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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Lid looks sharp - saw one on the display at C&C recently. Definitely good piece of mind for the jawfish. KIttens! Did you talk to the corgi about this? So far we have been lucky (knocks on wood) and our cats haven't tried to get on top of the new tank... they used to love to lounge on top of the canopy on the old one in the winter - nothing like a couple of 400watt MH fixtures to keep you toasty!
  2. I was in the same boat for a few years between tanks and would visit C&C on a regular basis to check out the latest offerings. They were always helpful despite knowing where I was at (Jorge could speak to how annoying this might have been ?). I think the key is to be honest about your status and respectful of the staff's time. I usually made a point of deferring if it was obvious there was someone ready to purchase and limit questions when busy. I think most of the shops value a dedicated customer and are willing to invest some time cultivating a relationship knowing what a challenging hobby this can be.
  3. Haha! Indeed I do (and have used them) but it's hard to swing the hammer inside the tank!
  4. Hey all, My bird nests are getting to the point of needing some trimming so thought I would see if anyone had some fragging tools they no longer needed. Yeah, I know, they aren't that expensive to begin with but always like to check here first just in case someone is trying to clean out some unused gear. Alternatively, if an LFS happens to carry them them that could work as well - like to keep it local if possible. Thanks!
  5. We missed you Andrew! It was surprisingly pleasant in the shop even though it broke 100 outside. Plenty of motivation to just hang out, shop and converse with some fellow reefers. Oh yeah, and eat some tasty BBQ curtesy of Sirena who manned the grill outside the entire time (thanks again!). Next time!
  6. Cool! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Good luck with the launch ?
  7. Love the pics and recap Bert - you are the best! I was pretty impressed with the turnout given the weather - glad so many folk braved the heat to come in and enjoy all the hospitality provided by Garret and his crew as well as all the work Kim and Sirena put in. Sure I am forgetting some others here but great job all!
  8. I did pick up an inverter so I could run a power head off my car battery but my tank would have cooked if it were 100 outside!
  9. Looks more like GSP or clove polyps to me. Is there a shared encrusting base? Definitely not aptasia from what I can see.
  10. Jorge - the reverse coral vampire!
  11. Wow - not something you expect to see this time of year - at least not unless you are in SoCal or something.
  12. I saw some killer new coral there earlier this week and there was more coming in so imagine it is pretty crazy this weekend.
  13. Thanks for hosting Garret! It was great to finally see the shop - can't wait to make another trip down and pick up some additional goodies. Thanks for saving the water bottle for us...
  14. That is a cool little tank and a really neat stand - love the reclaimed wood look.
  15. My theory (never actually had one but I know some folk on here have) is that by swiping the neck regularly it dislodges the deposited material before it gets too dense and hence allows it to be carried into the collection cup by the foam head. It seems that, once you have a base layer formed in the neck, it tends to then collect more material at a faster rate so you are basically trying to head off this process early on. I could see where this would work but haven't observed it in person. Maybe someone who has used one could comment on this and their effectiveness - I have always been curious as well.
  16. Well, if I can ever get them off the rock in the display I will let you know - you would be welcome to some for sure. Poking around a bit, the morph looks a bit like the "Atomic Eagle Eye" but not quite so intense coloration overall (might be their lighting/photo). https://www.pinterest.com/pin/533676624568750112
  17. Always fun to see what surprises show up as your tank matures. Fortunately, these are the good kind of biodiversity!
  18. Actually the pic is really pretty accurate now that I see it on a real screen! Sorry about that. Really like that purple shroom and the zoas all look sharp. BTW - I have a colony of those eagle eyes I got from Scott early on and now there are two clear morphs - one with the bright green skirt like yours here, and half with a more yellow/gold skirt. Have you seen this variation before? I know they can morph but it is kind of interesting to see a colony with a clear line of demarcation (should get a pic sometime).
  19. Sweet looking stuff - as always Cody! Is that a blue mushroom in the top right of the first pic? (On my phone so hard to tell). Makes me wish I had a spare ritteri laying around...
  20. Those are insanely gorgeous Rudy! Good luck with the trip.
  21. So you are going to be there Cody? Awesome - look forward to finally getting to meet you. (and drool over some of your coral in person)
  22. Indeed it is! You can never have enough controllers right!
  23. Not sure who is doing the cooking but I dig what they are serving up!
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