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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Jorge has all the best stuff. I think he collected all this killer gear just to torture us with sale threads 😜
  2. Hey Paul, if you are using your phone (mobile site) then you need to click on the icon with the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner. That will give you a pop up menu which, at the top, includes a mail icon (looks like an envelope). That gets you to your messages. On the full site, the same icon is in the top right menu bar and likewise takes you there. If you have a PM you haven't read yet and you are logged into the site (full or mobile) you should see a red number above the relevant icon to let you know something new is there. Just keep clicking on the icons with the red indicator and you should get there. As to the more general question, the site is built on a standard forum template so I can see if I can find a useful guide for It and post it somewhere obvious. One of our great admins may be able to point t you to it in the meantime @TheClark @Chief
  3. Haha - been there done that. Definitely heavier than you would have thought (as you are now painfully aware) 😁
  4. Glad to hear you tracked it down. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here.
  5. That is pretty crazy... sounds like you survived anyway. Hopefully all the fish did as well
  6. That didn't take long! Ask and he shall receive I guess. Betting there are some more bounces lurking out there!
  7. Pretty exciting! Someone just recently posted about one of their blue stars converting as well but can't recall the user. Maybe something in the air... or water I guess.
  8. Welcome - sorry to hear about your tank stress but wise to seek input! I would agree with youcallmenny here in that they can look a lot worse than that on the way out and even start to detach so seems like a good chance at recovery - keep an eye on it though since, if they do go, they can foul your tank very quickly. As long as you stay on top of parameters though I bet you will be OK. Good luck!
  9. Ahhh... I see how it is. Nice work guys (or Roy).
  10. That is kind of crazy. I would worry that he wouldn't get enough light there.
  11. Man - you didn't skimp on anything did you! Those stands are awesome...
  12. Nice! Love the weathered finish look on that flooring.
  13. Let me know if it doesn't fit! Been eyeing this as well but have absolutely no place to put it. Glad it found a home though - sweet tank. BTW - I want to see where you managed to put all your existing tanks plus the 8 footer you were building. I know the new house is bigger but you may need to start working on an addition already
  14. Welcome aboard! Glad you found your way here and decided to introduce yourself. Indeed, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience represented here so hopefully you will find some of it useful. Hope you can make it to a meeting one of these days and get introduced in person.
  15. Those are indeed some large fish! That panther grouper is huge... thanks for sharing!
  16. I was going to suggest that as a less expensive option than a long extension cord - those can get pretty pricy.
  17. Welcome! Glad you found us and hope we see you at at meeting one of these days. We have at least one other active high school reefer on here and probably more. Glad to see folks taking an interest early on. Sounds like you are off to a great start if you have had your tank up for a couple of years already. Looking forward to seeing your pics!
  18. Indeed. Saw several really beautiful and healthy looking powder blues there today. Honestly the best I have seen - glad you scored one!
  19. Cool! Figured it would be tough for you to come home empty handed from that event. Congrats on the new addition.
  20. Welcome aboard Rob! Sorry to hear about your startup troubles (been there - done that). Sounds like you have some great experience to share and your 750 build is looking really sharp. Hope to see you at a meeting some day.
  21. Impressive setup! Some nice large pieces of Rick in there as well. Looks like you repurposed the lighting from your previous tank - looks good! Have fun filling that up with some coral 👍
  22. Welcome back (sort of) Randall! Hope you find something that works for you!
  23. That first gonipora is super cool in person if it is the one I am thinking of. Someone needs to snap that up ASAP.
  24. Thanks for sharing Roy! I saw at least a couple of clown tangs in there and some interesting wrasses as well. What are those coral culture racks made out of? (assuming that was their intent)
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