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Everything posted by pantherguy30

  1. I would like some opinions on what brands you like/dislike. It seems there are a ton of options out there and I can't seem to decide on a brand. Main concern would be useable water to waste created. I'm looking for a model that produces about 90 gallons per day. Definatly would like a model that has a membrane flush valve. And are there any pro's con's to hard plumbing over the garden hose? (scratch)
  2. I may be interested in the coral beauty. Do u have pics?
  3. [language filter]:( you guys crack me up! Sighn me up for some of the efflo! Anyway I'm sure I'll be heading down soon enough! Plus let me know if you get anymore blastos in! I likey the red 1 in your display:)
  4. Hey Garrett, wanted to see if you still have that table looking colonie that was towards the left side of your sps frag tank? Got the corals home and they are still looking bueno! So I'm gonna start re adding stuff to the tank. I wanted to take so much more home but I was a lil hesitant due to my proir tank issues. Basically I think it was all due to a temporary use of tap water/phosguard. Have since switched back to ro/di and my tank has stopped self destucting:)
  5. The pom pom mostly hides:( I honestly thought somebody made dinner out of him untill I saw him way in the back of the rocks one day shacking his arms at me:) Anyway I'll shoot you a pm later on next week before I head down. I'm excited to bring back several boxes this time. Too bad Patrick may not ever get his box
  6. Hmmm gonna have to make a trip down to salem next weekend:) Will the acro colonies be in by then?? I ended up poisoning my tank with phosguard. I have been waiting for it to cycle out. It ended up torching all my sps colonies and several chalices:( So now I'm on to the next disaster. lol
  7. Hmmm I may have to try that:) I'm running the 1262 Eheim. but my returns are 1/2". I definatly want to switch over to a controller to give some random flow. Either way your tanks coming along nicely:) I love seing all the new pics!
  8. Just curious why your not useing lock line on the returns? I was looking at your powerhead shot and noticed them missing:)
  9. Could you use this and there ReefBioFuel toether? I just started useing the biofuel which is supposed to be there take off of vodka doesing.
  10. Definatly a new tank:) gonna turn my cube into the cuttlefish tank! It's gonna be a bit but as soon as I can piece everything together and order the new tank. I'll definatly be contactng you for 1!
  11. Bridgeport Ipa straight from the cask at there pearl brewery! Or the chocolate porter at Hopeworks across the street from Rosecity aquarium:) There are a ton of local brewerys here. Good luck:)
  12. That bristle worm reminds me of my sons Where's Waldo book! There's a dogs tail in the book that pokes out like that:) LoL
  13. I just found one of those in my tank the other night! I just purchased a new flashlight and had to test it on my tank:) There it was just cruising around the rocks. I would like to know what it is aswhell!
  14. Oh and that linckia star is definatly awsome! One of my favorite things to see everyday in my tank! How about a cuttlefish?? Jk He'd make dinner out of my clowns and jawfish:( Someday though!
  15. LOL so I got to see the pom pom crab for all of 5 minutes! I havent seen him since! Not sure if he became food, or if he has found a good hidding spot? On another note those snails are crazy cleaners! I havent had to wipe down my tank since! I tend to over feed anyway. Now I almost feel obligated to over feed to keep those guys fat and happy:)
  16. First saw this on cl. Way good price, for and envision tank! Ill be keeping an eye on this:) I just have to wait untill after christmas to spend on my crack hobby. Did you ever sell that cube from James??
  17. Wanted to say thanks to Tim for going out of his way and bringing in some new salt and supplys for me!
  18. Rounders Hunt for Red October A River Runs Through It Stripes Any Given Sunday Not in any order:)
  19. Wowskies! Glad to here you guys are ok!
  20. Congrats Calvin! Someday you'll remember what sleep is again:)
  21. Yeah I didn't have polarized glasses either. So I tore apart an old cell phone and used the polarized plastic on the LCD screen. Then I used the LCD screen on my camcorder with a white piece of paper in front of it. Basicaly turned the polarized plastic untill it either went black or lines showed up:)
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