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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Dang - you guys weren’t messing around. Congrats on the new rig... good thing you already have something to tow it with.
  2. Hey Kim, @Emerald525 what is the count at now? Pretty crazy popular!
  3. Looking sharp Cody... have my doubts about that BroTemple sign though 😃
  4. Hope you win this Kim... then at least I can come visit it 😁 it is really stunning.
  5. Welcome! Good luck on the new tank - make sure to post some pics when you get a chance. I know there is a Southern Oregon contingent on here regularly but can’t recall about Bend. Hopefully someone will speak up.
  6. Love the gold flake angels. Hopefully they don’t acquire a taste for milliapora as well as algae!
  7. Nice ! Glad you had a safe place to stash some pieces. Definitely a fan of that monti - happened to pick up a big piece from Kim just last weekend but thanks!
  8. Arghh! Curse you Jeff - my cc can’t take another hit this month so of course you post the acid trip!
  9. Ahah! We were wondering what happened to that setup at the meeting.
  10. Yet more fantastic looking specimens - love me some flame wrasses! That wall hammer is pretty sweet and yet more killer acans too!
  11. Looking good! Glad you were finally able to get things into shape but sorry to hear about your losses. Indeed, doesn't take long for things to go south in a hurry if certain factors slip. BTW - is that a Strawberry Fields monti in that first pic?
  12. Thanks for posting those Cherany! Glad you were able to catch Bert presenting his talk along with the tech support 😀. Super informative and well put together - thanks again Bert!
  13. You have expensive taste my friend! Glad you scored some for your collection.
  14. Happy b-day Garrett! Hope you are doing something fun for yourself today and thanks for all your support of the club and it's members. Always look forward to our meetings down there.
  15. Sorry you weren’t able to make it Miles- you were missed. Congrats on finishing up the classes though! I remember what a relief that was back in the day.
  16. Good to know! I will remember to add you to my list of contacts whenever this fab questions come up... unless you would rather not. I usually try to let people know what local resources are out there since we have a lot of talented people on the forum.
  17. Good points Daniel. I think you are correct - whatever method one chooses will likely have some built in biases - some of which you can control for better than others. If you are measuring change in volume as a percentage (like the polyp example) then that takes some of the variability out re starting size but you could still make the argument that change in volume could be exponential so might need to do some sort of regression to normalize. Of course, that is getting way out there for this purpose. I do think your pic idea is pretty much what ended up happening in some of the previous acro grow outs as the ruler measurement proved somewhat inconclusive. That said, my memory isn't what it used to be (and was never that great to begin with) so take that with a giant grain of salt
  18. Well, at least we are in the same boat Yeah - since Brad brought up the idea of measuring by volume, which I thought was great, was just trying to figure out how to make it practical. Would be curious to see how it works out if someone does decide to try it. Tempted to pick a frag at home and follow it for a while to see how well it works... of course for that, I actually need my acros to grow so may be SOL there
  19. Thanks Bert! Love these photo - recaps sooooo much! Yeah, I know, I say that every time but it's true! Great meeting and really informative presentation (thanks again!). Holly is always a super gracious host and I can never get enough of her system - truly an inspiration. Thanks all who showed up to mingle, trade, raffle and snack - was great to see so many of the club there sharing a good time. As always, I never seem to have enough time to talk to everyone I want to hang out with but good to (briefly) see Scott, Greg, Roy, Jim, Brian, Cody, Daniel, Dodge, Jeff, Andrew, Ryan, Brandon. Paul (and a bunch of folk I'm missing) and all the BOD and officers. Awesome to see so many talented and dedicated reefers in one place!
  20. There are a few regulars on here that might be worth talking to. Charles has done nice work for a lot of folk @wanareef and Brian @pdxmonkeyboy builds his own tanks, overflows, etc. so that should give you a start.
  21. I think this would be cool and would be up for it - especially if you had the space to house the colonies and frags for a while (as indicated in your other post). Would be happy to help with fragging, dipping etc. depending on what participants wanted to do. Looks like you might be a little off the beaten path so could complicate things re distribution. If we could work out the details though it sounds like a fun project.
  22. Yeah - I think the ability to umm, lets say "bias" the results will always be there short of having an official "weigh in" and "weigh out" approach. There are a few things one could do to limit that like actually measure all the competition frags using this method before handing them out so we have a documented starting point. Also could add a photo with ruler (same as used before) as an independent "eye test". If we wanted to be super official (officious?) we could pick a time/place (future meeting) to bring all the frags back together and re-measure them (hence the "weigh out"). That might be the best way to ensure no funny business but it is a bit of a hassle for people since they would need to not only pick up but deliver the frags. It would, however, avoid the issue of hounding people to post their updates! If you (or your frag) doesn't show up at the weigh out... oh well. It will be hard to totally prevent manipulation but it would be nice to have a more reliable way to measure growth for the acro grow outs since the ruler measurement isn't really ideal for these specimens and it isn't as simple as counting heads. Just throwing stuff out there for consideration... feel free to ignore.
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