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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Whoa... that is a lot of acrylic! Good luck on the seams!
  2. I have a 2500 and a 3100 that was powering my AquaC skimmer until I just recently switched that out. Guess I am a bit of a throwback. They still work great though! Nice deal on the gear Frank!
  3. I wonder if I bought this it might encourage my SPS to grow like yours Brad? Good deal - GLWS!
  4. Oh man Chris - are you sure about this? So many beautiful pieces and such a gorgeous tank
  5. Hmm... that could be another interesting prize - a full set of Hanna checkers.
  6. I would settle for just adding KH monitoring to my controller. If anyone ends up providing that at a reasonable price point they will have more sales than they know what to do with!
  7. I think KenH was running a couple of these on his garage systems so might be a good reference if one wanted local feedback.
  8. More Tapatalk updates installed and reportedly working! Original post updated to reflect the good news but let us know if you experience additional problems... or even if you are just happy it is (hopefully) back
  9. This is an interesting idea... heard good things about the CarbonDoser regulator but it is another one of those items that is expensive enough to be somewhat prohibitive for people to just try out - so a good choice for a prize!
  10. That makes much more sense! Thanks for clarifying Jon. I kind of liked the other interpretations better for entertainment purposes though...
  11. Ouch! To be fair, it was the 90s so probably have to cut them a bit of slack for the fashion sense... or not.
  12. I wonder if some starter and/or maintenance kits would be appealing? We could put together some smaller items to make a nice package. It would be worthwhile enough to invest a ticket but maybe oriented toward someone just getting started or thinking about it to get them over the hump. We could even try and come up with some more specialized packages as well - maybe a coral propagation one with cutters, plugs, glue and dips or something? Just throwing out ideas.
  13. (on topic for a moment - yeah, surprising I know) I also like the Gyre idea as it is something a lot of folk might be interested in trying out as a replacement for more traditional power heads but come at a steep enough price that they (ok, I) can't justify it if they have working gear. Of mixed emotions on the tank. Winning one could put someone over the top for experimenting with a seahorse or other specimen tank but it is a bit of a commitment.
  14. I'm starting to worry a bit about you Jeremy... Is it wrong that I didn't pay enough attention to the Spice Girls to have a favorite? BTW Kim - gopros are the compact, motion stabilized video cameras that many thrill junkies such as sky divers, motocross riders, skate boarders, etc. use to document their death-defying feats. Maybe Tom is trying to tell us something here. Either that or he really wants a gift certificate to go4pro which appears to be a professional narration company - maybe do a voiceover for a video of his SPS collection?
  15. I could get into a free trip to Fiji with a personal reef guide! Thanks Roy!
  16. Original post updated. Please see above. Thanks!
  17. How did I miss this! Love it! Glad to hear that the new kids are doing well and growing... Sirena deserves some better seahorse luck
  18. Good to know what I have seen is similar to others. Honestly wasn't sure how reliable/accurate these TDS readers are in the field.
  19. Just to add to that, I know that several folk on here have had SPS related issues in the recent past. At least one of those came back to water supply problems in combination with a partially depleted DI resin but that was in PDX during the time they were messing with their source water - which clearly wouldn't affected you. Ended up with them adding ammonia to the tank via their RO/DI. Just makes me suspicious now... They mostly suffered from bleaching however.
  20. Hey Brian sorry to hear you are having problems. One question I had was whether or no those TDS numbers were consistent with what you were seeing previously. On my system I would typically see 1-2 out of the RO and zero out of the DI but obviously a different water supply. I think more important than the absolute number would be a change from previous readings that might suggest a degradation in the quality.
  21. Thanks for posting those Daniel! Glad to see Bert actually make it into a pic since he is always behind the camera
  22. Can't wait to see this up and running! Sounds like the boat is now out of the way so need to think of a new reason for not having it up yet
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