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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Actually, it's just the 1/4 tubing running from one of the internal overflows in the tank (so no random critters) Since these are basically self-leveling (short of a return pump failure) and the tubing is fixed I get a pretty constant "head pressure" and the tubing itself limits max flow. I haven't put a flow meter on it but the only times I have noticed a significant change were related to the needle valve gumming up (it is still inline but backed all the way out). I find it interesting that the manufactures specifically suggest not doing this (presumably due to the danger of breaking the siphon and lack of significant pressure to drive flow through a needle valve) but it makes for a nice low-tech solution in my case. The down side (if you want to look at it that way) is that now you have to control everything off pH so need a good probe/solenoid combo and/or super accurate CO2 regulator. I principally control off the probe/solenoid and it works great. I think most folk principally use that as a backup control to prevent their reactor pH from going too low due to a CO2 regulator glitch but I have had good luck using it as a principal control point and just try to get the CO2 rate reasonably close to reduce the solenoid switching. Granted, this setup doesn't have a secondary control (other than the CO2 bubble rate) but I also monitor the pH in the reactor and have an alarm set if it goes out of range by .1 unit so, really, it is pretty safe (fingers crossed). When you think about it, there isn't much to an electromagnetic solenoid - much simpler than a peristaltic pump! I am sure I will get some friendly grief for this setup but I am pretty happy with the results - especially once I get the stupid needle valve out of there!
  2. Oh man... I want everything on here! Unfortunately, my credit card balance says otherwise Good luck with these Rudy - you continue to have the most amazing specimens.
  3. Yeah - we didn't have any flow monitoring setup although we were fractionating off of a column but it was usually based on time. Lots of our runs were overnight so probably wouldn't have saved them anyway... would have needed to sort it out within a few minutes to salvage things.
  4. Thanks for the update Jeremy. Looks promising so far! Your point about tubing failure is one that has always concerned me having used peristaltics a lot in my line of work. The stress put on the tubing by the rollers almost gaurentees a split at some point so be prepared! I lost a few experiments that way over the years🙁
  5. Ken's pic is more what I am used to with the ORA bird of paradise (in my admittedly limited exposure). That bicolor colony is pretty cool.
  6. Sorry - spotty wifi out here. To be more accurate, I am actually using a siphon (which is specifically discouraged) from one of my overflows. Honestly, despite the rep I think this will be rock solid once I get the needle valve out of the line. No flow control so all through PH. Higher flow means I run a higher PH to balance - at 7.0 right now which hold KH at 8.6 - 9.0. I can measure flow when I get back but probably on the order of. 50 a 75 ml/min. Masterflex would be great but running out of room for gear in my stand!
  7. Nice healthy looking frags Optimus - very attractive!
  8. That is funny! Didn't recognize it in that shot - definitely one of the nicest in my book.
  9. Wait a sec... where has this one been hiding? Looks nice Jeremy! Despite their less than exclusive reputation there are a lot of nice looking birds nests out there these days. I'm partial to the ORA bird of paradise (another of Holly's collection🙂).
  10. Thanks for the great pics and write up Bert! This is always one of my favorite parts of the meetings... am always anxious to see what you come up with. I think I may have to retire from raffles - don't want to risk my string of luck since Kim wants to take me to Vegas as her good luck charm😄 Kidding aside, very cool to win the MP40 - all my old power heads are dying off so am completely out of spares. Been thinking it would be great to try one of these and now I can! Great to see a nice turnout of both familiar and new faces. Even got to see Zoolander manning the grill - nice job my man!
  11. Now that you mention it I can definitely see the bristles - ouch! Fireworms sound like a bit of tank biodiversity I can live without... got my hands in there too often for that 👀
  12. Nice! Some good looking pieces in there - regardless of who's they are 👍 I like that rock flower nem a lot.
  13. Interesting. This is one reason I decided to experiment with the wide open gravity feed at a higher flow rate and higher Ph set point. I think it will work well once I get the stupid needle valve out of the circuit.
  14. That does seem like the next logical step doesn't it. How long until we start referring to Jorge as a picoreefer?
  15. Nice! The size may change but always a top notch build Jorge - congrats on another awesome looking setup. Can't wait to see what you fill this one up with!
  16. Haha! Come on Jeremy - it's no good without a control! Do it for science😄
  17. Yeah - that is exactly what I need. Should just pull it out since I am running gravity flow wide open but the only shutoff is downstream so... yep, lazy.
  18. Yeah - I need to figure out something like that for mine as well. Still have a balky needle valve in the path that clogs even when wide open. Need to get that out of there! Flow monitoring would be awesome though.
  19. Sorry you had to discover it that way but could be a cool feature.
  20. Those are particularly attractive! Nice score Optimus. Nanoreefer's pics always are spectacular so not surprising their stuff is just as nice in person.
  21. Lots of fun and great talk by Miles (thanks!). Good to see all the familiar faces and some new ones too. First time at the shop - saw a lot of really nice coral and fish. Thanks for hosting Erin... definitely will need to start making some regular trips down there.
  22. Bummer I will miss this - could use some salt. One too many things on the list this weekend
  23. Hey Randall @PowderBlue - there is a 10 Nuvo for sale right now that Ladysaber is needing to get rid of.
  24. Missed you Scott but sounds like you were plenty busy!
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