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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Lol!!! my favorite movies of all time!!!!
  2. Sound to me like Caulerpa prolifera. Good stuff and the tangs actually love it. If I lived closer I would come grab some unfortunately with the price of gas... well thank you for the offer. For those that live close or are able to get it mailed to you, those along with gracilaria are some of my favorite macros. Garrett
  3. What tipe of macro and how much do you want get rid of? Thanks for your time
  4. I have an icecap 660 ballast that I just got a brand new harness for. It will run 4 110w VHO's so if you ever need extra lighting it is a nice choice. I can sell it for $110. I have the Icecap 430 on my display for my actinic supplementation or I would still be using this. Garrett
  5. Sweet looking stuff! I love it when most all of the space is taken up by beautiful corals! I really like the acro pieces in the last picture especially the deep water piece up top and the one in the lower right hand corner. Garrett
  6. They have never messed with any of my clams and I have hundreds of them in my tank. I would say go for it and get some! They really only will mess with smaller snails as they start to get larger and possibly with each other to try and battle for shells. Excellent little critters in my opinion. Garrett
  7. I have seen bubble tips do that many times and many times its just a temporary thing. I used to feed my RBA silversides once a week. Then I moved to every two weeks and now I simply do not feed it. Believe me it is gigantic. Occasionally my pink skunk clowns bring it food but other than that its main source of nutrients come from the zoanthelia and their photosynthetic energy production. I also have a carpet that I have had for along time and the same applies to it. Both are extremly healthy and have excellent color. I would let it do its thing. Maybe provide some nice clean water with a water change making sure that your salinity reflects appropriately to its needs. Good luck and I hope it turns around for you. Its not in too bad of shape as of current and looks as if it has great potential for turn around. Garrett
  8. Not to flame, but it sounds like unethical business to me. Garrett
  9. I usually dont have a problem with zoas and rics getting too close to hurt my sps. My LPS and leathers I try and keep on the bottom of my tank or low in the tank but the SPS definately hold there own against the zoas and rics. In fact I have some zoas that have completely grown around some of my sps colonies with very little to no ill effect. They just wont grow close enough to have to battle with them. Garrett
  10. I would not be too worried about zoanthids either. I have kept literally hundreds of species and have experienced zoa fungus and zoa pox, but it is not extremely common. Nudibranchs seem to be more common to me, but like anything in this hobby, they can be dealt with and fairly easily. You really cant beat the color of some zoanthids and they grow really well. As far as softies go, I would go with some green sinularia if you can find any. It is perhaps on of the coolest colored leathers you can get and is not too uncommon. If you ever get up this way I could throw you together a nice package of various zoas, lps, softies and if you get the lighting, eventually some sps. If you can, set up a quarantine tank for your new corals so that you know that they are safe before you introduce them to general population in you display. Have a good one and dont be afraid of getting into some zoanthids/palys. They really are perhaps the coolest softies as a group that you can get! Garrett
  11. If its the rubbermaid 150g tub it probably goes for between $90-$110. I purchased my 2 100g last summer for $65 each from a farm and feed shop just outside of town and they had the 150g's for $90. Petro prices have gone up alot though so they could be quite a bit more now. Garrett
  12. Sounds good guys! I will have to let you know when I will be down your way next. Garrett
  13. I just picked up the Eugene and Southern Oregon territory in my job. I am excited to get the opportunity to meet and enjoy some of the new people and stores down to the south! Garrett
  14. As far as the water change thing goes... I wont tell you my normal water changing schedule. Lets just say its usually alot longer than a few weeks between my changes. It all depends on your system and things like water volume, bioload, nutrient levels, and trace element demand. If you were to see my system you would think that I do water changes everyweek, but the truth is it simply is not needed and doesn't benifit the system great enough to make a difference. But like I said each system is different. I had a 29g reef that I did weekly water changes on. Of course the water changes weren't 150g at a time either making it much easier:) Garrett
  15. That does help. Thanks. Unfortunately I am not sure I will be able to make it that far north. I would love to take a look at your setup though sometime. Thanks, Garrett
  16. Where abouts are you located? I would be willing to grab a few. Thanks, Garrett
  17. I have thousands of Nassarius snails in both the vibex and the obselleta varieties if you are interested in adding more I can sell some for cheap. I would try and get a small sand sifting star for your tank too. Garrett
  18. I love mag floats but for those corners I definately here what everyone is saying. Also, try and go with the next size up then what is recommended. I have found they do a little better job. Garrett
  19. I have an Icecap 660 ballast and endcaps that I just purchased a brand new wireing harness for. I have no use fore it and was going to list it on ebay but if you are intersted I would sell it with 4 endcaps for $110. It will power up to 4 4ft bulbs or you can just run 2 bulbs if you like. Garrett
  20. Looks to me like a nice Acan Enchinada. Not sure if I spelled that correctly but you get the drift. Enjoy the new beauty!
  21. If that doesn't work out for you, Jason at Coral Reef Pet Center has a killer 120 in the dems you are looking for. It is below his cost and is an amazing tank. Garrett
  22. I think that around 400gph is a good number to try and achieve so that you have some nice flow. This will minimize the need for extra pumps in the tank and maximize the water turnover amount. Just as long as flow in the tank itself is nice, it really doesn't matter how much over 100gph is being turned over from your sump in a tank of your size. I would try and keep it between 200-400gph though. Try getting a genx 2400, Mag 5, or a rio or catelina in the 400-600gph range. I prefer the mag 5 or genx pump from my experience if you want to have a good quality pump for the money.
  23. Looks like the pics are going to have to wait until early next week. My dad borrowed my camera. Thanks, Garrett
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