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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hi Parzifal - sent you a PM. Could probably swing by tonight on the way home from work but let me know.
  2. So, with Paratore taking a pass, either @Nanoreefer32 or @ocboat would be up. Nanoreefer - are you interested in the USB meter? If not, it should be headed to ocboat next. Please let us know. Thanks!
  3. Will do. Edited the wait list to indicate you are still in line. Thanks for the response Cody!
  4. The USB meter has been returned. @Paratore are you still interested? I believe you are next on the list for this one.
  5. Wow - what all is on that? Looks like it has its own ecosystem already!
  6. Darn - would have made a road trip if I knew that earlier today 😁
  7. Wow - those colonies went crazy in there. Obviously a very healthy tank! Good luck with the reboot Andy - looking forward to seeing what you do.
  8. I was just checking these out online... pretty sweet little power heads. I like the adjustable directionality compared to some of the other options. If I wasn't already set up I would definitely consider these. GLWS
  9. Daniel (Danlu)talked about doing a workshop on making an ATS a while back. There was some interest but I don't think it ever came together.
  10. Good luck Dodge! You should definitely calibrate the pH probe as you suggest. I asked about media a while back when mine ran out and a lot of folk were using the reborn from two little fishes but others were using the Caribsea ARM or Seachem if I remember correctly. Seems like any of them will work but, as per usual, personal preferences...
  11. Hi Parzifal - I believe technically you need to include a price for any of the classified listings... you can, of course, keep the OBO. I've always kind of liked those MH/T5 hybrids but don't have a use for it right now either. GLWS
  12. Well that was quick! Some nice fish at great prices.
  13. Welcome back! Looks like you have a good start on the new tank - looking forward to seeing your progress.
  14. Tank is looking great! Soon (but not too soon) you will have fish and other fun critters to watch as well as, hopefully, some coral. As Emerald mentioned patience is the key with salt water aquariums... and many other things in life
  15. Hmm. I'm not the best with fittings. My solenoid in incorporated into the regulator prior to the CO2 port so not really any opportunity for separate connections. Maybe a pic would help to see what you are working with? Also - just to help clarify, I don't really bypass the bubble counter so much as run a higher flow rate (1-2 per second) where fluctuations won't really come into play and the valve on the regulator is far less prone to clogging. My effluent is around 80 - 100 mls/min I think (don't have a flow meter on it but might consider that in the future - Bicyclebill uses one that is pretty simple) so, likewise, high enough to avoid issues with needle valves. Hope this helps. Somewhere, @Bicyclebill had a nice write-up of this approach but not sure where it is anymore. I basically stole it from him after getting frustrated with trying to do fine control on both effluent and bubble rate and the challenge of two variables in combination with really finicky hardware.
  16. Nice setup - really like the rock work. Sorry to hear it's coming down though. GLWS
  17. Sounds good - thanks Jeremy. Can we post the display options in the other thread (if we haven't already)? Sorry this got split up in a couple places...
  18. Sorry to hear you are having such a struggle with this Paul. This kind of experience is why I have defaulted to strictly pH control over my reactor - no fine control valves for either the CO2 or the effluent lines as they simply clog and/or drift way too often in my experience. Solenoids are simple - on or off - and seem to have far less issues with variability. Hope the repaired carbon doser regulator works out for you - I know a lot of people here have reported success with those.
  19. This is a good point - I wonder if we can control the number of topics that show for each section so we can bias toward one or the other. @TheClark do you happen to know the answer to that? Sounds like we are having to define the feeds so maybe we have some flexibility with the display options? If you want to let me know what plugin we are using I could try and research that (in all my spare time).
  20. Yeah - we tried to do the garage sale thing as part of the summer BBQ but I don't think anyone ended up bringing anything. Seems like a good idea but didn't pan out for whatever reason (maybe advertising?) Haha - yeah, I am pretty sure you would get a number of answers at least equal to the panel participants involved... one of the more entertaining aspects of this hobby!
  21. Glad to hear things are making a comeback! Was just talking to Sharklover at TPA last weekend about how many of what he thought were completely dead corals have come back for him after just putting the "skeletons" aside for a while. Guess there is sometimes more hope than we think... just wish we didn't need to rely on it so often
  22. I voted inverts since they, as a whole, can be overlooked when setting up a tank despite their importance to a good "ecosystem". (I feel lonely) That said, the pests and hitchhikers might be a timely topic.
  23. This is good info to have as well. I would agree that anything that provides a benefit to club members and sponsors (and I think access to local auctions does) is something we should try and find a way to support so hopefully our crack technical support team can offer some organizational solutions.
  24. Actually... @Gil&Fin already started this discussion on the officer/board forum (that's what I get for starting to read posts from the top) so stay tuned!
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