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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Well that's what counts! What do you think the difference is between this and the old light? overall intensity/spread or spectrum? Sounded like they were using similarly high quality LEDs.
  2. Running Kent in mine but it was a batch from over a year ago so you never know how things may have changed. Like Scott - I don't do significant water changes but top up with RO/DI, run a reactor for Ca/Alk and dose trace elements/aminos. I keep salinity at about 1.0243 and occasionally add a bit of salt to make up for loses due to water sampling etc. Alk at about 8.6-8.9, Ca at about 520 and Mg at 1380 - 1400 FWIW.
  3. Oh I know... just is always kind of annoying when you are all excited for a new build and then they go crazy. Part of the process but still frustrating. At least you are taking it in stride
  4. Well that certainly cleared up a bit! Looking good! (well, except for the pesky diatoms of course )
  5. Really like your planning - especially the stand with interlocking hood and the ability to convert to peninsula if/when it becomes an option. Also intrigued by the built in mini frag tank in the sump (curious to see how you decide to light this in conjunction with the presence of the refugium). Great start!
  6. Great to see another school tank up! Thanks to both of you for getting it off the ground. Can’t wait to see it with some livestock.
  7. Can't answer that question even though I go there regularly as I haven't had need for the water. I would say, however, that Terry and Tewsley have been working really hard to get the shop and business reestablished and have been bringing in some really nice coral and fish over the last year plus. As Woody had to pull back from the business I know they have tried to update many things so I wouldn't assume that previous experience would hold with current practice. I will try and remember to ask about the water next time I am in there as it is a good question.
  8. If you are OK with swapping rather than refilling (don't have to worry about the tank needing inspection) there are several home brewing related stores that will do that and are open much more convenient hours than either airgas or the welding supply stores. I use Homebrew Exchange (http://homebrewexchange.net) which is on Interstate and open Sat/Sun and until 7 on Tues-Friday. There is another over in SE but I haven't looked further up your way. $16 for a 5lb tank as long as you have an exchange.
  9. Yeah - like Clark, I finally invested in a spare CO2 tank. I thought I had it covered with a vendor that was conveniently located and open Sat/Sun... until they didn't get their delivery and I was having to drive out to Holly's after work to borrow her backup tank. Done with that!
  10. I know of a few members on here that have had issues that ultimately related to the quality of their RO/DI water being used in topoff and/or water changes. Turns out, if you are in PDX (or have a water source that uses chloramine) you can get an ammonia spike in your RO/DI water as your resin gets depleted. You won't see this in your TDS readings and, since most folk don't test for ammonia after the initial cycle, you probably won't catch it in you routine testing. Unfortunately, algae love it. I would suggest testing your RO/DI source water (assuming you are using it and not just treating tap water with prime or similar). UV will definitely help with the water borne bloom.
  11. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your new 75 build. Hope you find some useful information here to help it along.
  12. He should be used to it by now. We do our best...
  13. Haha! No wonder you will have room for both of your tanks in one! Nice score!
  14. Thanks - was unclear about that... was wondering where they got the red nori but this is also good info.
  15. You can run them either internal or external to the sump - pretty flexible placement wise. There is one brand that uses the recirculation pump to also draw in feed water and it actually needs to be sitting in the sump to function properly but this is unusual. As for pics, a lot of the build threads have some great shots of how reactors are incorporated into the system so well worth perusing when you have some time. There is a separate forum category for those which helps.
  16. Some use it to simply monitor as an aid with the CO2 bubble count adjustment and as a safety cut off in case of an overshoot (pH dropping too low) but others use it as a primary control point (myself included). There are a few ways you can go with this and they each have their advantages/disadvantages. Definitely can make things more transparent when trying to dial one in. Sorry Randall... didn't mean to hijack here.
  17. Second all this. I have typically dosed trace elements and occasional aminos but the reactor holds all the basic parameters (Ca, Alk) for me... even Mg has been steady.
  18. So Jeremy... does that mean I can have the one in your garage if you get this?
  19. Randall can smack me down if I'm wrong but looks like an older CR-70 by Reef Octopus... in which case, I think it's around 20 inches or so. If you wanted to run off just bubble count and effluent flow you could use as is but it looks to have a pH probe holder and a solenoid on the CO2 regular so you would be able to add pH control if you wanted (highly recommended). That would require either a stand alone pH controller or a full featured controller with pH probe. BTW - last time I priced a 5lb CO2 tank at my usual sources they were around $120 without an exchange tank vs $16 for a swap so it would basically be like getting the reactor and regulator for free.
  20. Another sweet setup Brian. I remember being excited by this build when you were putting it together. Someone will get a nice turnkey frag system!
  21. Sorry to hear about your colonies - that is a major bummer. As for clownfish, I know that Jon @chewie has raised some broods recently so might be willing to provide some advice. We have had some other long time clown breeders on here but not sure they are active right now. Good luck!
  22. That is interesting. What is your source for that? Just curious if it might be specific.
  23. Congrats on the new addition and best of luck with your move! Sorry to see the tank come down though... was looking great!
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