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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Lol, wow squenting really does help! Awesome little guy! I have a blue maxima and love it! In my luck, they seem to be much better looking and live far more frequently then do croceas though I love both. Garrett
  2. You will go through several algae stages and this is normal and can be fun to watch so no worries. In my system I try to keep as many snails as possible. Go for a variety as they all eat different things and serve different purposes. Mind you I have around a 600 gallon system at the moments so you will want to scale your purchase dow by 10 figures but... Currently I have 25 or so larger turbo snails, which I would try and stay away from given your size tank, 50 black footed snails, 50 astrea, 25 trocus, 25 cerith, 200 nassurus obsselita, 50 nassurus vibex, 2 checkered conches, 1 fighting conch, 100 or so blue leg hermits, 25 red leg hermits, 25 zebra leg hermits, 50 small speckled leg hermits, 10 emerald crabs, 2 sally light foot crabs, 3 tiger tail cucumbers, 4 sand sifting stars, 2 lawn mower blennies, 2 sand sifting gobies, and a few misc. Variety is the key to a good clean up crew and in turn a clean tank. Make sure to get snails that both clean your rock and your glass as certain varieties have preferences. Also sand sifters are crutial in the long term. Also for the future, make sure to keep good bulbs over your tank. The length you have been running your bulbs can have a huge effect on unwanted algae growth over time. If you have any questions, these guys for the most part really know their hobby so dont hesitate to ask. Have fun with the tank! Garrett
  3. Thanks for the PM. When you have some time grab those measurements for me. I am using them primarily as macro algae grow out tanks, frag tanks, and possible a couple isolation. Thanks, Garrett
  4. I am interested and you have my attention. I would like to know a bit more. What are the demensions of the tanks all around? I would also like to know if copper was ever used on them? What were the tanks used for?
  5. Well Mr. S, There is no excuse for a tank crash! I mean comeone man, you are a teach. On a happy note, I have some stuff I would love to throw in your tank. How does an extra sand sifting star, some coral frags, a pink spotted goby, and a yellow tail blue damsel sound? I also breed quite an assortment of macro algaes that I would be willing to share a bit of for the classroom if that is of interest. Let me know when you are coming to Salem next. Good to see you back on the site! Garrett
  6. I have recently done some upgrades on my system and am looking to add 3 15 amp circuits as well as corresponding outlets to each circuit. My box is only a few feet from where I need the outlets to be run so it will be a pretty easy job. I know very little about electrical which is why I require an electrician to help with this. I am willing to pay for all the necessary wireing, outlets, circuits, etc. if someone is willing to trade their electrical genius for either more cash or live rock(have several hundred pounds to choose from), coral frags(hard and soft), metal halide ballasts(pfo), or Icecap 440 VHO ballast and new 5 ft bulbs. Let me know if you can handle the job and would like to help a fellow reef keeper out as I really dont want to call a local electrician out if I can avoid it. I need it done within a week or so so I appologize for rush. Thanks, Garrett
  7. Doran, I have a racoon faced butterfly that wiped out my little feather pests in about 2 days flat. Believe me I had thousands. The only bad part is that now he is also wiping out all mushrooms, zoas, and lps in my tank!!! I have never heard of this problem, and I may have just a little meany on my hands but be careful. Now I cant get the bastard out of the tank! Garrett
  8. I have purchased a few frags on ebay from him. Try and pickup if possible to avoid shipping. I spent way too much because of the shipping. Frags were fine though and are still doing well.
  9. Yah, I would take advantage of the live rock. If you do that then you dont have to worry about any weird swings in your tank and its pretty close to the same price. I dont think you would have any problems if you have enough volume and live rock already, but adding more live rock for that price just makes good sense. Garrett
  10. That is a super color! I really like it. Keep that thing nice and fed! Garrett
  11. That is amazing! I am very happy to see us with a site like this. I could have definately used it when I was just getting into the hobby. Great!!!! Garrett
  12. Just thought I would let you know that that is the standard 90g size aga. The new company actually still makes that size tank in the same demensions if you are inerested in purchasing it.
