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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Yep - they were divided up as LPS and SPS but otherwise a mystery. I missed out on them also but recall the frenzy! At least that is my recollection... (insert failing memory joke here)
  2. Should work - probably need the audio jack adaptor... may have one around. I also have a Tidal subscription so could stream from that on a laptop if we had WiFi - just don't have any local files to work from.
  3. I do have a PA if we decide we want one. Would leave the audio source up to someone else as I don't have a large library catalogued.
  4. Would be great to see you with a tank again - your previous one was really sharp. Good luck with the search!
  5. Glad this popped back up as I hadn’t made the connection as to who this was. Makes it even more interesting as an option! Keep us posted. 👍
  6. Given the “volunteer” mentioned in another thread I have my concerns about option four but hey, it’s all for a good cause right? I do kind of dig the margarita machine idea though. Could always distribute tickets/coupons for drinks to keep it reasonable.
  7. This is a cool idea - especially with the possibility of doing some different colors. Will definitely be be following along to see how this goes. Welcome Nate!
  8. Welcome Waffles! That is a really nice looking setup - seems like your time since last April has been well spent. I know there are at least a few regular members on the forum from down your way. Hopefully you will find some helpful information and advice here when you need it and maybe even make it to a meeting in person. We try and have events outside PDX with some regularity and will likely get as far south as Tangent again soon.
  9. Yeah - nothing like a BBQ in the rain to feel like you are in Oregon. Bummed that we didn’t get a chance to catch up - even crazier than usual.
  10. Nice small footprint skimmer for someone without a lot of room in their sump!
  11. Sweet! Rudy's operation is pretty amazing as is his collection of various corals. Maybe I can finally pick up my last auction win if it's still there
  12. Looking great Brian! Really like how the whole integrated stand/hood came together... super clean! The sump/equipment arrangement is quite tidy as well. Sharp!
  13. Smack talk in the grow out thread... when things get "real" in PNWMAS land
  14. Welcome! Looks like you are off to a good start. I really like the backlit window idea in the stand... cool way to make a refugium light a feature!
  15. Second (or is it third?) that big time! So glad Scott has been extremely generous with his time helping out on these events - it makes a huge difference. Definitely some karmic payback with those gift certificate wins! (Use them wisely😁) @spectra
  16. Sounds like a great sale - will have to try and make it up there for one of these!
  17. Well good luck anyway! I’m sure Holly gave you some great advice along with the qt setup - hope it works out for you.
  18. Well... I have to fess up to actually helping out with the beer. By the time I got a chance to grab a drink it was the only thing left! (Thanks Kim!)
  19. Yeah - that was wall to wall reefers today. Jeff went way out of his way to make this event one to remember and it was certainly that. BBQ, multiple group buys, grow out comps, raffle and lots of killer livestock. Jeff's team was rocking as well and put in a ton of work... including all the online auctions leading up to the event. I have a feeling it's going to be a while before we top today's meeting. If you missed out though, don't worry - we will be back at it next month!!! (exhausted just thinking about it)
  20. BTW - I managed to grab a bag full for you. Headed over there early to help set up and will have it for you when you get there.
  21. Jorge has some serious “lifts” as well if you can recruit him. 😁
  22. Looking sharp Greg! Love that parrot fish - wanted him bad but just didn’t have the room. Glad he ended up in your tank.
  23. Yeah - not really sure as I had a couple factors overlapping but I think there was still adequate light originally but I kept losing cheato balls as they physically broke up then would disintegrate. Could have been completely unrelated but does great now without the extra flow. Just thought I would throw it out there as a possible complicating factor as it seems counter intuitive.
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