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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Dang! I would say save me some grab bags but I know that’s not happening 😞 Hopefully see you tomorrow!
  2. Happy Thanksgiving all! Already did water testing and changed out the filter socks all before dinner - woo whoo!
  3. There is a thread up now with more details in it but it does not include raffle ticket prices. I can go back and edit once that info has been verified @Flashy Fins @Emerald525
  4. Ok @pdxmonkeyboy and @spectra I’m sure Greg will be all for the DIY project now! Yikes!
  5. Absolutely! You get to do Greg’s plumbing for him! You can thank us later 👍
  6. I didn't realize how expensive pan liner was until i lined my latest stand - would hate to have to do a large area of floor with it - Yikes! I can see how you ended up with the shop vac
  7. Making mental note to walk to the event this year...
  8. Hmm... Interested in the AAV - will need to check that out. Floor drains - ugh. From experience building out two zebra fish facilities at work (using contractors) don't underestimate the challenge of trying to pitch a floor to drain well. Apparently the "pros" even have a hard time with this. Interested in @TheClark's false floor idea but not sure it would work in your space. Haha - yeah, there is some significant warpage going on there! Best to avoid that mistake. Sorry for the thread-jack Greg but this is all stuff that interests me as well just in case I ever actually have time and money to spare
  9. Haha - this is awesome. Good luck convincing them to give up the pedicures! Love the grab bag idea - fun way to spice up Black Friday. Now, if I can just figure out which ones have the Jawbreaker and Walt Disney...
  10. Basically what @youcallmenny said. Looks pretty good to me from what I can see based on the types of coral . I would say as a general rule, lots of water movement but not blasted by direct flow is best. I have actually had digis retract their polyps when a power head shifted and they started getting too much direct flow vs. indirect current so there can be too much of a good thing. That said, there are some true pros on here who can probably add more nuance to this (and likely will ).
  11. Haha! I broke my own rule "do not encourage Scott re The Bieber"
  12. Thanks for the synopsis! I think this particular part is where it would be really interesting to have some controlled data collection as support but I realize nobody is likely to invest the time and resources required to do it. "Through experiential results of individual aquarists running chaeto reactors over the last few years, and through many thousands of aquarists running algae scrubbers over the last ten years, it has been observed that a chaeto reactor needs to be 4 to 8 times the physical size of an algae scrubber to provide the same rate of filtering capacity (rate of nutrient removal). "
  13. Hello all, It's almost time for the annual PNWMAS December Meeting/Holiday Party so thought it would be good to share some additional details. As noted in the save the date thread, this year's event will be at the McMenamin's Kennedy school location in NE Portland (https://www.mcmenamins.com/kennedy-school). Our event will be from 1-4 PM on Saturday Dec. 2nd in the Jordan room which is located at the back of the building. Directions and a map of the location are both available from the link above. It is located just north of Killingsworth St.on 33rd ave. For those that don't know, this is the building that housed the Kennedy grade school (where I actually attended back in the day) and our meeting will be in one of the old classrooms - hope that doesn't cause anyone bad flashbacks! There are many things to do there including a movie theater showing recent big release movies and a nice, heated, outdoor soaking tub as well as multiple small pub and restaurant spaces if anyone wants to make an adventure out of it. There also appears to be rooms available for Friday and Saturday night for any out-of-towners who might want to get there early or stay late (too much beer perhaps?). Food: The club will be providing some "snackable" pizza (small cut pieces) in a few varieties - Green w/ Envy, BBQ chicken, Margherita, and Pepperoni - as well as salad and non-alcoholic beverages (ice tea, lemonade, water). If you would like something different or more substantial, you will be able to order "to go" in one of the restaurants and bring it back to our space. For those wishing to enjoy one of the many adult beverages, there will be a dedicated server in the room to take drink orders (non-hosted). As noted above, there are several dinning options in the building so you could come early/stay late and indulge in one of those options as well and keep your hand free for other activities during the meeting! Activities: As you may have already noticed, our industrious VP, @badxgillen, has started a frag swap thread for this event and it sounds like we might have some action happening there so check it out. Please note, we wont have a frag tank available. Also, as per usual, we will have a fantastic collection of items up for raffle again this year and you can keep track of those on the special raffle thread that @Emerald525 started for us... Raffle tickets will be available for $5 each or 5 for $20 with paid members getting one free. There are plans to repeat the white elephant gift exchange (recommended value of $10) of "reef related" items (please ignore @spectra's Justin Bieber suggestions in the save the date thread - it will be better for all of us). To top it all off, I believe some of our more reef-geeky members (I will let you guess who) have been working on some trivia questions for you all! Stay tuned! Not sure how we will fit all of this in but we will do our best! Hopefully many of you will be able to make it and share some food, fun and reef-talk with the rest of us as we finish off another calendar year of PNWMAS-sponsored events. It's been a great year for the club and hopefully all of you as well so let's celebrate it together. See you there!
  14. Oh man - I remember the pics of that latter incident. Ouch! Your build has been pretty epic though and a great inspiration for the DIYers out there! Greg, if you haven't checked it out it's worth a look.
  15. We had a project at work that was willing to bring in masons from California, Hawaii, Washington etc. for a huge premium but still couldn’t find a crew. Crazy indeed. Would hate to be a homeowner trying to get something done right now.
  16. Yeah - I hadn't seen them either but some interesting possible applications for remote locations. @youcallmenny may want to take a look at these as well for his build.
  17. Yep - that would be it! Could try and open up walls and go through the sills but it would be a tight fit and I don't love repairing lath and plaster!
  18. That one is interesting Roy. I am more aware of the long polyp variety like Holly's and haven't noticed this type before - or at least not recognized it (which is far more likely). I am still woefully behind in my coral ID skills!
  19. Haha - no worries Greg... you probably heard me talking about how much I would like a remote sump location but haven't been able to work one into my house layout without putting too many holes in places they shouldn't go. If I ever retire (not bloody likely) I may finally have time to plan something out and execute it. In the meantime, everything is under my tank in the dinning room! Glad to see my take on the pumps wasn't to off-base with the other advice you are getting. Lots of the folk I would hope would weigh in here have so I think you are in good hands. There are a couple of professional electricians on here (e.g. @Vance164) who might be willing to weigh in on the electrical challenges as well as Jeremy, Brian and Parzifal. Sadly (for you) Vance is up in St. Helen's or maybe you could talk him into an on-site consult! I think we have a structural engineer as well but can't recall who that is. Love this place... such a great cross section of expertise!
  20. Haha - funny, that is the first thing I noticed as well.
  21. I guess I could weigh in since I wish I had one and will be envious when you get it up and running 😁 Can’t wait to see what you come up with. For some waterproofing advice you might give a shout out to Brian @pdxmonkeyboy as he has some experience working with humid locations. He also just went to great lengths to setup a remote sump location in his new house. I think Holly’s tip re pumps is worth a look as well. Throw up some pics when you get a chance!
  22. That adult color pattern is really attractive as well. Too bad it has such a taste for inverts cleanup crew beware!
  23. Very generous of you! I would snag that ric if I was closer.
  24. I like the tang sneaking into that last one to eyeball you!
  25. Sorry to hear about the nem Holly @Gil&Fin that is very sad. I l knew he wasn’t doing great last time I was out there but was hoping he would bounce back. RIP big blue indeed. He was awesome.
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