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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. I have been meaning to look into this phenomenon - curious if it’s dependent on material (glass, star fire glass, acrylic) that you are viewing through, angle, or some combination. I have used a glass lens top down and still seen good color but that was a high quality mag lens. It can be striking for sure.
  2. Share the Pods! Keeping it simple this time to see if it improves my chances 😁
  3. Happy B-day John! Hope you have something fun planned - besides watching your tank that is 😀 Great to have you as part of the club!
  4. Have heard others complain about the lack of stability in their salinity/conductance readings off these but not sure of the underlying reasons. I had a controller/probe combo from another company that was rock solid for a couple of years before going biphasic on me - bouncing between the same degree of over and under reading randomly but repeatably. Never did figure that out ether. Bottom line, I would not trust these enough to control off of them based on the reports I have heard. John may have had some better luck and insight into the performance specifically with the Apex - I know it has at least been stable enough for him to see some trending data (e.g. slow drift in salinity due to some clogged water change piping). Hopefully he will chime in.
  5. Oh man - sorry to hear Taylor. Been a rough week for you. Let me know if I can help out somehow and will keep my eyes open re rentals.
  6. Impressive layout. I may be misreading this but it looks like your entire return flow to the main tank is routed through the chiller? I doubt you would need/want a chiller that could support the kind of flow rate you are likely to have back to your display so perhaps there is a side loop or something in place to break out and step down that portion of the flow? Probably just reading this wrong but now I'm curious 😁 Very cool design on the room and layout - can't wait to see this all put together and running.
  7. This is going to be sweet when it all setup. When is the house/fishroom warming party?
  8. Given that loss of temp control is one of the fastest ways to destroy a tank it’s worth considering keeping the inkbird as a primary control with the apex as secondary safety Shut off outlet when out of temp range). That’s basically how I’m set up as well (different equipment but same scheme) Just a thought.
  9. Where is Richard? He would enjoy this thread 😁
  10. This is what I was afraid of 🙁 Will text you back about setting up some time if it works out for you. Thanks man. Glad to hear the pup is doing better. Scary stuff for sure. Our sheltie decided to eat a box of rat poison one night and I had to run all over to find someplace I could buy hydrogen peroxide late at night to get him to purge it. I will say, one spoonful of the peroxide and he definitely purged! After that, I could never pry his mouth open again unless there was obvious food involved - quick learner.
  11. Cool. Want to get that sorted before the weather warms up and I start overheating again! Do you still have the same number? Sent a couple texts recently but not sure you got them. Fans runs with DC direct but haven't tested the relay or the the possible control unit - S4 seems like some weird mix between the A6 and A4 of the period so hard to get accurate data.
  12. BTW - I do still need to sort out the aux fan on the S4 so if you want to help out on that would be happy for the extra set of eyes/hands - let me know.
  13. Saw some of those acros today - definitely some nice pieces. Great to see some variety show up again to replenish the local supply. We are lucky to have the LFSs with the connections to get these flowing again so quickly.
  14. Sweet! Glad to see these go up at CnC - such nice looking lights. Also helpful to see them side by side with the Radions on the Frag tanks at Seahorse. Worth checking out if you haven’t seen them yet.
  15. Hi Paul - since the $50 deposit is going to be a moot point now if you return it in good shape let’s not worry about it now. I am still hoping Jeremy can chime in here with some instructions we could add to the main post re how to do this via PayPal. As you noted - it was often done with cash when handing off directly to the officers/bod but that is difficult if this starts getting handed off between users. That is more practical given everyone’s schedules but means we need to rethink the deposit details. Thanks for bringing it up.
  16. OK - I was trying to track back through this thread to figure out where the hand held is and last I saw Trailerrmann was returning it to @lewisriverfisherman Brandon - do you know the status of this? Want to make sure it is either with you or, if in circulation, who it's with. Paul has the USB I believe. Thanks.
  17. Welcome Miles - glad to have you on board! Do you have a preference as to which meter? If you look at the original post in this thread it will give some explanation of the differences. If either is fine we will make note of that.
  18. Hey Aaron - been a while since we've seen an update on that monster build! Just to clarify, both meters use a very similar probe (little cylinder on the end of a stick) but one has a hand held meter attached and is hence self contained and the other plugs in via USB to a computer and you download an app to use for the readings (instructions back at the start of the thread). Let us know which you prefer or if either are fine.
  19. Sorry Paul - just saw this. I think those that have done it on PayPal have just sent the money to the club account then Jeremy has canceled it when the meter has been returned. Copying him here so he can provide the correct pay pal addy @Jeremevans
  20. Hi H2O, just checking to see if Jeremy got this back to you or not.
  21. Wow... really sorry to hear that Taylor. It's bad enough being scared for your pet's health but having the financial blow on top is brutal. Likewise with the shout out re autoworker. Taylor has helped me keep my Audi B5 S4s on the road and running great so would definitely recommend if you need work. I throw whatever I can your way.
  22. Just in time to restock my tank... what could go wrong 😱 Guess we came a few days too soon. Then again, we did score the sweet clam!
  23. This right here! At least there are a few potential ways to address the aptasia (as discussed here), majanos are pure, indestructible evil in a reef tank.
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