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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. His inbox is probably full. I’m pretty sure we have had young folk at his place before so pretty sure it would be fine - was just hoping he could confirm but probably busy setting up. I really think it should be fine.
  2. I would say that the meetings are generally family friendly but should defer to @stylaster here as it is in his home. We certainly have had plenty of young potential reefers at these events in the past - often helping to pick out coral for their tanks at home.
  3. Glad to hear you will be joining us! They are primarily pretty informal affairs with lots of time to check out the host's setup, chat reef with fellow enthusiasts, have some snacks and take part in raffles (if you so desire) and trade some frags. Definitely a great way to get acquainted with some of the club members.
  4. I completely missed this thread when it went up. Looking forward to seeing what you and Jim might bring up.
  5. Actually, Taylor needs to update his location 😁 - he is over in the Mount Scott area now so not quite so far.
  6. And... in case you haven't been to Roy's before and are worried about finding it don't! It is super easy if you are coming either direction on I5. Basically get off at exit 42, head west on Lexington Bridge drive and keep going until it dead ends. It changes name to Sparks enroute but you literally don't have to make any turns at all. Just pull over and park before you drive off the end of the road 😁.
  7. Looking forward to seeing what"s been happening with this system - always a real show stopper for sure. There will be food, raffles, frags and good reef talk so make sure you stop by if you can. This is one of our most "northerly" meeting locations so a great opportunity for some of our WA members to take part in something closer to home perhaps. Hope to see a lot of you there. BTW - Jim @Gumby posted a thread with some nice frags he has available to bring to the meeting so you might want to take a look at that as incentive 😁
  8. I was thinking along the same lines 😁 So you aren't going to make it despite me taunting you in the meeting thread?!?!
  9. re you still at your old place? Lost track of where things stood re the move. That bad boy is going to be heavvvvy!
  10. Well, if I was closer and actually had any free time I would love to help out on this - would be a great learning experience. Plus, you would have someone to blame when things didn’t work out right (never underestimate the value of a scapegoat).
  11. Welcome! Glad you decided to join in. While most members are a bit further north, we do have some folk from down in that area that post regularly and occasionally make it to meetings further south. We try to spread the meeting around a bit to help encourage participation across the area but it can be challenging for sure. We have a voluntary member map feature that shows club member and LFS locations so that might help see who could be close enough to you for some frag trading. As always, keep an eye on the classified posts for deals. You should post up some pics and description of you system when you get a chance - sounds like it is pretty mature.
  12. Well, if you do it's probably upstairs at CnC and he could just swing by and pick it up himself 😁
  13. Congrats Taylor! I know that was more the size/shape you were hoping to get in the first place so glad it ultimately worked out OK. Good luck getting everything dialed in man!
  14. Did you paypal that? Tagging Jeremy here as I don't have access to the account. @Jeremevans Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the confirmation Paul - much appreciated!
  16. Hmmm. Looks like they might be the right combination!
  17. Ouch Brad. That is pretty brutal. Going through phase two of my own endless crash as well but at least I was starting from a much lower plane of existence. Can't imagine trying to put that collection back together. Hopefully there will be enough folks on here that got pieces over the years and can help repopulate. Good luck man!
  18. It should. The only ones I see above it appear to be posted after yours but maybe I am missing something.
  19. We should pin a post with this info and perhaps take down the store page unless we have something else to list there. @TheClark @Chief Thanks for pointing that out John.
  20. Sorry we missed this. If you go to the β€œstore” page you should see the option to purchase individual or family memberships via PayPal.
  21. Those did seem like a really good deal but I'm not up on my Apex parts πŸ€—
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