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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Haha - mine was carrying around a zoa colony for a while. He’s in the sump now.
  2. I think I have run across a few of those threads while trolling the archives. Pretty entertaining 😄
  3. Ok - still considering how to do this and I think I have an answer. You just need a specimen cup and a syringe. I know a lot of folk on here have those blue lided, volume marked “pee” cups for transporting frags and syringes are common in test kits. Fill cup to one of the marked volumes sufficient to cover the frag (mark if desired to keep track). Take the frag and dab the end of frag plug on towel and give it a couple shakes to remove excess tank water. Gently place in cup. Use syringe to draw out sufficient water to get back to your starting volume. Take your measurement of displaced water from the syringe (which will have much smaller increments than a graduated cylinder). You could repeat this and average the result to get a more accurate measure since it’s pretty fast and easy.
  4. Actually I think Daniel’s point about how well the frags are “dried” (which I missed) is a more problematic variable but still could be overcome. Shouldn’t be necessary to use the same amount of water as you are looking for the volume change (unless I’m completely missing the point again). I’m thinking the main problem would be getting a graduated cylinder the right size to fit the frag but have fine enough gradations to measure the volume change accurately. Might be too hard to nail down for the grow out but I dig this idea in concept. Volume change ultimately should give you a more sensitive and robust indicator of growth if you could find a reliable way to measure across different users. Rulers are pretty straightforward after all.
  5. Ahh. Sorry Daniel - just teasing a bit I would expect that would actually be relatively minor if you allowed it to drain for a brief period (maybe gently shake off) and should also be porportional to the surface area of the frag itself so wouldn’t bias the number significantly. Could remeasure the same frag a few times to get an idea of the variability.
  6. Umm... pretty sure that is the idea Now Brad will drop in and tell us something completely different and I will feel like a complete idiot (should be used to it by now). Guessing you add a set volume then add your frag and measure the difference. Keep track of growth by measuring the change in displacement over time. This is actually a great way to do this as it should measure the change in volume - which will account for growth in all dimensions not just height. Makes a lot of sense to me... which means I am probably wrong!
  7. Congrats on finding a buyer for the tank - sounded like a pretty sweet setup.
  8. Got to have your priorities straight!
  9. Yeah, that GSP carpet looks awesome. Will be sweet when the zoas start filling in!
  10. Ok... I started to try and translate that then realized it could only go very wrong and decided to just back away slowly. Actually, I think I figured it out but the alternative interpretations are much more entertaining
  11. Do you know what you supply pressure is? That can significantly affect the rejection rate/efficiency. Typically want 60 or better. I would say 3-4 per gallon of product is more typical when working well but I’m sure experience varies.
  12. This is certainly true - Scott has been more than generous on so many occasions I am sure someone will step up. You are always welcome to anything I have... of course most all the zoas came from you in the first place so that isn't much help
  13. Well I did take some photos yesterday... let's see what we have there
  14. Well, If I would have known there was a bag of zoas from Cody floating around down there... I kid, I kid. Bummer that they haven't shown up yet as i am sure they were quite nice (Brian's too).
  15. Thanks for trying this! Sadly I had too many things going on this time around to participate but definitely appreciate the opportunity. Hope it went well for you.
  16. Sounds like a quality tank and nice setup. Pictures might help stir some interest if you do have time... never seems to hurt. GLWS
  17. Congrats! Pretty nice way to start off - enjoy your pico and doser and hopefully see you at the next meeting. Edit- I really hate autocorrect sometimes.
  18. Glad to see you with a tank up and running again! Good luck getting it dialed in.
  19. I was going to add “don’t tell Sirena I said that” but figured that was a given 😁
  20. Looking forward to Bert’s presentation! Now if I can just avoid getting lost enroute with a car full of sandwiches😀
  21. Will bring what I can - might not have enough containers 😁
  22. I will bring whatever I have left - I’m sure the will be some digi and birds nest.
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