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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hey all, Looks like the documentary film put together by OSU on the plight of coral reefs and based largely on the research of one of their faculty is being released. Sounds like it is probably somewhat depressing (we all know what's going on) but pretty comprehensive including drone footage etc. so might want to catch it if you can. There is a screening in PDX at OMSI on Thursday... Running time: 75 minutes When: 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. Water Ave., Portland. Screening will include a panel discussion and question and answer period Tickets: Free, but limited supply; reserve at coralreefmovie.org More screenings: 7 p.m. Feb. 20 at the LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State, 875 S.W. 26th St., in Corvallis; and 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at the Newport Performing Arts Center, 777 W. Olive St., Newport Link to Olive article: http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2018/02/oregon_state_debuts_feature-le.html#incart_river_home
  2. That is a really interesting link xmas - thanks for sharing. I typically don't use primer simply for ease of application/assembly as I don't have to do as many steps and can be sure to get things together before they start to dry. Also, I would typically not deadhead any of my supply lines and hence am not applying much hydrostatic pressure in an aquarium application. Couple of thoughts come to mind with the article. One, which they mention, is that they did not test hydrostatic pressure. I could imagine a case could be made that the primer may help flow the "cement" and provide a better chance of a gap-free bond... which might not show up with the strength tests but could with a water penetration test. Also, such things as vibration or hammering could potentially reveal a practical difference. That said, the evidence presented argues for it not being a necessary step for most of the cements used. Interesting...
  3. Yikes! That doesn't sound like fun. Going to ping Jeremy @TheClark here just in case that starts to represent a trend and he notices anything on the backend. Thanks for pushing through Bert - always one of the best parts of any meeting (even if painful).
  4. Awesome as always Bert! I should have known you would get a pick of my raffle celebration... meant I could bring home a piece of Roy's sweet "Exquisite" acro so yeah, I got a little excited. Thanks again to Roy for hosting and organizing the informative frag demo and thanks to the club as well for providing the colonies that ended up going home with all the attendees as frags - that was a cool idea. It was great to spend some more time with some of our Northern contingent who can't always make the trek south for meetings.
  5. Congrats on making it through year one! As Emerald notes, it often takes about that long for a fresh tank to really settle in so hopefully good things will happen for you from here on out.
  6. Sounds sweet Brian - first class all the way! I love all the wrasse choices as well - those Hawaiian flames are awesome. Good luck with the build.
  7. Cute! Good luck keeping the glass clean😁
  8. Congrats on getting him a new setup. 35 years is a pretty good run for any tank! Good luck switching things over.
  9. Congrats on getting him a new setup. 35 years is a pretty good run for any tank! Good luck switching things over.
  10. Glad you could make it Brandon! Roy did a great job with the demo and everyone came away with free chalice and acro frags so good times! Good to see some of our Northern contingent in their natural habitat so to speak. Thanks again for hosting Roy - always a pleasure to see what you have in the tanks.
  11. Nice looking piece of work! Glad Charles was able fix you up.
  12. I think TheClark is bringing some to the meeting this afternoon if you can make it up there.
  13. Haha - that sounds all to familiar! Beautiful fish though.
  14. Im guessing she will eventually find the just the right spot. Most likely where you put your most expensive coral!
  15. Nice. Thanks Bert. Whatever those first ones are, they are quite sharp!
  16. Well that is a worthy cause. Good luck and hope you are able to make it to the next event!
  17. Which are the ones in the pic Bert? I am woefully uninformed when it comes to zoa names. Sorry to hear you wont make it Taylor.
  18. If you haven’t made it up to Roy’s before you should definitely consider it. In addition to all the activities, Roy has an amazing display tank filled with a huge variety of fish and coral as well as as frag systems filling his garage with all kinds of gems. Well worth a little road trip!
  19. Yeah, mine loves it’s greens... and anything else for that matter. Serious piggy.
  20. Be prepared! I’m bringing you that purple cap that has been growing in my tanks since the frag fest!
  21. No kidding - I think it’s actually larger than our front porch.
  22. Don't know what to call it but it will be the boss of that tank - count on it!
  23. Wow! That is a really sweet looking tank. Where are you going to put it
  24. Well that was unfortunate but it appears to have worked out pretty well in the end!
  25. That makes more sense as it would be best to have a significant margin of error. Probably still want at least 4 for sufficient hand holds I would think.
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