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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. I was curious about this myself. It's true that there are lots of views of the tank from adjoining rooms so it will certainly be noticeable but the premier front on angle is pretty much only available standing in the hallway. Of course, I know you will still take full advantage 😁 but somewhat limiting for "casual" viewing. Not that I have a better suggestion...
  2. I feel bad laughing at this stuff but just can't help it. Sorry Holly πŸ€—
  3. Hi Ory - maybe you could update the original post to indicate sold items? Might help things out. GLWS
  4. Nice - they look like decent sized pieces as well. Hope they all make it!
  5. Why does this not surprise me in the least... πŸ˜€ It is really cool BTW.
  6. Guess not then - regardless, it was pretty darn fast this last time and that was even over the holidays. Seemed like they got some of their logistical issues sorted. That said, the website is still glitchy as heck. Plan to do some more routine testing now that I have been burned by two different water contaminant issues after a few years of no problems πŸ™ Still wish someone local would spring for one of these instruments and hook us all up 😁
  7. It does look great BTW. Would be curious to see a detail on that overflow reinforcement. That light is a perfect fit for this tank - love how the MH bulbs sit perfectly over the openings so should reduce the chances of heat/UV damage to the acrylic (don't ask me how I know).
  8. Sweet! Just did another round of testing with them and it went MUCH more smoothly. I will have to look back and see if it actually went overseas or not...
  9. Whoa... that is going to sweet! Not sure I would let a bunch of rambunctious fish geeks in there once it done 😁 Good luck on the execution phase... will no doubt be exciting. Any plans for who will build the tank?
  10. Big fan of melanarus wrasses - good hunters and pest control but can be a bit rough on inverts.
  11. Yep - that’s the one! Very nice...
  12. I like that tri color on the top left. Always have a soft spot for those.
  13. That is a bit disturbing. If your old carpet was still in there I would suspect it of being the guilty party. I could see it getting airborne as well but would have thought you would find it if so. Hope he is just hiding after getting startled or something.
  14. Nice save John πŸ‘ I don’t want to be on the outlet side of the line when you fire up that compressor. Maybe you could get @pdxmonkeyboy to hold it for you.
  15. Welcome Merkey! Always glad to have more participants from north of the river - glad you found us. We are actually having our next meeting in WA (granted farther south) but maybe you can make a field trip. If you take a look at the member map feature, you might find some other folk closer by as well. I did move this to the "Introduce Yourself" thread as it seemed more appropriate.
  16. Should be a great meeting and worth the trip just to see Roy's setup. Hoping we see a lot of our Northern contingent at this one (are you listening Jeremy?) @TheClark
  17. Congrats on getting the OK for the big tank. Unfortunately, I don't have my old stand anymore or it would have worked πŸ™
  18. You just had to give Brian ideas didn't you. Sigh. I guess we can just pretend that is a name for the latest hot zoa...
  19. Which one is this? Hippo? They are pretty adept at making themselves very flat for sure!
  20. Thanks for taking this on Jay - I am sure it is a giant pain but it will be great to have this sorted and provide better clarity to all the members and the officers/BOD as well. Let us know if there is something we can help with on this side.
  21. This is fertile ground for commentary but no... As Manny mentioned, the fact that you do not see "supporting member" under your profile pic suggests that your membership has lapsed but you may want to wait until Chief confirms that he is done with his corrections. Suncrest's suggestion would be another way to try and verify if your last payment was more than a year ago (assuming you paid through the site). As for the zoanthid part - those headings are driven by post count if I'm not mistake - hence Kim (Emerald) has the "Top Poster" moniker. Can't recall if I have ever seen a list of those names/post count assignments though.
  22. Looks like you would be since you indicated either as OK (handheld preferred). It kind of skipped around a bit. Just a bit of procedural detail. We originally were trying to return these to whomever was running point on the program @lewisriverfisherman or one of the other officers/BOD so that they could verify the condition of the unit and arrange for the deposit return. This helped protect everyone in case a unit got damaged there wouldn't be any ambiguity. That said, the logistics have gotten a bit crazy - especially with two units - so not sure this protocol has held up. So... Paul @Trailermann, if you do pick this up from H2Ocooled either directly or via drop off, please verify functionality ASAP so that there are no misunderstandings. Thank you! Sean
  23. I'm happy to adopt any orphans πŸ˜€ Definitely first world coral problems...
  24. Bummer - I really like the look of the lemon peel but not enough to feed him coral πŸ˜€
  25. Hard to go wrong with that deal! Someone on here must need a cube...
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