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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Welcome Katrina! Glad to hear the kids are enjoying their new classmates and engaging with the tank. Hopefully it will continue to be something they enjoy and are able to relate to. Always exciting to see what happens when something new enters their environment. Please feel free to post updates as you feel appropriate - I know the community here loves to see them.
  2. That is a killer prize! Thanks again Jeff for helping the club pull this off @CuttleFishandCoral I have a feeling this is going to be a popular raffle item - almost worth finding a tank just to fit it if you win!
  3. C’mon Jeff - as if it weren’t going to be epic enough already! Can’t wait to see what you found 👀
  4. That is a very nice piece! Welcome to the forum - glad to hear you will be attending the next meeting as it should be a blast. Often times, there is a frag swap thread associated with the meeting where people can post things they would like to trade or are looking for - including give aways - which would have been a perfect place to post this. I don't think one was ever started for the April meeting since so many other things were happening but, in the future, you could look for that if you have coral you are looking to swap.
  5. I might hit you up for a piece of the red planet at some point if that is OK. Sorry for the hijack Trevor
  6. Haha - you can nab the red planet if you would rather... wouldn’t blame you 😀. If you want the monti though you can swing by any time - I have a couple pieces you can choose from.
  7. Congrats again Cody! Really like that piece... and now I know where to find some (after it grows out of course😁).
  8. Hey Trevor - I have a good sized piece of that if you are still looking - let me know.
  9. Not sure we can fit the whole pig on that but we can try!
  10. Might want to reach out to Holly @Gil&Fin
  11. Hotlinks are fun... especially with some BBQ sauce to go with them. Since you asked for ideas
  12. Congrats on the new tank! I know there are lots of happy Red Sea owners on here so looking forward to seeing how it settles in for you.
  13. Welcome back! I think my longest break was about 7 years recently and quite a lot had changed even in that time. Pretty exciting to get back in the game and learn all the newest trends. One thing seems consistent though... patience and stability still pay off. Glad you are having a successful re-entry so far. Next club meeting is this coming weekend at Cuttlefish and Coral (Sunday 3-6) - worth showing up if you can make it.
  14. This would be sweet. Would be nice to have a failure trigger separate from temp.
  15. Cool! So this unit would presumably take a temp probe input directly but use WiFi communication with other modules to incorporate control off of other variables (e.g. water level)? Definitely like the auto disable with heater failure (using a ground leak detect?). Really looking forward to see where this goes.
  16. Yeah - I was surprised this one didn't get more love but I think the bidding war on the other one caused this to fly under the radar... not sure what happened to Cody's sniping. @Paratore
  17. So you snagged a piece of this eh Kim? Hope it grows fast 😛
  18. Congrats Taylor! Saw this today and I think you will be pleased!
  19. Well that is surprising but cool. Got to see this in person today but didn’t think I would end up with it. Will PM info.
  20. Well if no one else wants this... $20
  21. This one deserves some more love. $22
  22. Not messing around there Taylor! If I had any I would offer you up a frag but sadly no. Good luck with the hunt!
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