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Everything posted by pantherguy30

  1. Hmm wonder if that's the same one on my octopus rec skimmer? I think it's the next 1 up. If you still have it next Thursday Ill have to take a look at it!
  2. Have u thought about a greenhouse? I've been pondering the idea after reading a few books and I think I'm gonna give it a try.
  3. Not to sure if medred is interested but since im making the trip down I could save him the worries of shipping and bring his stuff back up with me.
  4. Very nice gypsy:) Sounds like I'm gonna have to make some room in the tank! Cause I want 1 of all:)
  5. Mostly sps, but could always add some more zoo's to the tank too:)
  6. Checking in to see whats left?? May take a trip down on Friday if your available. Not looking for any one thing but would like to see what goodies you have for sale:)
  7. Thought I'd add a couple shoots of the tank since I haven't posted any pics in a long time.
  8. Wanted to give a heads up to anyone that's thinking about making your own fixture out of the velux sun tunnel parts. I have 2 damaged 10 inch kits here at Lowes in Tigard that need to get off my salesfloor. $50 for each takes them home. 1 has a broken dome, and the other has some dents in the metal itself. Regular price is $162.00
  9. Hey Dennis I thought that Mason Supply wasnt selling retail. Did they change there ways?
  10. Crabs So I purchased an acro colony and noticed a crab hanging around the base. I removed it cause like a ding dong I had no clue if it was good or bad. I looked it up and found out that It was a acro crabDOH! I just keep adding to the dumb things I have done with my tank lately(nutty) So thats why I was asking if anyone knew where to get these little guys. I'll head back to the LFS where I got the colony from and try and see if I can find another colony with 1 on it.
  11. Wanted to know if anyone knows where to obtain acro crabs?
  12. My bad for bringing myself down to that level! Again best of luck to you Isaac and I'll see you next week!
  13. Thanks again Isaac! Way sweet colors on the frags as always! Good luck on your business venture and I'll definatly be a supporter of it! Maybe even the fellow forum member above will help too.
  14. I wish I would have been home when you picked up that tank from me. You could have seen my little stinker.
  15. It would definatly cover that size! plus you would have one heck of a fixture if you ever went to a larger size tank.
  16. I'm useing the lumenmax 3 250 watt hqi fixture above my 50 gallon cube tank. Running a 14k pheonix bulb and all I can say is it's bright! I can't remember where I saw the thread but, this fixture at the time I purchased it had the best coverage for a 24 x 24 area. I've also heard good things about the elite model aswell. Good luck:)
  17. She's way cute! Don't you guys have an english bully too?
  18. So would Miracle Mud be the one to go with. Looks like there are a few other name brands out there. Also I've seen a couple of these mud systems useing bioballs. I havent seen those being used much anymore. Are they necesarry for this type of setup? Also what type of macro algea do most prefer in this setup?
  19. Wanted to see who has had good success with running a reef tank without a skimmer. I have little to no room in my stand and am tired of working around my skimmer to perform maintenence. Plus it seems every time I go to clean the skimmer I seem to break a part it's pump.DOH! I have about a 2" layer of sand in my tank and the tank has been running for almost a year now. I have been running a recurculating skimmer thats rated for about 300 gallons. Keep in mind my tank is only 50 gallons.(nutty) I have 2flase percs and a mandrin goby. the rest is all lps,sps, and some shrooms. I'm running about 60+ pounds of live rock in the display and some rubble in the sump. I have a sock that gets changed out once a week and I do a 10 gallon water change every 2 weeks. Since I just broke another part on the pump tonight! I'm gonna try and give this a go without one. Please feel free to give me your 2 cents(scary)
  20. I was still in disbelief after throwing in the glass thermometer that I went into my homebrewing stash. Grabed a huge glass thermometer and threw that into the tank and it had the exact same readout as the little 1 did. So I had 2 thermometers and my dial on the titanium heater all telling me that my water was around 85 degrees. I would like to know if anyone could recomend a good digital thermometer that gives more acurate readouts.
  21. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why my corals kept bleaching out and dieing! My water parameters were always in the correct zones. I even built a new hood to locate my 250 de buld 12" off the water. Still kept killing frags! I visited a lfs with a water sample to see if it was an error in my test kits. Everything was fine except they he stated the water seemed warm to him. It was a hot day so I payed little attention to it.But when I got home I decied to play with my heater dial. It wouldnt come on untill 86 plus degrees. I had been useing a little zoo med digital thermometer. I went out and purchased a glass float thermometer and sure enough my water temp was around 85. but my digital thermometer was reading 78! After all this time I had been allowing my tank to run at extreme high temps and never could figure it out. So during our hot streak my tank got well into the 90's. I have no clue how some things were able to survive but I have lost a huge collection of frags i've gathered over the past year. I have added a couple fans to the sump and hood and that has kept my temp issue under controll. So the good news is that I am in the market for lots of new frags. The bad news is I'm a dumb%@# for not catching this a long time ago!! (scratch)
  22. Shhh this was supposed to be a secret! LOL Anyone in the area should definatly stop by Tim's shop and say hello! Way nice guy, and can I say HUGE frags for outstanding prices!
  23. Yup 3-single 175 watt pfo ballasts are available. Take home all 3 for $100.
  24. Bump. All 3- 175 watt pfo's are still available.
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