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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Yeeesh - tough crowd! Yes, I do still have my Nikon 800E and the 60mm macro I got from you as well as the Avast - what I don't have any of these days is time! In fact, my wife took that shot during the day while the lights were on and texted it to me so I could actually see the clam out - the lights are off by the time I get home. Might be able to get a real shot on Saturday but that's on the list with about 100 other things I have to do so no promises πŸ€—
  2. Wow - lots of serious work happing here. Ditto on the rock work Lots of nice frag real estate there.
  3. There were some temping ones in there as well. Probably would have brought one of those home if not for this big guy πŸ‘
  4. Thanks! I will need to get a top down with the real camera so you can actually see the colors. Jeff had two nice ones on Sunday and some other folk in the shop bought the other as we were deciding on this one... close call!
  5. So we finally found a clam we couldn't resist at CnC last weekend. It is a good sized tricolor gold, purple and green and seems to be setting into it's new home. It already found a friend as our 8 inch sea cucumber decided to snuggle up to it all day to give it a squishy welcome. As per usual, shot through the glass doesn't due this clam justice. Shout out to Jeff for the awesome specimen @CuttleFishandCoral
  6. Ok, you have to admit that is pretty funny! It would be interesting if the "straw" that broke the camel's back proved to be connectivity for your fish 😁
  7. Nice deal! Too tall for under my tank I think. GLWS
  8. Those captive bred Hawaiian cleaner wrasses were also awesome along with the coral beauties - glad to see some of the sustainable choices expanding. Thanks for brining these in Jeff!
  9. Did you pick yours up? They were all gone when I got there so never saw them.
  10. This is awesome Jeff! Thanks for putting this together. Are you wanting people to reply on this thread if they want one?
  11. That is awesome John and also well deserved. It is a very well thought out and presented series and glad we got to reveal it as part of PNWMAS before it hit R2R. Great to have such knowledgable and helpful members here.
  12. Not sure how I missed this the first time around but welcome Duane! That is a beautiful tank and an impressive array of SPS colonies - inspirational to say the least. Glad you decided to join in and share some info on your system with us. Hopefully catch you at a meeting one of these days.
  13. Looks like a nice setup! Really like the rock work. Good luck getting it wet and welcome back.
  14. I have a larger one of those I use for a return pump and it has been rock solid, no fuss going on 4 years. Probably just jinxed myself...
  15. The 1/4 inch flow sensor is nice. Wonder what the tolerances are for that?
  16. Excited to see the new shop! It was great to see Garrett and the TPA crew at our holiday meeting in December so will be nice to follow up with a meeting in their new digs. They always work hard to make us feel at home there when hosting.
  17. Sounds good - you know where to find me 😁
  18. I knew you would have a plan! All sounds logical... now you just have to wait and see what goes wrong 'cause, you know, it's a reef tank after all πŸ€—
  19. Calculated a weight for just the tank yet? Wondering how many bodies you will need to move it 😁 I'm sure you come up with some ingenious way to reinforce those floors...
  20. Hey Trevor - I have a couple of regulators with solenoids you can play around with if you want to test things out. I think they both have some potential leak issues so not something you would want to use long term without doing some cleaning/repair but you are welcome to use them to test things out. I also have an extra 5 lb cylinder you could borrow.
  21. Here is a potentially useful thread but doesn't make for fun reading 😧 Sounds like trapping might be the best bet for removal.
  22. Congrats on the big day! Can’t wait to see this bad boy up and running.
  23. I could see that. Might be nice not to have it on the outer wall and covering that window. Hope it works out OK.
  24. Looking sharp! I like the location - great spot for a peninsula. Can't wait to see what you do stocking this. Welcome back!
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