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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. OK round one (first crash) Feb 2018 Cu 5.6 vs 0.1 "set point" La 5.16 vs 0.1 "set point" Zn 8.3 vs 4 "set point" Li 1875 vs 200 "set point" Round two (second crash) Dec 2019 Li 950 vs 200 "set point" Si 190 vs 100 "set point" The lanthanum in the first round I can account for (phosphate binder) and the heavy metal seemed to be from a piece of rock dissolving in my Ca reactor - which I managed to find with a magnet. Second go around the only thing I could think of was a piece of manmade shelf rock that I had added to the tank prior to the first crash so that is gone now. Also had high phosphate in the second round but not sure that is repeatable as I did not pick it up with a couple of new test kits (weird). Between the first and second episode, I changed my RO/DI water source, changed my primary salt source and stopped/replaced any additives (e.g. FUEL, trace elements, etc.) so none of those seem like a viable source. Not sure this helps but interesting none the less...
  2. Hey Trevor - if you get a 6 pack there is some savings (45 each vs. 49 each) and I think you can get 10% off signing up for their newsletter or such. I would be interested in going in on one with you as I want to make this a more regular thing and, if I have them on hand I'm more likely to do it. I will pull up my old test results and post some numbers for reference (will be painful).
  3. Doesn't work with Lithium unfortunately - I did use it for the heavy metals though during the first crash.
  4. Just an FYI - I edited the title so the name matches πŸ™‚
  5. Not sure who's next in line... I'm too busy drowning my sorrow.
  6. Another beauty from the GB stable I see. Nice!
  7. Well someone is going to get a smoking deal. Sadly, I'm too short to be able to work on this without a step ladder πŸ˜” Really bummed... Great guy BTW! Looking forward to his new mega-build.
  8. Hi Tenderfoot, Does that sump fit completely under that stand or were you running it remotely. Guessing the latter based on the pic and external overflow but wanted to check. Killer deal.
  9. Just a quick shout out for the awesome Duncan frag @SuncrestReef looks really healthy and happy. Will try to get the real camera out for a pic... but you know how that goes 😁
  10. So looks like you have developed a "bounce" hammer 😁 This is kind of crazy - have not seen an example of that before.
  11. That is exactly what I thought they were when I saw your pic. I'm sure Scott could whip some up for PNWMAS members living in high DUI risk areas @spectra
  12. Interesting. I have wondered what the usual ratio is to get one to convert. I have had a pair for couple of years now and one still is still male so seems like it might be variable. Definitely cool to see them morph - at least from female to male. The other way around is often disappointing though πŸ˜ƒ
  13. Did you 3D print them? Cool option to have available for a DC conversion/pump replacement.
  14. Hey Trevor - I had really high Lithium (over 1000) and I do think it was causing issues. Only thing I could link it to was possibly a piece of man made shelf rock I had in the tank that I introduced about the same time I had the heavy metal problem cropped up. Thought they were from one and the same source but apparently not 😞 About time for me to send in another sample and see if cleared up. The corals are growing again so have to think it had an impact.
  15. Hey John - I will try one since there are still some left.
  16. This is awesome and thank you again Rudy for thinking of and supporting the TFT program! @Jeremevans just want to make sure you saw this Jeremy.
  17. Well said Kim! But I do think a special shout out to all the front line health care providers (whether via fireworks or a simple thumbs up) is well warranted in these circumstances so count me among those who appreciate your contributions and the added risk those working directly with patients incur. That said, I agree, we are all in this together and all of us are essential in our own way. Stay well (both physically and mentally) everyone!
  18. Yeah - this was my thought as well. It's a bit whack as the station is still supposed to have people maintaining sterilization protocol - in which case, why can't they just pump the gas instead and limit the contact with the equipment? I think this may have been one of those well intentioned things that just wasn't well thought out under the circumstances. Not the first time...
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