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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Sorry you couldn't make it Scott. At least I didn't save you beer this time ?
  2. Glad you could make it Paul. Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk (I was pretty late) but good to hear you had an opportunity to enjoy Sirena's cooking and Jeremevans fresh crab. Quite the spread! Hopefully will have better timing next meeting and I can hear the latest on your water chemistry mystery.
  3. Oh man... all these pics make me want to get an anemone crab!
  4. Haha - don't tell Darcy that... I'm already in enough trouble! Oh, and save me some ribs is a given - can't miss Sirena's ribs!
  5. Hi Trailermann, are you on PDX city water or some other source? Just curious.
  6. Change of plans - looks like we might be able to make it after all (park too damp to hang out in the grass). Might be a little late so don't let them raffle without us! ?
  7. Give Black Sails a try. Similar dialogue driven narrative interspersed with action sequences but no dragons! Just lots of pirates...
  8. Hi all, It is getting to the point that I need to restock my Ca reactor and thought it might be a good opportunity to see what folk here recommend/prefer for media. There seem to be a few more widely available options like ReBorn (Little Fishes), ARM (Caribsea) and Reef Reactor (Seachem) but probably more that I am missing. Like many things reef, I would expect people to have some opinions on their relative merit and, of course, would be interested to hear those along with positive/negative experiences if you are willing to share. Thanks in advance!
  9. This is killing me... currently will miss this as Darcy's b-day event is planned from 1-5. It is in the park, however so you never know... could have a rain out Yeah, I know, I'm a heel for even suggesting it. What can I say, I want one of those Gyres and some of Sirena's fantastic ribs ? Oh, and to hang out with all of you of course - that's a given.
  10. That is very generous of you! I wonder if @kknight knows if there is a placement opportunity. I think @Flashy Fins might have a lead on a school as well but I am a bit out of the loop
  11. Oh man - love New Orleans. Haven't been down there since the 80s though. Won't be able to make this trip either. Hope some of you all are able to attend.
  12. I will be there if at all possible... just let me know when you have a date nailed down.
  13. Bummer Brian. I take it the RO/DI membrane and/or cartridge replacements haven't helped.
  14. The mystery continues... Thanks for the update Paul. Really curious how this turns out. I actually haven't tried the Fritz yet so can't really offer any first hand experience on mixing results but I know quite a few others on here have switched over since Jeff started stocking it.
  15. Congrats on the new house! Sounds like you will have room to add some more tanks I moved a full 120 once and it was a bit of a challenge. The biggest issues were to have sufficient temporary storage for the livestock, rock, etc. while you tear down, transport and set up the tank. I would assume you won't get it done in a day so make sure you have some small power heads and lights (if necessary) to keep things going in the containers for a day or two (things happen). I also would recommend not doing a 100% water change and saving a good portion of your current water for reuse just to reduce the chance for large parameter swings but others might have had better luck starting from scratch. definitely some planning up front will save you a lot of grief once you pull the plug(s). Guessing some of the professional maintenance folk on here will have some great tips/tricks. Keep me posted on the time/date - would be happy to help if I can.
  16. Good luck. This has me intrigued so keep us posted.
  17. Congrats @SaltyJay! Good to see one of our friendly clean up crew get a bit of love and nice pic to boot.
  18. Ahhh... that makes sense. How dare those hammers
  19. Looking good! Are these all hammers you pulled out of your DT? I seem to recall you had some in there previously. Were some of the inhabitants bothering them or just decided a specimen tank would be cool (which it is!).
  20. Hey Snappy, I would say Flashy's prior suggestions regarding one of the more colorful flasher wrasses or possum would be fine although the flashers can be jumpers if startled. I would be careful with a mandarin in that size tank - they are often hard to get established on frozen food and may refuse to eat anything but live pods - which could get totally depleted in a tank that size unless you found a way to supplement the population. The sunburst anthias should be fine as well now that the 6-line is gone. I wouldn't have recommended adding any of these with him still in there based on my prior experiences. Hope this helps...
  21. I like this one! Cool idea Miles. Just to be a pain... does photosynthetic coral count? I am guessing you want something beyond that like Goby/pistol shrimp pairs or cleaner shrimp/fish combos? Figured I would ask before you get a deluge of photos that don't hit the mark.
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