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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Well, I was honoring to make it in today but Holly put me to work! Sounds like I would have missed the "return of Jorge" anyway ?
  2. That is killer - can't wait to see it filled with seahorses!
  3. This wouldn't surprise me but would be a good question for TheClark or Chief. Sorry to muddy up your thread but congrats on the sale!
  4. Haha! Great to meet you too - always good to be able to start to put some faces together with names. Hope your frags do well.
  5. Happy to help out and great chance to see some familiar faces and meet some new folks as well. Lots of great frags went out the door today so should be some happy reefers out there.
  6. This is good to know. I've just been using the straight mobile site - which works great. Wonder if there is somewhere we could note that for other users. You get the tap talk ad every time you load our main page including the pop up if you aren't logged in... kind of annoying and now unnecessary.
  7. Cherany swoops in for the win! Congrats all and thanks for the generous love spreading Scott! Now remember to be careful around that forest fire or you won't have anything left ?
  8. Welcome to the forum and glad you were able to make it to the meeting last week. Looks like you have a nice collection started - were you able to find something to add at TPA?
  9. Just need a really thick acrylic tank to go with it! Steve Weist used to have some really cool cold water tanks... wonder if anyone around here is keeping one these days. This chiller would be pretty ideal.
  10. Jorge's back! Woot woot! Oh, and some awesome coral on sale too!
  11. Cool! Guess I won't have to wrestle Jeremy for one then...
  12. This also reminds me that I shouldn't rely on phone sized pics to ID corals... fail. Hope you have more than one of these Holly!!!
  13. Oooo. I see some good stuff in there! Looks like a lokani, setosa and some twilight dragon too!
  14. I have found that FF to be particularly brittle so I get it. So far, the pieces I have broken off haven't been big enough to save though.
  15. Congrats - really nice example. I have seen some really sweet nems showing up lately so glad to see folk taking advantage.
  16. Cool story - nice find Andrew. Couldn't get the video to work for some reason though...
  17. Sorry to hear but totally get it. I had to back away for several years before I was able to recommit to having a tank. Missed it the whole time but knew I needed to wait for the right circumstances to make it work. Hopefully you are able to get back in one of these days.
  18. Plus one on the possum wrasse - very chill and would probably be an ideal small tank inhabitant. Not aggressive eaters from what I have seen so something to keep an eye on if you get one.
  19. That is a pretty nice deal - thanks for thinking of us Richard! Unfortunately, don't think I can make it...
  20. Good timing! Sounds like it could keep a pretty large system in check comfortably.
  21. Clearly I didn't lock this up quickly enough ?
  22. Sorry to hear about your struggles Daniel but glad things seem to be turning around. Not sure if you saw the thread from PDXmonkeyboy about his water related issues but he chased it down to an ammonia spike caused by increased chloramine in the water supply overwhelming his RODI and resulting in measurable ammonia getting added to his tank during water changes. Not sure if something like that could have happened to you (over a longer time frame) but the dates seem like they might align. Sounds like you have some nice new fish lined up to join the DT crowd!
  23. Very cool! I'm envious but probably wouldn't be able to survive the distance swim and water treading these days. Used to be a good swimmer as a teen but that was a loooong time ago now. Good luck man - hope you get to see some cool sea life. Do you have an underwater camera?
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