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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. I should be able to get this to you today so looks like you should get a couple batches. I also had a challenge getting mine started until I reduce some flow in the refugium - had a small power head in there (about 20 gallon tank) and the tubulance would cause it to break up then melt. Not sure if it was related but once I removed that improved lighting (two variables I know) things really took off. Just using an eBay growlight.
  2. Welcome! Great looking tank - clearly have been having some nice success. Sorry you can’t make this month’s meeting but as others have noted we typically have them monthly and try to include some locations both north and south of PDX so that our members there are more likely able to attend. Keep an eye out and hopefully you will be able to find one that fits your schedule.
  3. Hey Brian - If I happen to make it home before heading to the meeting tomorrow I will try and bring you some. Just not sure how the day will go.
  4. Bummer about the frog fish Looks like you rearranged the rock work island. Looking good!
  5. Will be awesome! Hope lots of you will be able to make it as Scott will certainly be grilling up some tasty snacks and Jeff has been all the way to LA to stock up on some killer fish and coral for the event - not to mention the sweet raffles and group buys! (well, I guess I just did mention them) Thanks to Kim and Jeff, Scott, Holly, etc. for putting this all together
  6. Good luck with the project. Definitely a diy is the fastest way to learn and there are plenty of skilled people on here who are usually happy to give the benefit of there experience if you get stuck. If you have time check out some of the detailed build threads... lots of good tips buried in those.
  7. Haha! Not surprised - that baby is an investment. Might need to beef up security on the shop!
  8. Yeah - I’m thinking I will be lucky to get in the door. Probably be a stampede to the rock flower tank!
  9. Glad you will be able to make it - should be a blast and well attended so plenty of opportunity.to meet some of the club. If you head up early you can hit some of the other local shops as well. Check out the sponsor page if you haven’t already - several quality shops on there that are worth a visit.
  10. Haha! Very funny... guess you don’t need help on the grill after all😏 sounds like I will be too busy giving rides.
  11. Well, if by "all over the place" you mean around 4K (at least on a couple of the more common marine livestock sites). Wonder if it would be cheaper to take a trip to Mauritius (middle of Indian Ocean) where they are found, do some diving, and sneak one back in your luggage! Naw, probably not. Super stunning fish though. Maybe we could talk Jeff into giving it away as a door prize Sunday
  12. Welcome - sweet looking little tank! I like the high contrast that sand gives you. Several people on the forum from down your way so I'm sure you will find some other reefers to hand with down there. Hopefully you will be able to make it to one of the meetings in the future and start putting faces to names.
  13. Oh man - sorry to hear that Cody - those were amazing. I should have known not to ask since I hadn't seen any recent pics - my bad
  14. Really appreciate the support and this is a great prize item for someone setting up a fresh tank - which we always have quite a few of.
  15. I can certainly bring the light to the meeting. If it's OK with you, it might work better to meet up at the house for the frags as I will probably cut stuff based on what and how much you want and don't have a lot of containers or water right now. Does that sound OK? Sorry about that... just been really busy and last meeting depleted my bag stock
  16. Not a bad idea. May need remote parking based on how big an event this is turning into!
  17. Second that - very cool! I almost hate to ask but how is that sunburst doing? I know the plan was to get it multiplying but it would look sharp in the display!
  18. Hi Alex - depending on what you want, I am always having pieces of "easy" sps that I am trimming (or just knocking off) so if you want to try some things like birds nests, digi, caps you can have pieces of those. I also have a mat of gold skirted blue centered zoas that could probably be cut if you are willing to give it a try. Let me know.
  19. Welcome! Congrats on getting your first saltwater tank wet - just the beginning of what will likely be a long, crazy but satisfying ride. This is a good place to start, however. Lots of great knowledge and expertise including quite a few talented small tank keepers. Good luck with the new adventure!
  20. Reef Rave eh - I think you need to copyright that before it becomes a thing 'cause I know a few peeps that would be down for that. (well, except Scott apparently @spectra)
  21. First world fish problems for the win!
  22. How do you have time for friends who aren’t in the hobby 😁
  23. Good question. Hey Kim, we’re we still going to have a selection order for this even though they will be bagged? I am guessing yes but not sure anyone did anything. We could just draw names out of a bag at the meeting as it’s fewer people. I think Holly might have suggested that. @Emerald525 @Gil&Fin
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