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Everything posted by pantherguy30

  1. Mine had 1 polyp open the first day and then they haven't opened back up since. I posted my parameters on the photo update w/ a picture. I'm sure they open up eventualy:)
  2. I googled it before and there is a way to tell with an LCD screen and a pair of polarized sunglasses. If the glass is not tempered the sceen goes completely black if it is you can see white lines.
  3. pantherguy30


    Yeah that's the same 1. Like I said he still has at least 1. Maybe that's why it's still there:) I picked mine up a couple months ago just after he fraged it up.
  4. pantherguy30


    I got a chunk of that too:) way happy under the pheonix bulb! I kinda hide it under some rock. I'm pretty sure Tim has at least 1 more piece if anyone interested.
  5. Lol yeah it's retail:) Lowe's. And I do want 1. Ill pm you with a time frame I'll be at work.
  6. I'd be interested. No clue what I'm working on suturday but as soon as I know I'll shoot you a pm. I work right off of 217 and 1-5 in Tigard.
  7. GOC 50 gallon Envision Cube 15 gallon Sump w/ filter sock and live rubble overflow has 3 red mangroves Return pump is a Eheim 1262 feeding 2 1/2" returns Lumen Max 3 pendant w/ a 250w 14k Pheonix bulb Moonlights PCI-RPS2000 Skimmer PH-8.0 KH-9 PO4-0 CA-500ppm N03-0 Mg-1200ppm SG-1.026 Temp-79.4 Placed the frag in front corner and had 1 polyp open at first and then haven't had them open back up since. May move farther back on the side with less flow.
  8. That thermometer in the old pics. Is that the only thermometer? I had I like that the was reading way off! Lost a few corals due to that darn thing:(
  9. Very clean setup! Love the overflow shot. You can almost smell the saltwater:)
  10. I think I came in while you were there lol. I remember the yellow Milli an the tort!
  11. Wanted to say thank you to Ricky for the beautiful cowfish, and the hook up on your purple/blue hornets! Just got them glued down in a spot I hope will help there true colors shine! Definatly would like to see the ricordia's your growing next time I'm out that way!
  12. LOL changed my post to make a little more sense I hope:)
  13. I was happy to find out that even though the sticker said all panels are tempered. Which it turns out they are not! Just wanted to post the fact that there are ways to check before drilling and finding out the hard way:)
  14. So I got the crazy idea to start up a couple 55 gallon frag tanks in the garage. I went out and picked up 2 from some of the local members on here. The plan was to drill them both. But when I got them home. One had a sticker on it stating all panels are temperedDOH! So I googled how to tell if glass is tempered and I came across a thread that stated. By useing a lCD moniter at a 45 degree angle, and a pair of polarized sunglass's you would be able to tell. Well I dont have a pair of shades that are polarized(scratch). So I tore apart an old cell phone and used a piece of polarized plastic instead(nutty). Well It turns out that this crafty idea really works. Well I should say in theory anyway since I haven't drilled them yet! The Non tempered glass should go from white, which the LCD screen was set to. To black just by turning your head to the side. The Tempered glass goes almost black but white lines will apear. I will follow up on this in about a week after I order the bulkheads and the diamond bits(dancing) Since the panels on both the tanks went black even though one of them said it was completely temeperd!
  15. Yeah that's why I brought up the lexan. Gonna throw a sheet over the top of the tank:)
  16. Lol:) I came home today and he gave me a scare for a bit! I expected him to be in his man made home and he wasn't there? Then all of a sudden he comes swimming by into his hole. Looks like he has gotten up the nerve to venture out and explore. I'll have to take a good look around the tank when I get off early enough to see where he's been:) plus pic up a piece of lexan so I can protect my investment!
  17. I have a diamond goby now and he hasn't seemed care much about the new guy or vise versa. I'm just happy he's eating whatever I'm giving him for now:)
  18. Not on my pc but if you go to medreds solana build he has a breakdown of how the PVC home is built and also the water bottle trick. Pretty nifty idea he came up with. It worked like a charm!!
  19. I used medreds idea. I put together the same PVC setup under the sand and then used a water bottle with the top cut off and he just swam right into his new palace:) He started eating about an hour or so after:) so I hope he will be here to stay for awhile.
  20. Misc Corals A few recent additions to the tank
  21. My newest addition to the cube tank(clap)
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