of the setting changes - thanks for sharing! On a side note, you might want to keep an eye on your Alk levels with the new program - looks like the overall effect will be to keep the avg. pH much closer to your desired set point than it was before so could impact your tank parameters.
  11. Progress! Still not sure you need the min. on but it doesn't seem to be driving the pH past your set point so no harm I guess. I would assume it's removing the Set off that did the real work however. looking forward to the results for Exp. 4!
  12. Haha... OK, so just in case "Share the Pods".
  13. OK... have to say the poly magnet tech is pretty darn cool.
  14. I think this is definitely worth doing. I would say that you could look at reintroducing a longer maximum "on" time as a failsafe (probe failure, broken CO2 line) but drive the "normal" range behavior strictly off the pH reading. That said, I will let John handle the actual coding for that πŸ˜€
  15. Very interesting and suggestive that the program itself is somehow driving the on/off cycle vs. the actual pH readings - caveat about long sample interval aside. That said, you can at least imagine that increasing the off period would potentially lead to larger pH swings if limiting... and it did.
  16. Hey Bret - is this true or rather a random drawing from the first 15 as before? Just wanted to clarify since no one would want to be 14😁
  17. Interesting. So you can just eliminate that line and it might work?
  18. Dodge has some nice coral - this is a very generous offer and worth the trip if you can swing it. @MrsW_3rdGrade
  19. Very kind of you - thanks Daniel!
  20. Very generous of you Bret! Thank you!
  21. Glad to see the tank is doing well and you were able to get the clown fish you were hoping for (and obviously a light). Hopefully someone has a spare bubble tip they could donate or, if not, maybe something could be worked out with one of our sponsors and TFT - they have been very supportive of the program in the past. I will ping our TFT coordinator here just to make sure she knows you are looking @Flashy Fins
  22. We will just have to "agree to disagree" on this one πŸ˜€
  23. I don't know what you are talking about πŸ˜€ Can't tell you how much I love autocorrect on my phone...
  24. Glad you found it. There are ongoing integration issues with tapatalk and our platform - usually having to do with logins. The mobile site is pretty good as a stand-alone but, obviously doesn’t give you the integration with multiple other sites that tapatalk does.
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