  13. I actually had the older style of this in the 175w version running over one of my tanks for a while and it worked pretty well. I will say that it was kinda noisy and the actinics that it came with seems to be just a blueish bulb and not so much that actinic look. never had any problems with heat from the ballast on this version. My roommate actually still uses it over his nano cube and it works excellent for him. It has gotten noisier as time has gone on and I think the fans might need to be replaced. Garrett
  14. If at all possible, send me some pics of the stuff if you have a chance. If you are a sponser, I am down. Supporting the sight and the hobby to the best ability is my only concern. As for all you other retailers out there, I will support each of you according to how much I like you and your ability to both carry what I like and at decent prices. The health of your lifestock is of upmost importance and if price gets in the way there, I dont mind. Healthy animals with a little higher price is fine by me. There are so many awesome retailers out there and I want to thank you all for your efforts and businesses! I just think that this post is a nice gesture on Oxx's part and meant no harm to anyone else from what I can see. p.s. I have a business similar to many of the retailers out there just in a different line of work and I know how you all feel! Garrett
  15. Yah, we all live and learn what is best and what doesn't fly! Excellent start. I think I had many of the same experiences at first with my first build. Keep the pics and updates coming! Garrett
  16. Assuming nothing falls through, I have aquired a few new tanks!!! Thanks Sol for building me a couple of nice tanks to my specs at a great price!!! Garrett
  17. Thanks for the suggestion guys, Do you remeber the price of the ones at saltwater fantaseas? Thanks, Garrett
  18. Thanks for asking Doran, I was working in my shed one night about a month ago and all the sudden one of the 2x6 supports for the front of the top tanks snaped away from its corresonding adjacent 2x6. It was a really stupid mistake on my part. First off, the gorrila glue would have worked just fine had the mosture level in the shed been alot lower and secondly and most important, during construction I ran out of deck screws and had to use a few verious other screws that were lying around. Remember people, drywall screw, even the really big and strong ones, are not galvanized and are not good in any kind of weight bearing construction. Anyway, to make a long story really short. all 3 tanks on that side of the shed ended up cracking on their back walls fromt the 2"+ shift from that 2x6 brakeing off. I was able to save all of the livestock because I had a couple other tanks to put it all in and since it happened right in front of me, I could act really quickly. The wierd thing is, I was expecting the loss of water volume and shift in salinity to really reap havoc in my display and to my suprise, stuff actually looks happier and is doing better a month later than ever. Now I am in the process of rebuilding that side of the shed with both extra support, proper hardware, and lighter volume tanks. I have posted a WTB thread with more detail on this. I have done alot of really dum things over my reef keeping career, but this was probably the stupidest mistake that I have yet to make and it will not happen again. Thanks and remember never use drywall screws, ever. Garrett
  19. I am looking for 2-3 frag tanks. I need these tanks to be from 8-12 inches in hieght, 34-40 inches long and 16-20 inches wide. I would prefer acrylic do to weight, but am willing to go glass depeding on the demensions. I dont need any holes in the tanks, but if bulkheads exist already I can probably work with them. I am going to have these constructed for me if I cant find any from any of you guys, but if any of you happen to have one or two or three you would like to get rid of for a resonable price that would be great. Thanks, Garrett
  20. Very nice! You should try and turn your sump around so that you can see the refugium portion of the sump. Other than that, looks like you got a good start. Let your buddy know that I think he is a pimp for giving you such a steal on that system! Looks like a great one! Garrett
  21. Simply awesome! Very nice setup! Garrett
  22. SWEET! Its awesome that you picked one of those up. They are such cool looking systems! Let me know what you think in the long run. I will have to come check it out. Garrett
  23. Mike, I like you man, but didn't have to go this far on this one. Try and just ignore drama and use the sight for what it is for(useful info and connecting with others). See you soon man! Later, Garrett
  24. Not to worry, this is completely normal and is generally a good sign. Most of the time shrimps will molt when either a. algae and bacteria has built up on their exoskeleton, or b. they are growing. Iodine dosing and proper chemical levels will encourage healthy molting and is good for the exoskeletons of shrimps, crabs and pods. It is crazy how some of their exoskeletal remains look so much like a dead shrimp. I have been called over countless times in concern that one of my shrimp had died or been killed. It is always just an empty exoskeleton. Garrett
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