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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. That sump is looking really sharp Brian! I like the choice of the opaque ABS a lot... may have to copy that if I ever end up building a new one.
  2. Two for two I see! You are well on your way to filling that new tank up with some killer pieces!
  3. Wow... can't believe no one poached this from me. You all are slacking today!
  4. Congrats Greg - nice score! Now, once you have grown that out we need to talk...
  5. Looking good so far! I like your stocking ideas... mystery wrasse would be cool and they are fairly mellow. I like the red possum as well as another option for a small, mellow wrasse although not as exclusive as a mystery.
  6. That is quite nice! You should pick it up in person so you can ogle all the rest of his amazing stuff - depending on how your willpower is of course.
  7. Haha... I was going to ping you about that today if you hadn't figured it out by then. Some goodies here that might pretty nice in your tank!
  8. Very cool Rudy and some sweet pieces. I see that Greg already has his heart set on that fire milli... can’t say that I blame him!
  9. Thanks xmas! That is high praise. Now that things are maturing, I think I need to rebalance some colors/shapes on the coral but overall have been pretty happy with the design of the tank/sump/stand/rockwork etc. from the start. I am trying to figure out a good light hanging strategy with some tank/stand mounted brackets to clean that up but haven't gotten that together yet. Can't hang from the ceiling or wall so needs to come off the back of the stand and I don't have much clearance. Guess if that is my only major sore point then I shouldn't complain
  10. Well - I admit, it’s pretty easy to be distracted by Rudy’s frags! What were we talking about again?
  11. Sorry Cody... couldn't resist! I didn't know either so was stoked when Rudy posted the hours.
  12. I'm a firm believer in the "highly functional" as well. I have one of what I believe to be theirs (got it used a long time ago) as well hooked up to a aqualifter and it works great. The reed (float) switches can go bad over time but with the redundancy, you should catch it before you ever see a full failure - they are cheap to replace. See you guys later today! and, in case you were interested, aqualifter autocorrects to qualifier - grrr.
  13. Glad to see you working on a DT Cody! You should certainly have lots of vibrant specimens to load in there when you are ready! Can't wait to see this come together.
  14. I would say CO2 to the top of the bubble counter then add a T to the blue line to attach your water feed - I seen that variation on ones without the second JG port on the pump recirc. line.
  15. If you go to the link for the CR 100 below you can download the setup manual which shows how the connections run... I think it is pretty much the same for the 70 if memory serves. The CO2 should be fed into the bubble counter so you have some idea of the flow and can regulate in a controlled manner (if you are directly controlling of pH at this point). http://www.coralvue.com/reef-octopus-cr100-calcium-reactor
  16. Thought I might throw in an updated stocking list since it's been a while... Marine beta (Alphie) Desjardins tang (Saily) Magnificent/metallic fox face (new addition) Pink margin fairy wrasse (Mr. Pink) Ruby-headed fairy wrasse (rescued from overflow twice now) Blue star leopard (Larry) Green Coris wrasse Melanarus wrasse "Peacock" flasher wrasse (undetermined species, another newbie) Red possum wrasse ("little swimmer") Fang blennie (thanks Cherany!) Pearlescent jawfish Diamond Goby (Neil) Starry blend (Stella) Assorted inverts including cleaner and peppermint shrimp, emerald and hermit crabs, conchs, sand-sifting star, sea cucumbers and snails. and yes... I like my wrasses!
  17. Oh man Rudy... that is just cruel man. Sooo many awesome frags. Don't you ever get tired of bringing the heat?
  18. Looking forward to seeing a lot of you tomorrow and what kind of goodies Garret brought in to stock the store! Last time we were there I saw all kinds of things I wanted to bring home...
  19. Lots of sweet pieces there Bret!
  20. It might have been part of a full RO/DI setup though. I remember it only because there had been a slightly earlier thread around trouble shooting some problems he was having where he talked about having multiple pressure meters etc.. Sorry I don't have any better specifics Ryan.
  21. This is the conclusion I drew when I asked for the same input a little over a year ago - and that was before the Fritz started showing up to provide even more options. My take was that you could be successful with any of them but it might take some dialing in of parameters to get where you want. Also - regardless of ultimate choice, make sure you test all your fresh mixes before any significant water changes as people have reported significant variability with several different brands from batch to batch. Yeah - sorry that isn't more definitive!
  22. Didn't Brian (RiverCityCorals) have one for sale a while back?
  23. Yeah - I started a thread when I got my tank back up a little over a year ago and it was pretty evenly mixed between Kent and the Red Sea Pro but the Fritz salt hadn't hit the market yet (what Jeff at C&C started carrying in addition to the IO and Kent). Like most things, there are multiple paths to success but whichever you choose stability is the key. I know several people have had issues with large parameter swings from batch to batch on some of the salt so it's always a good idea to test your fresh mix before doing any significant water changes... regardless of what you end up using.
  24. It would probably be a lot easier if you just glued that to the back of the tank and called it good Seriously though, if I start on a jigsaw puzzle I will stay up till all hours working on it till it's done. Reserved for rare vacations only at our house.
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