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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hi Brandon, welcome back to the hobby. I recently had a similar hiatus and then got a new tank up just over a year ago. Even when not active in the hobby I used to visit the local shops so definitely get the allure. Interesting to see what has changed (and what hasn't) in the time away. Enjoy your new build and maybe you can make it to one of the meetings this year to meet some folk in person.
  2. Interesting. I’m guessing what’s happening here is that the chaeto is acting to provide the more irregular growth surface for the algae similar to that incorporated into the scrubbers by design.
  3. I was wondering how that was going. I guess it’s not 🙁
  4. Excellent choices! If I didn’t already have one of the rainbows I would have been all over that - they are awesome. Those are particularly nice looking rastas as well.
  5. You are getting quite the collection together Nate. Glad these found a new home.
  6. Hey Kim - what are the rough dimensions on the magnetic rock? I would be interested in that. Thanks!
  7. Yeah - I think Brian may have made that stand... he does some really fine work. Glad it worked out for you!
  8. Look forward to seeing you there. Great way to put some faces to names and get advice on everything reef related. This is a nice shop as well and Garret usually puts together some great stock for the event.
  9. Welcome back! I really like that particular tank so am glad it found a good home. Things are looking good so far!
  10. Exciting - it’s the big lift! Sorry I won’t be down your way to help out. Good luck! 👍
  11. So hard to choose! Lots of good ones this month.
  12. Very thoughtful of you Holly. Someone should snap those up!
  13. Hmm. This has me thinking about how I could implement a remote reservoir in the basement for RODI and then feed my local top off container in the DT stand. If I had that remote-controlled power strip that Kim was getting rid of it could be pretty slick. Still want a manual control for refilling the local reservoir but if I could have a holding tank in the basement and actuate the pump from upstairs it could work quite nicely. I'm thinking Greg is looking to have his fully automated - which makes sense.
  14. This is good feedback. Terry at Seahorse started stocking (and using) this but not sure what size bottles he has. I just started testing it out recently as well at fairly low levels (20 mls a week or so on the 120) as I had run out of my other supplements.
  15. This I can totally believe! Nothing like trying to keep the hardwood floors safe while doing tank maintenance... never mind a leak! That said, would definitely need to up the automation/remote monitoring game to make sure I wasn't missing something critical. Something to be said for putting your eyes on every part of your system at least once a day. Still need to get over there and check this out.
  16. Sweet! I would love to have a school of those but that would be the only thing I would be able to fit in the tank so they will need to wait for the next "upgrade". Maybe in 20 years or so...
  17. Ouch! Somehow I missed this episode... sorry to hear about that Jorge. Glad you were willing to share your experience despite how painful it was.
  18. Yeah - sorry Paul, don’t think you are going to get too much sympathy on this one. Nice try though 😁
  19. Haha! You go Sirena! Take out Andrew next time around! Sidecar Holly eh?
  20. Sorry we missed you all. So who won?
  21. Looks like you’ve been busy gluing stuff down! Hope they all do well for you - I will have a piece of the purple cap whenever you find room.
  22. Looking great Carla! I’m glad to see that Oregon Tort colony is still doing well - that thing is awesome. Hope the new year treats you well and you are able to make it out to visit us again.
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