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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Thanks for the info Exodus. I have seen them in a couple of really nice member tanks recently and also at one of the LFS in town but haven't dug into their track record at all. Good feedback.
  2. Haha ! I was wondering if you would comment on that. I always wondered how that got inverted in common usage but just went with the flow.
  3. Let me know and I can try and get you another piece. That one had a rough time even before it got to you so I wouldn't be surprised if it gave up the ghost.
  4. Interesting. I have been casually eying the gyres as a possible replacement if/when the last of my old x-waves die so am curious as to why you don't like them. Not trying to argue at all as I have no experience but honestly just curious what yours has been. Sounds like perhaps a reliability issue?
  5. Bummer Jeremy. Guess I will have to live with my siphon feed for a while longer. Was working fine 'til my CO2 unexpectedly ran out... can't really blame that on flow control though. Keep us posted if you find a good alternative.
  6. You should have cozied up inside that anemone yourself to show him how it's done! I had one that ignored the BTA and hosted in a fuzzy mushroom instead (in fact, I think that is my profile pic - not that you could tell).
  7. Lots of cool stuff there Bert! Love the Jason Fox stylo, minefield cyphastrea and blue psamacora (I like blue things) Lots of nice zoas as well. BTW - did that little acro frag I gave you survive? If not, remind me to cut you another as I want to make sure that gets into a competent person's hands
  8. That sounds painful. Glad you are still able to get out there after all that. Wish that running actually made me feel good as I could use the exercise but, even when I was in great shape from regular soccer trainings it always just felt like (insert derogatory word indicating much discomfort and suffering here). I salute your (and Jeremy's, Kim's, reef run's) dedication!
  9. I was wondering how much flow you had in the refugium as I would be concerned about them getting thrashed. Very cool though!
  10. Hi Jay @Chief I think Saltwater Harmony and ReefiLabs should also be tagged as local even though they don’t have a brick and mortar location exactly - both are PDX based. Thanks again for working on this!
  11. Sounds great Jay - I’m sure the vendors will appreciate it as well.
  12. I think that the jellyfish asked the seahorse what their tank maintenance, water change and testing protocol was and the seahorse answered that he just "plays it by ear" and doesn't do any regular tank maintenance or testing at all - he/she thinks it's just a waste of time and energy. Jellyfish is utterly shocked because the seahorse is well known to have the nicest tank around!
  13. Hey - I've been practicing my bagging skills! Seems like it would be a really fun place to work - top notch products in a well laid out and modern space with a good customer base. Hope you find a good fit!
  14. Oh man... if only we had our max nano up and running I'm pretty sure that is what is going to end up in there - maybe with some pipefish.
  15. Congrats Jeremy! I was one of those people who, even when in good shape, never ever got a "rush" from exercise no matter how hard or far I pushed myself - just don't have that endorphin pathway to speak of. Caffeine also has no effect on me so I may have a receptor problem or something. Either that or I'm just lazy and weird (much higher likelihood).
  16. Wow... good eyes! I had to go back and hunt for it even after you called it out.
  17. Looks great! Some nice healthy looking colonies in there. Would be curious to see some equipment detail and stocking list - guess I should probably go look for a build thread 🙂
  18. I thought that might be where he was headed! Glad to hear we will be able to visit him on a regular basis.
  19. Wooo whooo! Thanks for sorting that out.
  20. Oh man - not Ned! This is a super cool and healthy fish so someone is going to be really happy with him. I will miss seeing him though 😞
  21. Wow - you did a bunch of work on that. Do all the drilling yourself? This should make a killer setup for someone.
  22. You are real close to me. Seahorse is pretty much the only shop in NE (although pets Broadway has some stuff). Kim’s list covers the highlights and would make a great tour.
  23. Sorry you missed it Jeremy - should have hitched a ride with Roy!
  24. Thanks for the update - sorry this is such a pain for so many. Curious if it it working for any of the other recently affected folk... @Gil&Fin @pdxmonkeyboy
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